I think Keine has the best hat. It's still darn silly though.

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File 163365430693.jpg - (188.55KB, 792x1080, __hakurei_reimu_kirisame_marisa_izayoi_sakuya_konp.jpg)
Serious discussion time:
Who out of all the main series protagonists is the most lethal? If Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, Youmu, and Sanae were to stop playing danmaku and just try to kill eachother, who would be consistently doing better or worse?

This isnt just a "who is best" argument either, as the above sentence should imply, even if an objective winner is found that just means its time to argue second and third place.
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Cirno unironically (and ironically, due to her being the weaker boss in the same game) has the best matchup against Sakuya due to her perfect freeze, which creates an area of (almost?) 0k temperature, which also stops any low energy and any physical projectile in their track immediately.

Assuming Sakuya accelerates her time (rather than stopping everyone else's) it would mean her entering the area of effect of perfect freeze at any point would freeze her solid to the core in what amounts to an instant, which qualifies as an incapacitation, granting Cirno victory.
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Except Cirno is just the kind of dumbass who would forget that she can even do that. Plus she really has no skin in the game when fairies don't permadeath. She might win by "default" because of it, but that means basically nothing when she probably wouldn't remember what was happening after getting murked yet again. But hollow victories do feel pretty Touhou so I dunno.
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> Intelligence
Cirno is dumb when it comes to booksmarts but she has shown competency in battle. While Marisa started out playing around with her she has admitted at the end of their battle in Great Fairy Wars that she had to put in real effort towards the end. Mind you what I am saying here is from memory and may differ from what I said in actuality.
Whether she's gonna be strategic enough to pull what I said through is up for debate - maybe there are manga panels showing her being creative with her ice powers, which could set a reasonable precedent for it.

>Win condition
There's reason to assume most folks have ways to incapacitate Cirno; sealing, capturing her tying her up. Reimu wins here by default again. Reisen's insanity works as well.

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Making me post up another thing, god damn...

A few people wanted to do 30 updates a month. More people just wanted "any kind of story fitting the theme, short or otherwise". I don't care how you go about it, but for September of this year how about writing a "horror" themed story?

Wuzzat mean? Well after having talked about it a lot I and others have concluded that actual horror might not be in most THP writers' wheelhouses, so fast and loose is the idea. Ghost characters (Tojiko, Minamitsu, Mima, Yuyuko, (sorta) Youmu), spookier characters (fortune teller, Rumia, Kisume, Yuuka)---that's fair game with whatever scenario. Bonus for trying to make things creepy with any character, OC or not, that you choose? There's no prizes here, and no winners. Well, we all win with some participation.

If you do a comedy, that's fine. Slice of life, that's fine. "Scary" story, also fine. Porn? Fine.

I want you to write. A short, a full story, whatever you like.

Let's fill the site with life a little by dabbling in some themes of death, and have a chilling or chill September.

Post here or the other thread idgaf I'll be linking my story here when I'm ready to post it because the other thread is pushing a rule I don't agree with.
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I'm chipping in for this, too
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There we go.
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File 163310126418.jpg - (172.60KB, 1024x768, __konpaku_youmu_and_konpaku_youmu_touhou_drawn_by_.jpg)
I'm glad we had a decent amount of activity! Sorry that I... still haven't updated my story. It WILL happen, I was insanely busy with something else. As in I spent about 30 hours or so on writing related things unrelated to Touhou, out of obligations, and I seriously had no time for much of anything else. Yay!


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File 163042587150.png - (197.57KB, 492x414, Spoooktember.png)
You hear your phone ring, an unknown number is on it

Out of curiosity you pick it up, what could possibly go wrong?


Did that scare you Anon? If not then you poor soul have yet to realize something very important~

You've been hit by the curse of WRITE OR DIE dun~ dun~ DUN!

The only way to survive this terrible force is to participate in the most unholy ritual known as Spooktember, perhaps you've never heard of it since it's only now that we shall partake in it in the Outside World.

Spooktember is an event that we youkai or people without souls participate in every 300 years or so, by spreading scary stories, stories about ghost girls, or overall stories that fit the theme of the supernatural we make the world a tad more aware of it. It's an modest and honest way to combat the evil and oh so sceptic Science people that give you your funny sound boxes and metal cars.

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then who was phone!?
Good luck if you're participating
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The effort in this post is appreciated, but you can look at the discussion thread yourself to see that the 30 updates thing was not agreed upon and was rather one poster's assumption that a few others agreed to >>16310 . Others disagreed, as honestly shorts were expected instead. We actually do have a 30 updates in a month thing, but it's in November since that's National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

I'm not going to prompt anyone to try to do 30 updates in a month. If they try that's their prerogative, but it's definitely not what everyone agreed on while we were coming up with this
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Ah, that's my bad then!

Do ignore this one from now on, and I'll gladly participate in the correct Spooktember!

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File 162302739265.jpg - (113.65KB, 425x169, stupid hat.jpg)
stupid hat
*does not actually have to be in/from gensokyo, just touhou project.

I think Keine's hat is in fact, NOT the best hat, regardless of aesthetics. its shape means its liable to fall off her head at any given moment, and its small brim means it keeps neither the rain nor sun off her head, meaning it is not only stupid, but useless.

Therefore, I want us to debate which hat, is the single best, or at the very least, least shit, in touhou project. style can be a factor, but at the end of the day, a hat that cant do its job is still useless.

To start I'm going to say Marisa's hat is at least a massive improvement over Keine's at the very least it'll keep her head dry-ish.
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WaggySaggy has no hat, silly.
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File 162460635478.jpg - (6.82KB, 225x225, haats.jpg)
I don't see an hat anywhere anons, Show your argument by showing a better one
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...cant really argue with this, if I made another argument it was gonna be tenshi or iku, but this has em beat. My vote is for the dumpster hags hat.

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File 160288092073.webp - (81.62KB, 1200x1428, nanofall2020.webp)
Alright, fuckboys, since you're all you, I guess it's time to get this shit started a month early. And since I'm the one to get around to it this time, we're just cramming the threads together. Don't like it? Well, we can talk about it later over tea.

Okay, so, what's Nanowrimo?

I'm glad you asked, figurative anon who's been living under a fucking rock!

NaNoWriMo (or National Novel Writing Month) is a goddamn month to write a goddamn novel. In THP's case, that means thirty uninterrupted days of updates or thirty-thousand (30,000) words total. If you can manage it, good for you. Pat yourself on the back.

How about prizes for those who finish under the conditions?


If somebody wants to do it, they can. I'm not going to hold out hope, nor do I think anyone else is. Why not give us all a pleasant surprise?

Okay, fine. Oh, and what's this crap about A.T.O.M.?
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Day thirty. Last day, lads!
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Finished with thirty updates. I'm a dumb bitch, but I did it. See you guys next decade.
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File 160686919567.jpg - (3.45MB, 1736x2456, otsukareokuu.jpg)
Well, guess that's a wrap, fellow atomics.

See you come... March? May? Sometime in the coming year. We can all have a radioactive good time then, too.

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gang signs



So Nanowrimo’s approaching in two weeks. Know what that means? Yeah, you guessed it. A bunch of broken promises. Starting November, I’m pushing all you writers out there to do thirty updates in November. No, I’m not telling you that you HAVE to do one a day because I know shit happens. Your internet died for a day? Write two updates the next day. No big deal.

If you decide to write thirty updates in one day, I’m going to find out where you live and personally drown you in a kiddie pool.

Anyway. Rules are simple. Thirty updates before November ends—and no, I’m not going to give a fuck about timezones. inb4 muh 12 hour extension. They can be shorts, updates for a current story, updates for a new story—all are fine. But if you’re going to do multiple stories, remember to link them here. It’s going to be hell for record-keeping if you don’t.


“You mean there’s more to Nanowrimo than thirty days of suffering?”
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hmm yes, yes, I could do this.

perhaps something to write while I am secluded from the world.
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Please, feel free. If we end up with 2 on accident, that won't be a bad thing.
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I finally did it. It only took like two years hahahahaha fuck me. If you squint real hard, you might be able to see romance but don't strain your eyes. Funny how I prefer to write romance when possible, but I took a big fucking detour when asked to write one.

Anyway, I might continue on and write the other stories in this thread but give me like another decade.

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mobile computing
Continuation of >>13959

In short, use this thread to report any issues with the site, provide general feedback or suggestions.

Since the last thread there have been a lot of changes made to THP including new features (eg in the settings menu) and to the story list among other things. I'm too lazy to provide patch notes for every update but things change regularly. Feel free to ask questions related to that as well if you have any.
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I can think of two somewhat feasible solutions to reaching the latest update (aside from the keyboard navigation mentioned by >>16194). I wish to avoid over-engineered code or too much internal change as there's a surprising amount of caveats and checks needed due to how the data are structured. I'll continue to have a think on what's best.

>a story has been 'adopted'.
I'm not aware of someone else just coming in and continuing something without the original author's consent but I am aware of cases where it was a collaboration and one of the writers ended up taking over completely.

Since you mentioned RSS, I'm not sure many are aware there are also feeds for each board (though I have long since thought about removing it since I don't think anyone uses them).
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I use them.
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Some devices lack keyboards that can be used without text boxes or fields being in focus, unfortunately. In any case, it's not a big deal.

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File 159314107076.png - (763.77KB, 1000x926, your previous champion.png)
your previous champion
9TH! "What happened to the contest last year?" Yeah, what?

Hello, THP. Even with no prize bestowed upon me two years ago I am here again, been here all this time, because I love you. Let's hold a motherfuckin contest.

I'll just take old rules. I think now's a good time to run a contest because we actually have several actives at the moment. Let's give it a shot!

Categories: General, Newbie, and Lewd. No themes.
The entry period will last 2 weeks, running from 7/9/20 to 7/23/20. Voting eill also be two weeks: from 7/23/20 to 8/6/20.

Last yeartime I was the only newbie and moved to general but hey, whatever. If you haven't written before, and want to try, go and try bro. The last time we offered prizes none of them manifested. I like "honor and satisfaction" as prizes myself, but hey. We actually got a lot of shorts written as the prize for Nanowrimo a while back. Anyone willing to offer stuff up as well? I can't offer art, of course. I'm also thinking about mentioning runners up. Like, why not really?

Anyway get off your asses, and WRITE.
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>all you puritan sissies who refused to vote in lewds
Hard to have anything to say about any of it when none of it grabbed me. It's too different of a deal from regular entries to vote on when there's no basic appeal. And there's no point in arguing about tastes in sexual matters because there's too many irrational elements to subject them to any meaningful scrutiny.
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Clowning fag is me, but of course it is. Truth to tell, participating wasn’t at all my intent, but a certain Amanojaku maniac bullied me to contribute lest the category sees no competition. Which ended up overcrowding it in the end. Ironic. I feel kind of bad for cluttering it up with so few votes to go around to boot. Oh, well. Always another ten years.

The idea involved a chikan scenario at first, but after a few hours’ worth of jerking off furious speculation, I couldn’t unearth a plausible setup for chikan to occur in Gensokyo. No trains, see? So, it became what it became. Initial rough had Akyuu rather than Clownpiece catching a ride back to town, Akyuu being my known wife. Somewhere along the way, though, I got it into my head that a stealthy fairy instead would boost the lewd factor of the thing. And Clownpiece is, in my humorous take, the cutest and funniest of the lot. A bit of background Heca perving out was an added perk. Could’ve stretched it even longer if I hadn’t been so stubborn about a threat I made to a meandering someone a while ago. Hmm.

Curious how so many of my lewd ideas loop around the EET, and yet I haven’t in easily accessible memory lewded any of the actual EETs at length. Food for thought.
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File 159864316149.jpg - (488.03KB, 2100x2176, patchu burger.jpg)
patchu burger
I wrote Scarlet Days / Flowering Nights, or, as I've recently taken to calling it, Scarlet Days + Flowering Nights. Or rather, just Scarlet Days and Scarlet Nights, because the second title was supposed to just be a subtitle for an optional extra.

Anyway every review about it is correct. This is what happens when I'm off my fucking chump and try to write slice of life. I don't regret it though because I'd never get a chance to do this kind of stuff otherwise.

The main incident was caused by tree roots growing through a drainage pipe, which often happens with older buildings like the Scarlet Devil Mansion as they tend to have unprotected clay drainage pipes, installed before the modern practice came about of concreting around them. The pipe gets broken open and half-blocked, and this causes the surrounding soil to become heavily waterlogged, which can then in turn lead to a leaking basement, just because no structural waterproofing is ever really perfect. (This happened to me once.)

I wasn't actually trying to flex, though. What I'd really wanted to do was get into Flandre's head, being a vampire who lives in a basement and has some funny ideas in her head about the world and isn't cute at all. Then fairies hijacked my story, so I guess I fucked up in that regard.

The Sakuya portion came about entirely as an afterthought because I saw the opportunity to make a joke about Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus that wasn't just 'lol it's incomprehensible', and I knew at least one person on THP was at least passingly familiar with it.

Look forward to the sequel, wherein Yamame Kurodani asks three questions, which is to say, asks the same question three times (about backyard tree health) before receiving an answer, makes a (correct) diagnosis of root intrusion, and bills the Scarlet Devil Mansion two dozen curtains for her time.

I also wrote Fucking Vampires, as a (more straightforward) joke. I've never written porn before, but since someone managed to like it, maybe I'll try it again some day.

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magical thunk
For quite some time I’ve wanted to write more on the site. I know I currently have running stories but those often require time to get right and to then wait around for votes. What I miss the most from early site days is being able to write something pretty much whenever. I know that it’s impossible to get that level of activity again in a single thread but there’s other ways to get close to that feeling.

To that end I’m posing the following question: What would you be willing to read and vote regularly in?

I’m more than open to reviving my older stories that were left unfinished for one reason or another. What I enjoy the most about writing on THP is the interactivity part and so it’s important that the numbers are there. If there’s no demand then I won’t bother. In that same vein, I’m not really interested in writing shorts or long form non-interactive stories.

I’d also be willing to start something new if someone pitches a good idea. However, I’d prefer it not to be too plot-heavy as I want to focus on something easier to write as I deal with other ongoing stories. Light and fast is ideal but it can be something else that works in rotation with my other stories.

Depending on responses I may put it to a vote here. Might also be worth noting if there’s something you wouldn’t read and vote in that’s been proposed. As THP’s active voter base is small these days, I want to try to have something that keeps most people on board. That way if one or two people go away or don’t vote for a while, it doesn’t become frustrating.

I tried not to gas on too much here but if there’s any questions about my proposal or thinking/whatever, I’ll happily answer them in this thread.

Oh and one last thing: Happy Birthday, THP!
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Just do what you're doing now, silly.
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>posting is too hard
step 1 type word
step 2 hit reply
hth fam
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It's not that easy. This one time, I made a typo, and THP wouldn't let me delete the post. I'm sure thousands of people here still laugh about it to this very day.

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We've been without one of these for almost ten months. Time to revive the tradition!

What have you been reading lately? What do you recommend to your fellow THPers?
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It had a lot of potential, that's for sure. Unfortunately, Kagerou's character was too weak to serve as a meaningful foil for any of the admitidly well executed supporting cast. Not intelligent/ambitious enough to have a fun scene with patchy, not witty/horny enough to have a fun scene with Remi, and the list continues in this fashion. The most egregious of these deficencies has to be her leadership/charisma though. I expected the contrast between Sakuya's brutal regime and whatever style Kagerou went with would be a central pillar of the story, but there was hardly any interplay at all between her and the fairy brigade.

I do have to acknowledge the interaction with Banki was well done though.

Spiritual SAGE for off-topic.
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Late as hell, but >hardly interplay at all between her and the fairy brigade

Blame the voters. They didn't want any of that, judging from the choices. Same with why Kagerou's character is "too weak"; there were choices to learn more and everyone went chasing shenanigans instead. Anyway, the main character is the rock and everybody seemed to forget that constantly.

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