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File 170958658971.jpg - (65.61KB, 850x1129, Reimu Brutananadilewski.jpg)
Reimu Brutananadilewski
Posting Cursed Touhou related pictures. Or videos. Or comments. Simply bizarre curiosities that will haunt your mind for just a couple of days.
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> Date your own daughter
> Go back in time
> Conceive the same daughter with her own mother
This isn't just incest, this is the rare Reverse Double-Dip.
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File 171130759413.png - (193.69KB, 680x718, Mike.png)
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File 172193733726.jpg - (87.26KB, 850x1043, __sans_touhou_and_1_more__sample-de01114e6fcd1234b.jpg)

It's Sansa Projectshrinemaiden

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File 169029677238.jpg - (112.90KB, 850x425, smol_1bec4c69bd038d082c01d292643d9576.jpg)
Since the last one hit autosage here's a second place to post drawings, for any who might so be inclined.

Additionally, once a week, there will be a touhou that gets picked to be the subject for that week. If you'd like, you can draw that one and nominate a touhou to be the subject for next week. We started in the previous thread (>>24737). All skill levels are welcome and encouraged since it's just for fun and a way to motivate practice.

For the first week that's Shinki.
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File 171865101038.jpg - (263.03KB, 1200x1600, Smug Mokou - Smugkou if you will.jpg)
Smug Mokou - Smugkou if you will
Mokou looking down. On (you), if so inclined.
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damn that clothes physics looks amazing
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Gensokyo is a remote nowhere without much culture. The Meiji innovations probably didn't make it there by the time the barrier went up. That said, former hell (save for Chireiden) just looks like your stereotypical Edo architecture. You can see it in SA but also in the last 5 or so chapters of the detective Satori manga.

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File 157157904523.png - (888.42KB, 1000x1400, kosuzu!.png)
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File 171393377994.jpg - (134.97KB, 860x1000, mehsuzu.jpg)
Same. Never seen the appeal.
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File 171395162957.png - (86.03KB, 238x263, Screenshot 2024-04-24 193318.png)
Screenshot 2024-04-24 193318
Don't want to be too harsh about this, but please don't call in people just to vote on a thread they're not reading. I really love the enthusiasm, but the only outcomes that can come of that are either nothing, or votes that people will immediately call under suspicion.
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File 171642329441.jpg - (407.79KB, 1545x2048, kosuzu smile.jpg)
kosuzu smile

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File 167035074110.png - (1.44MB, 2240x2577, sort-2022-12-06(12_11_46).png)
The old thread is too old to be bumped, so let's have a new one.

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File 169074496573.png - (504.22KB, 1008x896, Touhou Character Sorter Results 7:16:23.png)
Touhou Character Sorter Results 7:16:23
Might as well...
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File 171423669826.png - (515.85KB, 1109x933, 2husort-2024-04-27.png)
Been a while.
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File 171424294871.jpg - (648.60KB, 1072x889, Screenshot_20240427-210144_1.jpg)

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File 16567891361.jpg - (1.89MB, 3840x2880, 2hus.jpg)
Post 2hus, I want big 2hus, I want small 2hus, gimme wingy 2hus, gimme sleepy 2hus, gimme eientei 2hus, dont give me sdm 2hus, sdm 2hus suck, gimme more eientei 2hus instead.
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File 171095555437.jpg - (695.55KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20240306_160200.jpg)
Playing around with filters

Original Image: https://twitter.com/3ma_can_OmOchi/status/1700857083263168779
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File 171095952459.jpg - (167.37KB, 876x1024, gluttonous sanae.jpg)
gluttonous sanae
I wish to have a taste.
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File 171102248660.png - (460.08KB, 1260x1500, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_4qw5__083b5e77.png)

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File 163347162029.jpg - (429.13KB, 700x1000, fiyah.jpg)
I don't think I've seen a single Gamera joke about Yachie. That's unfortunate, because >dragon-turtle

What dumb/inane thoughts have you had about 2hus lately, anon? Or just thoughts about 2hus and such in general are cool, too.
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If Mokou become playable in Touhou 9 what kind of lectures Eiki Shiki would gave her?
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File 170997585847.jpg - (227.12KB, 1024x776, Return to Bhava-agra NOW.jpg)
Return to Bhava-agra NOW
Couldn't find one with Eiki but you get the implicitly explicit implication of the explicit explication this image is explicitly implicity alluding to regardless. >>25949
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Which Urban legends would have fit the other touhous we haven't seen mentioned in the games or appeared later? Which Urban legends do you think be a fitting alternative for touhous that did have one?

For the first time I've stumbled on it, I thought that the Alexandria Genesis was pretty good fit for Yukari. It's about about a transformation into a 'perfect human', including attaining extended lifespans, Youth and, characteristically, purple eyes. The eye color in the character portraits in the games swapped a few times between gold and purple and I think it'd be a neat way to allude to that. You can also draw a parallel towards the connection to Maribel, who always has had yellow/gold for her eye color which is also neat if you like the theory.

Another natural fit to me would be Bodysnatchers and Mizuchi. It's obvious, given how much she posesses people. Not much else beyond that.

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File 14608094877.png - (148.86KB, 450x450, tmp_12735-133325722725139720287.png)
Here's a thread that I wish existed back when I first came here. The test thread: use it to learn how to sage, use it to test your trips, use it to learn how to format text, whatever.

Try to sage while using it though, we're a containment thread on the containment board, there's no reason for this to be on the front page.
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Coin flip: tails!
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help me i am stuck inboard.php stepbro
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File 169126898928.png - (67.59KB, 200x285, 200px-Th12ByakurenHijiri.png)
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You're no match for byak!
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File 169129473578.png - (231.49KB, 500x409, hello.png)
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Noic picture

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File 169065034587.png - (419.39KB, 1300x2107, d2ncpi5-cb599b59-ecd3-47e9-9ea0-8d4229bc9745.png)
Views on overlord Mima?
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autism x2 combo
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Walfas were the Fumos of the late 2000s.

There, I said it.
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Walfas dolls when?

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File 161802584740.jpg - (1.04MB, 1000x1398, f2511e8f288e7290aad496f8708a4011.jpg)
A place to post drawings, for any who might so be inclined.
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File 169022714916.jpg - (579.82KB, 1987x1487, IMG_20230724_212828.jpg)
Incomplete drawing, thanks to a busy (in a good way) weekend.
We've hit autosage. How fitting.

Nomination: Shinki
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Rolling for this week... Rolling 1d2 => 2
1) Nue
2) Shinki

I didn't even realize. I'll make a new thread sometime tonight or tomorrow.
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Please post your drawings for this week in the new thread at >>25788

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