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File 164868864968.jpg - (1.08MB, 2048x1365, SnowForest.jpg)
The Little Fox hid inside a bush, his eyes combing the area and his ears perking up, so nothing could surprise him. His mother has warned him that he must not leave the den, for humans are now hunting nearby. The child, however, born in the dark winter, wanted to see what the world was truly like underneath the blanket of snow. It was a glorious sight to behold; the once barren trees were now covered in luscious green. Other forms of plants have now emerged from their slumber, rising out of the melting snow. Birds that left due to winter now return with rallying chirps, seeing their old home once again. These sights lull The Little Fox into a sense of assurance that nothing could ruin such a beautiful view. In the distance, he could hear his mother calling for him, wondering where he had gone, but he did not answer back, for he wanted to have a closer view of nature. He steps out of the bush in excitement, wanting to play under the sunlight, trying to catch the birds flying above him. He was having so much fun that he could even hear a sharp whistle that was getting louder and louder as if the wind itself was playing a song. The end of the music was a meaty thunk.

  A bloody sight broke the poor soul, a piece of her gone forever. Red was the only color seen, and a shrill scream was the only sound heard. An untouched corpse, long dead, with the only blemish being the damned arrow. Thirsting for death, but nothing more. A predator only in action, but not in spirit! An oath of vengeance was taken; eternal wrath and lunacy for the one who swore in, and eternal torment for the Hunter and all those connected to it, regardless of logic. There was no logic for the victim, and as such, no logic for the killer. Only retribution.

Present Day, Gensokyo

 Katansei growls, the cold air making his breath white from the sight before him. He shot an arrow at the fox he was hunting, but a finch flew in between and got skewered along the way. The young hunter knew he didn't have time to waste being angry as there could be danger nearby. Walking over to his
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[X] Speak to Eirin; chatting with another Bow user sounds nice.

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[X] Speak to Eirin; chatting with another Bow user sounds nice.

I guess "Protect Kaguya" task failed successfully.

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[x] Speak to Eirin; chatting with another Bow user sounds nice.

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File 170620648588.png - (2.62MB, 1950x1300, the big fight.png)
the big fight
Guess what? Auto sage got so here's a thread 2. Now to shamelessly copy and paste the options again.

[X] Fine, remove the talismans. Afterwards back to where the princess is to kick her ass!

“You better not pull something,” you warn the oni as you release her from your bindings.

“Uhuh, sure I won’t. No acting, just watching. Youkai’s honor!” she replies, maybe even giving a thumbups, a mock wave or some other gesture you don’t get to see because you’re already walking.

“That said, how will you beat her anyway?” Suika’s voice rings behind you, the sound of her footsteps a clear sign that she’s following you. “That’s for me to know and you to see,” you reply.

After that, you increase your pace into a sudden flight to ditch the youkai.

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Different guy here.
Sorry for the delay, just took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do.

We could gloat.
We could drag this out.
Really take our time with this.
But nah.
There's some unspoken rules to this whole "eternal vendetta" thing.
Targeting friends and family (even if the threat isn't real) is truly morally bankrupt behaviour.
This is between you and her, nobody else.
Would she like it if we hurt Reisen just to get to her?
Maybe she wouldn't care, bitch that she is, but the point stands.
This shit was out of line.
Sure, the fights on the way may or may not have been enjoyable to a point, but that doesn't excuse shit.
So we're gonna hammer that point home by making this as anticlimactic as possible. Cold (very hot, actually) and Clean.
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>>29319 here. Sorry for the double.

Just wanted to clarify, I quite literally meant just stomp on her head until it is mush before starting the conflagration.
Ideally only the one stomp, with finality, but Princess Cockroach might take a few extra.
Then again, she's crisped up at the moment; might make her more brittle.
She's probably still trying to spout her bullshit; don't even acknowledge it with a verbal response anymore.
Or even an emotional one. Our sheer disgust at her actions this time warrants nothing but stone cold and stone-faced contempt.
Just end her and move on.

"But now..." *SQUELCH*

I couldn't think of a better onomatopoeia, so feel free to workshop that if you have an alternative.
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[X] F-F-FINISHER. Crush her skull and burn the corpse. Don't even let her enjoy the suffering of a slow death.
-[X] Leave immediately with Keine (and Aya) afterwards. She doesn't even get to engage in the post-resurrection mudslinging until she understands just how bad she fucked up this time.

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File 169888835831.jpg - (476.20KB, 850x1201, the_beginning.jpg)
Air blows past my face. Rapidly. Harshly. I’ve made it below what others called the sea of clouds.

I open my eyes to see the rapidly growing green of the world below. That is Earth. A place I’ve not been before. Others I know have, but they could care less about discussing it. 'Not impressive,' they would often say.

I didn’t understand what they meant, but now I sort of get it. All of this green below is just that same color for a continuous stretch of every direction. All plant life inconsequential to most inhabitants of interest.

Alright, less distractions. Time to get to work.

I peel off the divine veil on my shoulders, the only thing braking me from a complete free fall to the surface. I plummet like a rock, of course. Since I’m nowhere close to terminal velocity, it takes a couple minutes before I even need to think about my landing.

When the ground comes into sight past the approaching treeline, I bring my feet up to challenge it.

The ensuing crash is satisfying, the trees shaken for meters around me, a small dent in the dirt underfoot left in my wake. I stand back up to full height, my knees hardly phased by the violent abuse. I look around the area to see it properly for the first time.

Gensokyo. Well, a random forest somewhere in the middle of Gensokyo, with nothing of note in the surrounding area, but still Gensokyo.
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I would have indeed done a pseudo 'bad end' if anon had voted for it. I was also steeling myself for the romantic option the post before that.

In all seriousness, I did facelift a couple bits and pieces I was thinking of from this hypothetical bad ending for this one.
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Congrats! This was a fun read the whole way through. Fun choices, fun write-ins, and a satisfying story throughout.
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I hope this isn’t the end of Moi, she’s super interesting as a foil to Reisen, and an outsider to Gensokyo. Plus, she’s super cool.

Outside of that, this was a fun story and I’m glad it ended on a high note.

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File 170010296982.png - (2.72MB, 2048x1365, kegare.png)
不浄観 (fujōkan):

1. Meditation on the impurity of the body.

2. Meditative viewing of the decomposition of a corpse.

3. The Impurity Exhibition.
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Awareness. In these night hours she found herself fatiguing steadily, and was acutely aware of the transformations brought on by this now-accustomed deprivation from sleep. Her body, toiling slavishly in its indenture to her waking faculties, was pervaded by unconscious (though in principle voluntary) muscular tensions; and a momentary survey of them was revelatory of certain inherent priorities in the construction of Yagokoro Eirin. The expressive muscles of the upper face, by long habit disused as well in private as in public life, were now drawn upon as a reservoir to the ocular muscles, and pressed into the task of maintaining the acuity of her sight. Isometric rigidities were likewise sustained in various disorganised regions of her trunk, in order to supplement her flagging spinal erectors. Her shoulders were taut, as if in atavistic anticipation of some sudden animal threat to her unguarded nape. She had begun to grind her teeth.

Convergence. Here more than anywhere else, in the midst of her pharmacopoeia, it would have been trivial to relieve these sensations; these dull quarrels and cottony slingstones of disordered time: induce herself with a magistral concoction of sedatives and hypnotics, anxiolytics and cardiotonics, sympathomimetics and parasympathomimetics, stimulants and sensorimotor blockades, to sleep hours and days in the course of minutes. On some nights she availed herself of exactly this. What she was unable to accomplish in so doing, however, was to maintain her consciousness above sea-level, so critical to the inner ruminations which were namesake of her manifold titles and epithets. It was for this alone she endured these nightly perseverations, at times telescoping one into another through the intervening days, in search of a final convergence to the planes and manifolds of her thought.

Dissociation. To no avail. Her present preoccupations were proving recalcitrantly diasporic, rebuffing all attempt at conciliation and forcing anabasis into further regions of her mind. In her vision the planes of her office, its walls and surfaces dovecoted by so many officinal drawers and
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File 169869796069.png - (2.72MB, 2048x1365, kegare.png)
不浄観 (fujōkan):

1. Meditation on the impurity of the body.

2. Meditative viewing of the decomposition of a corpse.

3. The Impurity Exhibition.
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Hah, yep, I feel that one.
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Annihilation. The illusion of the false Sun had served its rôle. The spectators, none the wiser, were gathered in the dissection theatre, the freshly galvanised contingent of scholars, physicians, surgeons, apprentices, osteopaths, artists, and sundry social notables vying for vantage with the more perennial menagerie. Clamour: commotion: a glare from the preparator: silence fell. Presently there commenced the anatomy lesson of Dr. Yagokoro Eirin … Distantly she felt her voice issuing forth, with preamble, with anodyne platitude: next scholastic prolegomenon: next preliminary elucidation, interminable elucidation, on the inflows and outflows of the five and six viscera and entera, but taking the knife in her hand she began to vivify: almost automatically she observed the parting of skin, of fat, of fibre, of muscle, of fascial and serous membrane beneath garnet blade and forceps: next the severing of stroma and disinterring of parenchyme: forth heart, forth spleen, forth liver, forth lung, forth kidney, forth gall, forth bladder, forth stomach: forth the intestinal bowels large and small: vacant thus the three kilns. Vacant the body: vacant the form: vacant, all vacant, all truly vacant—a body without organs.
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wow Mokou is just like me frfr no cap

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File 166477028987.jpg - (89.44KB, 512x512, The Astronaut.jpg)
The Astronaut
So, the moon.

The moon was pretty dull.

Though, what else would one expect from a land as pale and lifeless as this?

When you got right down to it, everything here looked the same. Endless stretches of white rock, infinite deserts of chalky sand, limitless expanses of undyed surfaces, and so on and so forth and ad infinitum. No variation to be found.

So it was, that with these thoughts floating in his restless skull, he observed what might have been the passing of a new day, in the wheeling axles of glittering stars, and sighed.

Once again…

[] - It couldn't have been all that bad.
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[X] - He followed the figure and watched it closely.
Spoop the fairy? No? We can dream...
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Sorry about the long hiatus. I am typing this on my phone. My computer started having issues and I've been stuck trying to figure out how to get it working again. Hopefully I won't have to get a whole new one, but until I make sure everything is in order, I won't be touching this website at all; writing on my phone is very uncomfortable. So, until then, cheers and sorry.
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This sucks. Hope you'll able fix your computer soon.

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File 163753011415.jpg - (155.47KB, 1000x1067, I wanna murder Kaguya.jpg)
I wanna murder Kaguya
Yello folks, let's play a simple CYOA Game where the main goal is to murder Kaguya.

Naturally you'll be playing as the one and only Fujiwara no Mokou.
Your most hated rival has not attacked you for several weeks now and you've started to grown bored of the novelty of not dying every day cause come on what else are you going to do anyway?

Thus, you are determined to make your way through the Bamboo Forest, The House of Eternity and anything that stands in your way of hurricane falcon kicking Kaguya into the milky way! Let this adventure commence at once!

But let's be clear on one thing first: You cannot die and have the amazing powers of pyrokinesis (Aka you can control fire). However as if by pure irony you are not immune to fire itself, cannot put out any outside sources that catch on fire and continuous exposure to it will damage your body if not turn it to ashes. Of course, you can just recover from this by reviving but I want to make sure that you won't feel cheaped out from having your arm fall off after 3 falcons punching in a row or think you can set a house on fire only to go "I'll use my ability to easily put it out". Just making sure we are on the same page here.

Also, this is not related in any way to platform games with similar names, I just did not think of a better title so don't expect that kind of raging slash trolling nonsense from me.

Finally, the choices I give are just personal suggestions, so write ins are allowed. If you manage to come up with something clever or out of the box I won't simply go "No, that's dumb" or something.

And for the final final time: Killing Kaguya is your win condition, succeed and you win!

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[X] Fine, remove the talismans. Afterwards back to where the princess is to kick her ass!

All my homies hate Kaguya, therefore Suika is a homie.
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[X] Fine, remove the talismans. Afterwards back to where the princess is to kick her ass!
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File 170612545667.jpg - (435.16KB, 716x537, __fujiwara_no_mokou_and_houraisan_kaguya_touhou_dr.jpg)
AN: Guess whose back yet again, life makes a writefag busy. But it’s time to end this story once and for all.

[X] Fine, remove the talismans. Afterwards back to where the princess is to kick her ass!

“You better not pull something,” you warn the oni as you release her from your bindings.

“Uhuh, sure I won’t. No acting, just watching. Youkai’s honor!” she replies, maybe even giving a thumbups, a mock wave or some other gesture you don’t get to see because you’re already walking.
“That said, how will you beat her anyway?” Suika’s voice rings behind you, the sound of her footsteps a clear sign that she’s following you. “That’s for me to know and you to see,” you reply.

After that, you increase your pace into a sudden flight to ditch the youkai. The building you left earlier quickly comes to sight, and with it the sight of Keine, Aya and Kaguya sitting on the outer edges. Part of you is tempted to increase the pace in order to create a flaming drop kick aimed for the latter’s skull, but a calmer part of you knows you’ll be punching her soon anyway so you don’t.

The moment you plant your feet on the ground, Keine immediately approaches you, “Are you alright?” she asks, voice filled with natural and soothing worry for you. “That fight looked-”

“I’m fine.” you interrupt, then put one hand on her shoulder to slightly move her aside. “And I’m sorry if this sounds rude, but I’ve got something I must do and cannot hold it in any longer.”

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File 161476708866.png - (1.55MB, 1200x900, Lover Lunarian.png)
Lover Lunarian
You are a human from the outside world, who was the second man to land on the moon after NASA's successful rocket launch program in 202X, as you walk on the lunar surface, you put another flag in here, you look at the Earth.

You feel proud to achieve your dreams at once, you've been waiting for it since you were young, as you were looking at your home planet's reflection, you feel something odd all of a sudden...

>Investigate further to the dark side of the moon, you wanna explore all of it, after all.

>Don't, you have to go back on the ship and go back home.
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It ain't abandoned yet!

[X] Investigate further to the dark side of the moon, you wanna explore all of it, after all.

Here's hoping our Lunar exploration dude either finds alien monsters or Lunarian hotties.
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[x] Don't, you have to go back on the ship and go back home.

Vote taxes, not death.
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did it died

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File 157262004350.jpg - (16.25KB, 523x450, earthshine.jpg)
We have always feared the oceans. Almost from the very rising of the waters unto their proper sphere they have been the domain of living things, and it was in them that the first of earthly life did emerge. Yet far from the sacred radiance of our own creation, it was in the choking dark of abyssal crucibles, ungraced by the light of our sister, that these simplest of creatures came to be; and soon they learned to variegate themselves, and to adapt their forms by pure contest for survival. In so doing, they absorbed the shadow of death into their very thesis of life, and wove them together into one; and the oceans were left profaned to us forevermore.

When they crawled up on the shores and debased the land and thought even to defile the sphere of air we saw them therefore as contemptible, and when the species of earthly man took unconscious grasp of his own evolution by simple scale of proliferation and began to preen over his newfound intellect we were even brought to hatred; but the oceans remained the sole subject of our fear.

When we chose to evacuate the sublunar spheres and fully embrace our birthright, it was this fear that was set at our heels. The other material realms were yet within our capacity to cleanse; but to attempt the same upon the oceans would be to scour their every drop, and we found their volume and their depths beyond even our reach. Thus our fear grew; and so powerful, so unreasonable it was, that when we raised our new Capital we laid its foundations on the pitted and scarred far-side of the Moon, so that we would escape even the light that scattered off earthly waters.

So reasoned the counsel of the saboteur, at any rate. Our counsel differed, but was disfavoured by our Lord.

[ ] Such was the nature, we would find, of our poisoned tongue.
[ ] We resolved then that our tongue should be poisoned henceforth.
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[x] The sigil of fire.

I dunno
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[x] The sigil of earth.
generic confused response
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[x] The sigil of earth.

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File 149292175672.png - (2.02MB, 1382x725, attired rabbit.png)
attired rabbit
Someone once told you that all paths eventually take you where you're really going. Not that that's very helpful right at this moment. At least, not in a practical sense.

As far as your eye can see, you’re surrounded by bamboo.

This isn’t really a problem in the daylight if you keep to the edge of the forest. People in the village harvest shoots there all the time. You, however, are in way deeper than that. It’s gotten considerably darker, too. You’re pretty sure it’s become nighttime somewhere along the way. And a thought keeps coming up. A stupid but persistent one: if the bamboo forest were alive you’d be stuck somewhere deep in its bowels. You still hope to see the moon, eventually. That would dispel some of the near-total darkness. Wishful thinking at its best.

You hold back a sigh. A lot of youkai prefer to come out at night. Therefore, It’s more likely that you’ll get eaten up whole any time soon. This previously-unseen monster would, naturally enough, have an impossibly large mouth and be full of deadly teeth. That’s just the way things tend to go for innocent humans around these parts. Ain’t no sugar-coating it.

Still, it’s still too early to panic. You got into this mess knowing fully about the risks. But you couldn’t help it. You saw her in the market, peddling her wares, and spent most of the day working up the courage to talk to her. And when you finally did, you could only stammer out a request for medicine. You handed her a few coins and lost your nerve to say anything else. you barely stammered a request for medicine and handed over a few coins. Still, though, there was reason to hope – when your eyes made contact, a funny sensation spread throughout your body. It was warm and comforting, like napping under the shade of a tree on a sunny afternoon. Made you feel stupidly carefree.

You held on to that and slowly built up your courage again. Problem was, by the time you had the perfect line, she had already packed up and left. By chance you spied her off in the distance, walking in the direction of the bamboo forest. Without thinking, you followed, not quite being able to clear the village crowds before she
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>last updated: 2017/07/05
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Wow Eientei if fucking dead.
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Fellow rabbit enthusiasts here. I also find our general lack of buns disturbing.

If it's any consolation, I'm going to be posting a story involving Tewi Getting creampied over in /at/ in a week or three.


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