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File 172190879026.png - (348.83KB, 823x330, Screenshot 2024-07-25 215808.png)
Screenshot 2024-07-25 215808

The world has ended, but five (well, it’s complicated) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Kudamaki Kosuzu is making her mark in the Animal Realm. Having been gifted a grimoire by Yakumo Yukari, she, along with Mayumi and Kicchou Reimu, were sent to rescue a young girl in the clutches of the Keiga. Despite their rescue attempt being compromised, between Kosuzu’s quick thinking and the danmaku techniques she learned from the grimoire, she was still able to liberate the young girl, and deliver her safely to the Haniwa Corps’ territory.

The young girl’s true identity was revealed to be Okazaki Yumemi. Like the Immaterial Children, she has traveled through time - though, unlike them, she travels using scientific means, as part of a stable time loop. In fact, it seems that the fortune-teller Ichi was in fact an older Yumemi. While some of her actions may have been to facilitate her own rescue, her ultimate goals remain unknown.

In the process of rescuing the young Yumemi, Kosuzu managed to take Kaku Seiga’s hairpin for herself. In hopes of replicating it, she was directed to head to Keiki’s city library, and meet one of its librarians - none other than the spirit Motoori Mabuchi, the man who, in her last life, was her dear grandfather…

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595

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>“Mmmm?” Yukari turned, giving her a small smile. …Then, her eyes suddenly narrowed. “Kosuzu, are you alright?”

>“Huh?” Kosuzu blinked. “What do you mean?”

>“For a moment there…” Yukari sighed. “...No, nevermind. Not now, at least.”

...Yukari just sensed Tsukasa using Kosuzu's eyes via that spell didn't she?

Will vote later.

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at this point the immaterial children so far either have 3 moms (yachie, keiki, and haru for reimu, ran, tsukasa, and mrs. motoori for kosuzu) or no moms (akyuu was born from a vat and the reiuji/konpaku twins had the rest of their clutch and presumably their mother eaten by a hellhound). go big or go home, i guess.

[X] "Don't worry, you're gonna get stronger."

picking at random here, might change this later.

{X} Despite borrowing the books on the artifact, Kosuzu turned her attention back to the chapters Yukari had bookmarked in Ran’s Grimoire. She wanted to learn more fox magic, as soon as possible, and the spells on sound control were already giving her ideas.

i think most (if not all) of us can say our faith in tsukasa is completely lost by now. we still need a stealth specialist to balance out reimu and mayumi (and quite possibly yumemi if she joins us), though. i say even if tsukasa kit-napped us, we still picked up a few things from her and i don't see why we should let it go to waste.

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[X] "Don't worry, you're gonna get stronger."

{X} Despite borrowing the books on the artifact, Kosuzu turned her attention back to the chapters Yukari had bookmarked in Ran’s Grimoire. She wanted to learn more fox magic, as soon as possible, and the spells on sound control were already giving her ideas.

This, I believe, is the spite Tsukasa option. Seriously, the moment the characters find out what’s going on, we are telling Yukari, and then dropping the bitch in front of her. I imagine she can come up with far better torture methods than we can, and it would be a nice bit of catharsis for her.

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File 172071548265.png - (383.35KB, 751x834, Screenshot 2024-07-12 022826.png)
Screenshot 2024-07-12 022826

The world has ended, but five (well, it’s complicated) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Kudamaki Kosuzu has reawoken, and promptly been given a task; escort and advise the Dragon Miko for her last few days in the Animal Realm, and her entry into the world of the living. Fortunately, said Dragon Miko is actually her old friend, Reimu, reborn as the heiress of the Kicchou line and the Kiketsu family as a whole.

As they were preparing to head to the surface, however, another girl fell into peril. A human piloting a strange craft known as the Probability Space Vessel crash-landed in Keiga territory, and pilot and vessel both have now been seized by Saki Kurokoma.

The fortune-teller Ichi sent Kosuzu, Reimu, and the young Mayumi out to rescue the girl; one Okazaki Yumemi, seemingly closely-related to the soothsayer. They snuck into a makeshift hideout, and with some minor issues with the door, split up to each take different methods of opening it. Kosuzu snuck in and freed the young Yumemi from her most immediate confinement, only seconds before a certain wicked hermit began to make her own way into the room…

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906

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[x] No wait, did he say he told Mayumi some bits? Did he know about her being a youkai, somehow?

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The vote was called as of >>210824, (see >>210823) so the extra votes aren't necessary. (Though it would've been a touch hilarious if they had been for the other option and/or somehow tying it up again. Tough I'd guess that Gooboi would just go off of the initial tiebreaker vote in that situation XP )

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File 172191011574.png - (506.73KB, 602x608, Screenshot 2024-07-25 222053.png)
Screenshot 2024-07-25 222053

New thread up at >>210832!

And hopefully a second update incoming tonight too!

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File 170143547713.jpg - (60.52KB, 800x663, dff58a7c5c0a5e0a065d036c27dda4a1.jpg)
#1 - A Pair of Panties with the Size Marked Out in Sharpie

The lair of a youkai is one of their most guarded domains. As creatures who roam the fringes of mankind's understanding, it is vital that their domiciles provide them adequate enough respite, for lurking in the depths of the unknown can grow quite tiresome for even the most incomprehensible of beings. Dreadfully, it would appear as though the lair of this youkai's domain was neglected.

This wouldn't be entirely unexpected here. For this youkai spent most of the year in slumber. What times she was forced awake outside of her season, she would be groggy and grumpy, and not too well-kempt. Still, from the panties and dirty clothes tossed on the floor, the dirty dishes unwashed in the sink, and the avalanche of newspapers shoved through her door's mail-hole, things could have been better.

The snoring that rumbled through the bedroom of this lair came to a gentle end, and a stirring came from the bed. With drool on the side of her mouth and the blankets tossed aside, the sloppy youkai raised from her bed, sitting upright. She ungraciously scratched her behind and looked up at the clock. A fancy import she had to do a nasty favor for the kappa to obtain, the LCD screen showed the time and date. 13:43. December 1st. So began her time of year.

After a minute or so to further gather herself, she stretched her legs over the side of the bed. After a further minute, she stood up and began to head to the bathroom. It was the job of the embodiment of winter in Gensokyo to look right and proper for the position. And Letty Whiterock, sole yuki-onna of Gensokyo (and mayhaps the world), would need to look the most right and most proper. One quick shower later, Letty took the time to examine herself. Her legs... A bit thicker than last year and... Well nothing a quick shave couldn't fix. Her breasts... Large ones were always popular, she needn't worry there. Though below those, perhaps the most embarrassing area. The youkai gave a sigh of disappointment as she moved closer to the mirror. At least her face remained pretty and unmarred. That was important for a yuki-onna, to look pretty.

Letty paused
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[X] Ask for a timeline of events. Tell Yukari that your memories stop on the 1st of December right after the shrine burned down.
-[X] You were with Yuuka.

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This doesn't make sense. She already knows we were with Yuuka and we just mentioned that we blacked out in the Garden of the Sun.

I feel like we should nail the details fiest. We have 24 hours and it's only been an hour so far at most. I'd call it more like 10 to 20 minutes.

Captcha: SEASONS

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[X] What happened with Marisa, how did she die?

Let's hear how out supposed master plan played out.

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File 157508430842.jpg - (660.86KB, 600x960, nanowrimo-29.jpg)
Everyone’s waiting for you to continue. The thing is, you didn’t have anything to follow up after that. But you don’t want to disappoint, so you say the first thing that comes to your head.

“And then we can beat him up,” you conclude, earning the respect of battle-happy shrine maidens across the world. You’re sure Reimu’s clapping in her head with the approving nod that she’s giving you.

“...Him?” The badger sputters. “As in, the other guy… and not me, y-yes?”

“Do you want to be beaten up too?” asks Reimu.

With a somber expression, he shakes his head slowly and silently.

“Good.” The shrine maiden jerks a finger to the mountainside. “Now take us to your boss, leader, or whatever you call him.”

Despite how talkative the badger initially was, he does not say a word through the forest’s passage and the climb up the steady hillside. With Reimu following right behind the badger, it looks like he’s being walked to his execution—and the shrine maiden, his executioner. He stops at a patch of open area. Around is conspicuously clear of brush, as if all the foliage was trimmed away. All that’s missing is quiet in the forest, a dark mist that permeates through the woods, and you’d be wondering if you’re experiencing a serious case of deja vu.

A horned figure steps out from the cover of the trees. Just like the badger described, the youkai has a ruddy, taurus-like face. Dark splotches color the sides of the man’s face like oil, finished with a black muzzle that juts out. Mino, you think for a second before discarding it.
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The way that the beast was described in the previous update reminds me a bit of the beast inside Guts in Berserk.

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This one bit of dialogue made me remember how Hakurou used to act. With how serious he's been I almost forgot that he used to be a little shit. Funny how it's come full circle.

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I'd say he's still capable of being a massive troll, just perhaps written with a bit more subtlety than in the early threads. See, for example, every conversation he's had with Akyuu, including the one just a few updates back (which, I suppose, with Moral's update speed might feel a long time ago…).

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File 172049010747.jpg - (179.27KB, 850x478, __touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_benitama__sample-f0d4.jpg)

It was late summer, the cicadas worked hard, producing their buzzing songs, although one would find it irritating, the sound was nothing to worry about for the Shrine Maiden, who was currently asleep.

Of course, someone had to interrupt her affairs.

"Yo Reimu what are you doing ze?!" comes the witch sliding the door of the shrine open without care.

"Ugh~~" Rubbing her eyes with a troubled groan, Reimu slowly lifted herself off her futon. "How many times do I need to tell you not to enter like that Marisa?!"

Still rubbing her eyes, the shrine maiden adjusted her skirt and walked over to the kitchen "You know what, whatever, I'm gonna have a snack, want some?" The witch giggled in approval, entering the shrine proper.

Meanwhile, somewhere else

A hidden path extended deep into the woods, although I called it "path" It was sparse and hard to follow for nobody had used it for maybe decades but at the end of it one would be directed to an old worn-out shrine abandoned in the woods.

The once white and pristine walls were covered in vines and the woodwork was infested with mushrooms and soaked to the brin by the rain. Once someone slid open the now rotten front door, however, they would find its interior walls filled with inscriptions and runes that connect with a magic circle right in the middle of the room.

Looking at the forest again a bit of hesitation spreads thoughts but is not like I have another choice as I don't have a home left for me anymore.

Checking if anything is in order I set my backpack down and check my belongs:

a week's worth of military rations, a Swiss knife, my purple charcoal (to complete the magic circle), my old man`s photos, and an old book with a blank cover with the instructions for the activation of the magic circle alongside 20 or so firecrackers with two types, one with intention of making a lot of noise but the explosion was small and the other type made a big explosion, nothing to kill but to stagger to get me wherever I was fighting enough for me or to run or to me go on the offensive myself.

Finally, after completing my wo

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Did not expected arriving at Eintei at this point I'm the story, to tell the truth I was divided between delaying this chapter a bit so Manato could get a side adventure at the SDM, but I figured out that it was better to put him into trouble already so here we are

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Bro's attracting all the fairies towards him

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I was divided on which caracter I was going to throw at the protagonist
Rumia was overused already and Mystia was not going to cut for the story foward, so I made this OC that will have a broadwer purpuse in the story

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File 171885767528.webp - (63.21KB, 817x1200, 259949e83a9705a14db0261e742ac572.webp)
[-] Fallout.

After a few seconds wrestling with the mini-hakkero, Mamizou abandoned it, swearing. Even if she could stop it now, there wasn't a point; half of Gensokyo had to have seen that blast. And that meant damage control was the name of the game.

"Nue! We need to leave!"

"Yeah, yeah." her friend rolled her eyes. "I told you disguising as Akyuu was a stupid decision."

"It would have worked if he wasn't already aware I was involved," Mamizou grumbled. "Which shouldn't have been possible."

"That's a funny way to say, 'Yes, Nue, you were right all along.'"


"Fine, fine. One cloud of darkness, coming right up."
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[-] ... come to think of it, Eirin's been gone a long time, hasn't she? You should investigate what she's up to.

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[-] ... come to think of it, Eirin's been gone a long time, hasn't she? You should investigate what she's up to.

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Thinking about Ran and Chen's dynamic gave me some inspiration, so today's update is the beginning of a new side-story!


This story takes place in USiL's continuity, back when Gensokyo was first made. (Or to be technically accurate, when it was first separated from the outside world, so a little over 100 years ago.) It's not necessary for the main story, but considering who we're following right now, it's definitely relevant.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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File 17194204583.jpg - (2.11MB, 2034x1358, __miyako_yoshika_touhou_drawn_by_kurachi_mizuki__c.jpg)
The world has ended, but five (well, it’s complicated) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Kudamaki Kosuzu has reawoken, and promptly been given a task; escort and advise the Dragon Miko for her last few days in the Animal Realm, and her entry into the world of the living. Fortunately, said Dragon Miko is actually her old friend, Reimu, reborn as the heiress of the Kicchou line and the Kiketsu family as a whole.

As they were preparing to head to the surface, however, another girl fell into peril. A human piloting a strange craft known as the Probability Space Vessel crash-landed in Keiga territory, and pilot and vessel both have now been seized by Saki Kurokoma.

The fortune-teller Ichi seems forewarned of - and especially invested - in this event. She has tasked Reimu, Kosuzu, and the haniwa Mayumi with rescuing them, from Kurokoma and her new wicked hermit ally. With a tube-fox’s cunning and a bit of combat spells learned from a grimoire penned by Yakumo Ran, Kosuzu must now guide her friends and their target to safety…

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906 >>207202
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Screenshot 2024-07-11 131318

I'm not gonna say anything definitive regarding the discussion of Kosuzu's backstory, but I am gonna say that in terms of what to call the stone cherries of Pyrefairies, I've been calling them Endless Embers.

Though, perhaps Charred Cherries would be a more descriptive term for them.

...What? If you didn't realise the author liked alliteration by this point, you CLEARLY haven't been paying attention.

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Missed opportunity to say that the author adores alliteration. Shame on you.

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File 172071562559.png - (6.48KB, 510x332, __hinanawi_tenshi_ibuki_suika_and_doremy_sweet_tou.png)

A short thread in terms of updates, but an informative one, regardless. Next stop: >>210522!

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File 169905577937.jpg - (70.91KB, 1217x926, 03.jpg)
Canto I
Of yore, there were six dragons of the Eastern Sea
Heaven hath blessed all that they did
Those of past and those of wisdom were of the same body and mind
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File 171945312689.jpg - (2.13MB, 1400x984, drawn_by_kyuui.jpg)
The Imugi recalled distant memories of simpler times in the plainside, where he and his love laid silently next to each other underneath the shade of a tree. He thought of her smile that, despite its radiance, etched loneliness into her brow, only for her worries to quickly dissipate when he’d tend to her. And he remembered the emotions he had felt on that spring that when he had once thought that he couldn’t live without her. And yet, contrary to those feelings, despite everything, he still did. It was as if he had plunged a dagger into his own heart. But the voice of the winds would no longer haunt him of the past. In his ear, they whispered, “My Dragon,” almost incessantly. He would be tormented no more, for they were now joyful memories of the one he had loved the most. Even though one day, he would forget the contours of her face, the shape of her smile, and the way that she looked at him as if he were her one and only love, he could finally move onward.

Acceptance released the river of time, which had stopped long ago for the Imugi, and let it flow… as time always did. The fox-spirit, Kanami, his Kitsune and love, was gone. But no longer would he deny that he was truly without her—the Imugi had finally stopped chasing empty hope. He would instead cherish the memories and happiness that they had delivered onto each other and live a life that they both deserved.

But what did that mean for the Imugi? Was he fated to remain in Seoyang, where he repeated the same rainfall year after year, letting the plains remain unchanged in perpetuity? No, he now understood that growth came from the experience of life itself—not the false eternity that the Imugi had promised to the plainsmen many generations ago. Change came in trickles; it was but a small channel that deviated away from the river of time and flowed ever so gently. There, he would wait patiently until that change would envelop the plainlands and, by extension, himself.

So the serpent sought to leave the realm of Gensokyo and return to his homeland. There were a myriad of reasons why: He no longer felt the need to remain once his duty had been fulfilled, and while the change of horizons initially amused the Imugi, h
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Damn, feels like longer than two months since the last update.

Incidentally, though it's very different in content and cultural context, I'm struck by a certain similarity in this narrative style and Enchi Fumiko's A Tale of False Fortunes, which I finished reading fairly recently. I know this story wasn't written as a splendid reference to anything in particular, but it is interesting how the way this story is told has almost a certain Heian-period flavour to it. Not full-on Genji but something in that milieu.

As always, waiting warmly.
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The love between parent and child is a powerful thing. Hopefully it's powerful enough to let him get out of Gensokyo.

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File 171898314194.jpg - (311.15KB, 1038x1486, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_ishikawa_sparerib_.jpg)
The world has ended, but five (well, it’s complicated) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Kudamaki Kosuzu has reawoken, and promptly been given a task; escort and advise the Dragon Miko for her last few days in the Animal Realm, and her entry into the world of the living. Fortunately, said Dragon Miko is actually her old friend, Reimu, reborn as the heiress of the Kicchou line and the Kiketsu family as a whole. Now, the two of them prepare for the final steps of their journey, including properly examining the Kakkushi-Seki, a tool developed by the Yakumos to allow the Immaterial Children to blend in among the humans they once were a part of.

But while they prepare, a star falls from the sky… and the mysterious figure Ichi waits, with bated breath, for one of the most important events she had forewarning of to begin…

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906 >>207202
Yester/Youmu >>207370 >>207705 >>208027
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some ideas:

- youmu perching on suwako's hat

- yukari offering the book to kosuzu

- kosuzu headpat. very important scene to draw.
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Happy to throw a few of my own in.

- The target practice otters receiving TLC after being shot down

- Cozysuzu curling up in the hood.

- Akyuu and Youmu introducing their sisters to each other

- Kosuzu attempting to get Yoshika to sing. Poorly.
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File 171942075956.jpg - (2.33MB, 1104x1547, __tatara_kogasa_nazrin_hijiri_byakuren_houjuu_nue_.jpg)
New Thread is up! >>210140

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File 171838682794.jpg - (137.60KB, 850x850, __kudamaki_tsukasa_touhou_drawn_by_momu_user_jgwv8.jpg)
The world has ended, but five (well, it’s complicated) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Reiuji Youmu’s first day after awakening to her past proved harrowing, but also enlightening. Through surfacing her memories, much about the Pyres, the flames of despair that ended the world before, was revealed. Even more disasters - and the sudden, still-not-understood emergence of a Pyre years before it should have - revealed an even greater truth. Though they did not remember it, they were not the first to have their fates changed - two others, named Sanae and Tenshi, had tried and failed to stop the disaster once already. The plan to keep the quintet safe had been their last-ditch hope, to recruit more allies.

Youmu, along with her fellow reawoken allies Kicchou Reimu and Hieda no Akyuu, seek to find their remaining friends - Kosuzu the bookkeeper, and Marisa the magician - and then put their heads together to discover who Tenshi and Sanae are. But the most powerful tool of bringing back the two bibliophiles - a manuscript of the past world’s history - was lost in the confusion. And while one of the mysterious robed figures pulling the strings behind the scenes got caught in their own web, the other yet remains at large.

Perhaps to untangle the woven webs, one will need to be as clever as a fox. Fortunately, a fox appears to be just what Kosuzu will become…

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302
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[X] Scan the whole thing.
-{X} If Chen tries to stop you from reading, dart your gaze around the floor and pretend there's a mouse spirit to distract her for just a moment's more time.
-{X} Take a mental note of how that debug display was opened. It might be helpful to know later.
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>>209792 here
...I just realized that distracting Chen would work much better by "accidentally" spilling a cup of water, but it's way too late to change the write-in lol.
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Screenshot 2024-06-22 012945

More obviously distracting, but also more hostile. Balances to everything, you know.
New thread is up at >>209799!

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