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File 172084005942.webp - (95.38KB, 860x608, 70eb9b9a0121a8c664a308a86a8e044a.webp)

You were newly remade at the time. After this body has decided to become Yukari's shikigami, you, Ran Yakumo, had been made, pledging to serve her in all things for the good of Gensokyo. Speaking of which, Gensokyo was also newly remade at the time, having been separated from the outside world mere weeks before your remaking. While the timing was largely accidental, you appreciated the symbolism. Two tragedies, one slow, one sudden, but both turning into the creation of something new, something that would actually provide a future... in containment, admittedly, but a future nonetheless.

Another connection you had with this land? There were teething issues.

"And how are you this morning, Ran?" Yukari asked, gapping into the room.

"I am well, Lady Yukari," you replied, standing up from your bed. "This body is settling down; the emotional surges have become both fewer in number and less intense."

"And did you sleep well?"

"Better than previous evenings."

Using her gap as a flying carpet, Yukari floated over to your bed, brushing her hand over your pillow and the damp spot it contained. "So I see."

She floated over to you and you stood at attention as she inspected you. Despite having just woken up mere minutes ago, you were mostly presentable. You'd had time to change into a fresh dress and tabard, for your eyes to dry and your cheeks to return to their usual pale tone. You'd been in the middle of brushing out your tails when Yukari had arrived. You'd been hoping to finish before her morning check-in, both to look as you should and because-

"Here, let me." Yukari held out her hand.

"Lady Yukari, I can-"

"Ran," she gently insisted, and you put the brush into her hand, defeated.

Yukari dragged the brush through your tails with the ease of long practice, going with the grain of the fur and smoothing out tangles with each pass. It felt heavenly, like receiving a caress and scratching an itch all at once. This made it no less difficult to bear. Both because it was an inversion of your role, your master serving you, and because it stirred up th

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So Greg's mom headpats Chen
Greg's dad headpats Greg
Greg headpats Satori
Who is Chen going to headpat?

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File 172197644717.webp - (83.28KB, 640x960, xg22xymwva571.webp)

She'd been just a cat, before. She'd been happy, she knew that much. The pet cat to a loving family, their smells, their faces, their voices, even their names, still fresh in her mind. (Her own name was less clear. She had one, she was Chen, but hadn't it been something else before?) Laying in the sun while Kiyoshi worked, allowing him to scratch her from time to time. Rubbing against Haruka as she cooked, receiving the choice morsels that were her due. And then there was little Aiko. Always happy to run, to explore, to roll in the grass or splash in the mud. Aiko had been her human. It was her bed the cat had slept in, her warmth she sought out for the night. It was her she'd been trying to defend, from that youkai. (She'd smelled nice, of flowers and soil. Why was she so mean?)

She trembled, recalling that moment. The mean youkai had shown up, and her family had started running... and Kiyoshi had cried out, and she'd smelled blood, and he'd stopped moving, and Aiko was screaming. She'd... she'd been so angry (so scared). She'd turned, leapt from Aiko arms, leapt at the mean woman, scratching, clawing, biting.

She'd been so fast, faster than she'd ever been before, youkai fast... but then the mean woman wasn't there, and hit her back. She hadn't even seen it happen, she'd been outside one moment and knocked into the wall the next. And then the wall fell on her, and it hurt, and she couldn't move. And all the while Aiko and her mom were screaming, and then they... stopped screaming.

Lost in dark memories, she clung to the warmth next to her, missing the moment when said warmth woke up.

"Chen... Chen!"

She opened her eyes, seeing the kitsune's concerned face.

"Ran?" she squeaked, sitting up.

Ran seemed at a loss for words for a second, sitting next to her on the bed. The kitsune had a hand still on top of Chen's head, as if frozen mid-pet, and was just... looking at her.

"Are you feeling okay?" Ran finally asked. "Is anything wrong?"

Was there? Her memories of last night after her injury were... confused. The kitsune here before

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Yukari was not above spying on her shikigami in critical moments. Or spying on anyone at any time, really. She was the expert on all boundaries, including personal ones, and that meant she could decide when to ignore them.

Though to be fair, there was a legitimate reason this time. It was highly uncertain whether Chen waking up was going to be greeted by Ran the shikigami or Ran the mother, and if it had been the former, Yukari might have needed to intervene. Instead, she got a moment she wouldn't have missed for the world.

Of course, the thing about moments is that they are, in fact, momentary. Ran got ahold of herself first, going from desperate embrace to more of a gentle hug.

"There, there. Don't cry," she said, petting the transformed cat.

Even still, it took a minute for Chen to stop crying, and a bit longer before the cat was willing to let go.

"Feeling better?" Ran asked.

Chen nodded, rubbing her eyes, and in response Ran disengaged from the hug, getting up and stretching. Yukari could see the moment the shikigami came to the fore, as Ran switched from hovering over Chen to assessing the state of the room and looking guiltily towards the door. The shikigami's eyes flickered between her ripped dress, the mess made of her sheets, the ritual scattered across the floor, and Chen, trying to decide what to deal with first.

Before she could come to a conclusion and attempt to impose order, Yukari knocked on the bedroom door, covering a chuckle at Ran's flinch.

"Ran!" she called through the door. "Breakfast is ready!"

A more domestic phrasing than she'd typically use, but perhaps it was that sort of day. Besides, she had her own first impression to make on their new cat.

Her shikigami's instinctual wince was completely uncalled for.

Your master's call all but put you into a panic. You were nowhere near presentable, and you hadn't explained anything to Chen! Combined with your disgraceful loss of control yesterday... it didn't bear thinking about.

"One moment!" you called back, tearing off your ruined dress and snatching

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So basically I will be posting the updates post-significant-divergence from AO3 onto here, as the story has reached a state where I feel like it needs to come back to its homeland for voting as many elements have changed. I will continue to update the AO3 copy along with updates here, but the voting options will only be on THP.

Replacing >>29707, and onwards

You split with Kagerou at the village gate. She walks away without saying anything at first, before turning around and giving you a reluctant wave. You wave back, not quite sharing her animosity.

You think for a bit as to whether she’s right to hold a grudge, before dismissing the thought. It’s time to get back to work.

Time: 10:40 AM
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[x] You should definitely pick Houyi This won’t cause any problems in the future, I promise ^_^
problems :)
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[x] You should definitely pick Houyi This won’t cause any problems in the future, I promise ^_^
problems :)
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[x] You should definitely pick Houyi This won’t cause any problems in the future, I promise ^_^
problems :)

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File 166733006576.jpg - (787.73KB, 2627x2101, efce56390c6b656f098486595e4858f88991974b938c565436.jpg)
This story is written as part of THP's Nanowrimo 2022.

Spoilers for
Unconnected Marketeers and 100th Black Market abound, for those who care.

It was the dream of gods. The unformed time.

The myriad of unformed divine spirits stirred and whirred in the wild places, the cold and distant emptiness. They swarmed in the darkness, without memory; solely driven by hope and lust for the one thing a would-be deity craves—belief.

Gods came into being, grew and flourished because they were believed in. Belief itself is the food of the gods. There probably had been millions of kami back when mankind lived in small primitive tribes. Over time, beliefs coalesced into a select number of divinities—local gods of rain and harvest, for example, tended to run together like rivers as the small primitive tribes joined up and became huge, sprawling towns. Any god could join. Any god could start small. Any god could grow in stature as faith in it increased... And dwindle to nothing as it waned.

The god stirred.

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No pressure, but we're gonna need that update before you burrow back into the ground, sir.
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File 167036018053.jpg - (1.91MB, 2641x3158, __tenkyuu_chimata_touhou_drawn_by_futoumeido__c1a4.jpg)
Maybe if we post dorks our goddess will return to us
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dorks are hiatusing warmly
Ah, drats, I knew I was forgetting something.

>>32137 and any other concerned reader:
I already explained my intentions in >>/gensokyo/16673 - I've decided to restart this story under a new title and with better pacing and plot planning, without the pressure and constraints of Nanowrimo hanging over my shoulders, once life stops piling shit on me (read: circa February at the very least, I expect).

I'm truly sorry for breaking my earlier promise, but I'm not feeling in a good place mentally to undertake any kind of long (or short) term creative endeavor until I can put my irl duties to rest, which I believe was impacting both me and my writing negatively. Whether this counts as leaving Last Market on hiatus or straight up abandoned, I can't really say. But the motivation and ideas are still there in my head and my notes, and I sincerely do hope I can one day do them, and the market dork, the justice they deserve.

Also >>32137 I was saving up that pic for a later post, now I won't be able to use it on this board...

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File 153138516987.jpg - (1.55MB, 750x1000, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou_drawn_by_silentdin_.jpg)
[x ] I’ll trade your story for what I’ve got so far. Secrets shared are friendships made.

You recite your vision, your shattered and reassembled memories that were jolted to the surface. You spare no detail in describing the beginning of your desires from killing ants and insects, and your gradual progression up the food chain until you were feeding off other humans, and finally the destruction your soul was subjected to at the hands of the professor, whose name and features are but a blur, but their words and actions remain.

Throughout the tale, Reisen reacts first with some mild shock, then a sort of understanding frown, before finally smiling as you describe how you were torn apart and reassembled.

“And that’s how the old Wu Zhenguo died.” You finish, “Probably for the better.”

Reisen’s ear twitches as she re-examines you with the lenses, “Looks consistent, your chest cavity is indeed partially destroyed. But, how?” She asks as she pokes you in the chest, obviously not feeling the hole, “What sort of entity with this amount of power will bother to disguise as a commoner and target a virtual nobody?”

You shrug, “I have some ideas, retired Greek gods being the first and foremost given the river invocations, but I’ll worry about that when I ask Conner about any strange professors we might remember if I can sneak back to the village. You know what? It might actually be him, now that I think about it. But it’s your turn, my dear rabbit.”

You flinch as Reisen, without a word, reaches out and caresses your neck...for a moment. Your eyes then lock with hers, and then your senses are no longer your own.

Foreign brain waves invade your own, a peculiar insanity.
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I was archiving the whole story at https://archiveofourown.org/works/30374592, but then I realized that with the power of a non-imageboard format, I could rewrite as much as I want.

There's a new story arc up as of this posting, if you would like to "vote" for the general direction of the new stuff feel free to post.
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You posted the last chapter twice, just saying.
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Thanks for the notice.

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File 148322887410.png - (801.34KB, 1500x1500, __usami_renko_touhou_drawn_by_nanahi_toshi__9a77af.png)
Mt. Takao, Hachioji - 29th of March 15:19

“Scrap that, Renko.” I tell her, pocketing my phone. “You’re gonna come with me to a job.”

She raises her head from the ground. “A job?” She asks, perplexed.

“Yes. I do work.” I tell her. “I can’t spend all day everyday working this majestic body.”

She rolls her eyes in response, apparently not finding my sarcasm fun. “I mean, what do you do for work?”

“I fix holes in a giant invisible wall, essentially.” I tell her. “Then I also take care of the monsters that made that hole by forcing them back through it.” Which is oversimplifying it grossly.

She sits up. “And how am I supposed to help?”
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Seems like I accidentally cut that part out.
Alice was working on a lock spell that will seal her grimoires so only she can open them.
The spells used for the seal would be the key indicators for that. Physical and magical resistances to avoid being forced open. Mana identification to id her and unlock the book.
She wanted to examine your 'dispel' and test her own spell at the same time. But Spell Break is not a dispel, which threw her for a loop.
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File 161244022024.jpg - (595.79KB, 700x1000, __sendai_hakurei_no_miko_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_b.jpg)
Hakurei Shrine, Gensokyo - 18th of Water Month, 13:37

“It really did start pouring.” The shrine maiden stands drenched on the shrine's porch. “How'd you know?”

“Not sure. If I had to guess, it'd be the air pressure.”

“Air pressure?” She unties the ribbons holding her sleeves in place and they drop to the floor with a wet splat.

“Yeah.” I point to my ear. “It's easiest to feel deep in your ear.” I explain. “When it's about to rain, the pressure will get higher.”

“Huh.” Is all she says as she wrings surprising a amount of water out from her skirt. “Think I'll be heading to the bath first. Wouldn't want to get sick.” She looks up at me.

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[x] Helping them might help clear my name, even if Akyuu has to wait a bit longer.

Priorities, people.

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File 160425960561.png - (1.15MB, 2048x1024, 4135023a0ab8058a3a8e110361ec2220bfa67a7f.png)

“Most people live out their days on an isle of vapid ignorance, shying away from the dark and hungry waters that surround it,” said the goddess. “But not you, child. You crave for more. I see it plain in your eyes.”

The child looked behind, where the lights of her hometown glowed dimly in the dark, just far enough for her to walk back. Back where her parents slept soundly at home, still unaware of her elopement. Back where an easy, uneventful life of prosaic toiling awaited her; where she saw herself laboring the fields from sun to sun, getting married off to some man from the neighboring village, siring children and working the kitchen until her skin withered and her bones were ground to dust. Mundanity was not the life for her. The child felt, no,
knew, she was destined for something greater.

“I will bond you as my apprentice and my follower,” the goddess declared. “I will teach you everything I know. I will teach you every spell I have. You will become more powerful than any other person in the world, in history.”

The child’s dusty face lit up, greedy and covetous.

“But power and knowledge demand sacrifice, child. To seek magic is to brave the tides, but one who does should not expect to see those shores again,” continued the goddess, gravely. “Cast aside your old life, your old acquaintances, your old name. Only then I shall accept your plea.”

The child took one deep breath, then another. She did not need to ponder for long. That decision had already been made the moment she sneaked out of her room in the midst of dark.

“Very well,” the goddess smiled, brighter than the moon and stars above. “Eternity lies ahead, and behind. Will you drink your fill?”

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[x] She was too tense for suggestions. She needed to be calmed down.
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File 160468550588.png - (2.11MB, 1450x2048, da4b728fe9e29d0b8d183e14c35bd013160a059d967094394f.png)

The village bustled with activity, townsfolk pacing to-and-fro over the main street, exchanging morning pleasantries, pulling their carts full of the day’s produce and putting up their stands to sell it. Nobody paid attention to the unassuming girl hungrily eyeing a pile of apples greener and shinier than her own hair, nor to the goddess who floated leisurely at her side, amused.

“Listen well, child. This will be your first lesson,” said Hecate. “In order to become a witch and harness what you call ‘magic’, you must learn to exact your will upon the world. You want to eat that apple? Then you’ll have to take it, if you can.”

Mima (the name still sounded alien to her) looked back at the azure goddess, who only raised a curious eyebrow, and then back at her target. She went through a number of scenarios in her head about how the goddess expected her to go about acquiring that tasty apple. Did she imply she could make it levitate and float to her? It couldn’t be; she had stared at it for long enough to know that wasn’t going to happen. Maybe she meant she could make another apple pop up right in her hand? Perhaps. But even Mima knew spontaneous creation was beyond the power of a simple human like her, will or no. No, her only feasible options were to either quickly snatch one of those apples and hope nobody saw her stealing (fat chance), or somehow make the stand owner give it to her for free.

The neophyte witch squared her shoulders and strode to the stand with all the reassurance her disheveled, slender build could muster. Whatever effect that could have had on the man was attenuated when Mima had to tiptoe to make herself seen behind the stand, but she didn’t let that deter her.

“Give me an apple, mister,” she said, her shrill voice barely a whisper.

The store owner gave the scraggly child a long look, and sniffed. “That’ll be a copper, missy.”

“I don’t have money.”
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Waiting warmly

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She paced the edge of it, ruddy-red waves lapping gently over her ankles, painting the soil in full, dark wine: a crater-lake of blood, its heady scent filling her core with the gnawing hunger of centuries. Above her spun the stars of a sky of always night, the Moon, perhaps, crowning them high overhead.

Or perhaps it hung somewhere off the coast of Brazil. She couldn’t tell: there was no light from it, after all, not without the Sun to illuminate it. But it was one or it was the other, because it was high tide on the lake, which meant the greatest extent of freedom allowed to her by the terms of her sealing, if only by a few feet of damp backshore.

She paced it nonetheless.

[ ] Savouring it, for all that it was worth.
[ ] Hating every moment of it.
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If you're not well for writing, historical background like this is still appreciated.
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File 159772946442.png - (623.41KB, 643x888, cute vampire.png)
cute vampire
I've been persuaded to upload the doodles for this story to an external repository, in the event that someone comes across this thread in years to come and finds that it's been pushed off the active pages of the board.
Here it is: https://archive.org/details/thp_exile
Also replying to the OP (>>31363) in case backlinks ever get added to the archives here.
This is not a statement either way on whether I plan to continue the story, but right now my priorities remain elsewhere.

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drink deep
Previous thread: >>31609

There are only a few patrons in the pub, mostly sitting at the bar and making light conversation among themselves. An old man, the owner, nods at you as you come in and Komachi picks a small table towards the back of the place. She orders right away, reclining in her chair as you wait for drinks.

“Been a long day, hasn’t it?” she asks.

“Has it?” you reply, “it feels as if most of the time you were napping, eating or sitting around.”

“Keeping an eye on you is pretty tiring, trust me,” she ripostes, none too bothered. The sake is quick to arrive, brought by a young girl who asks if you’d want something to eat as well. You tell her that you’ll think about it and Komachi agrees. “Cheers,” she raises her glass, “to work.”

“To work,” you echo, somewhat more seriously. Sake is nice and all, and you drink it gladly, but you also take the opportunity to write down more thoughts in the notebook. It’s not quick-going since the shinigami keeps talking to you throughout but over the next hour—while enjoying a few more drinks and some finger food—you manage to build up a satisfactory record of the day and what was going on in your mind. You close the notebook with a satisfying thump and finally put it down.

It is fortuitous that you decided to do at least that much as Komachi’s freewheeling drinking session comes to an abrupt end. She was in the middle of a story about putting a celestial in her place. In an instant an ample smile and ruddy cheeks morph into a reserved stare and ashen face. Your back is to the door but you turn to follow her eyes and see the source of her sudden transformation: Lady Shiki has come into the establishment.

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NSFW image
We gotta have enough death flags to see the "failed judge experiment" BAD END at this point.
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“I’m not sure that’s a very good answer,” comes the reply. It’s not the Yama who says it but rather Komachi. There is concern in her eyes and she soon catches herself, realizing that she shouldn’t have said anything. “Sorry, I may have had a little too much to drink,” is her excuse.

“Would you say that it’s a little too arrogant?” Lady Shiki asks her with a slight smile on her lips.

“Ah, a little maybe. Then again the people in the ministry-” she catches herself again, this time before she says something truly stupid. Shaking her empty cup, she says instead, “well, Makoto is persistent. Hasn’t let up yet.”

“Both subordinates are bad at answering direct questions,” the Yama grumbles and bites into another dumpling. She chews as she thinks, looking less like a judge and increasingly disgruntled. With a sigh, she concludes, “I need to concern myself more with the day to day running of things.”

Komachi’s guard is once again down. Showing you a smile that you believe is supposed to be encouraging, she the blurts out, “Maybe you should go out just the two of you and be more direct when it comes to teaching,”

“There is a time and a place for everything,” Lady Shiki asserts. “There are deficiencies to correct first. Overwhelming someone is not likely to lead to good results.”

“Makoto looks a little overwhelmed right now,” the shinigami says, puffing up her lips. Her cheeks match the tint of her hair. With her hands upturned and elbows on the table, she cradles her head and pouts. From loquacious to childish and fed up in an instant. She could easily be talking about herself.

“That’s because you got my Candidate drunk,” the Yama blames her for your state. Like a weary mother dealing with an unruly child, she says a few other sharp words that put her in her place.
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I'm going to be honest in saying that I don't quite understand what effect most of the votes had on anything. Not like it particularly matters, mind. Still a reasonably enjoyable story; I wouldn't mind a sequel/prequel/remaster at some point.

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the judge
The dead man accepts judgment with unusual aplomb. Whereas others might squirm at having their sins read out or—as had been the case earlier—attempt to interrupt the session with hasty interjections and justifications, he seems almost indifferent to what the Yama has to say. If the judge is surprised by this unusual man, she hides it well, being as meticulous in presenting the facts of the case as with every other preceding soul that day. His quiet poise still makes an impression on the others watching and they pay careful attention to the build up to the sentencing.

Being sentenced to hell seemed like the obvious outcome; the lot of most sinners is an opportunity for repentance followed by punishment. So you're surprised when he is instead sent to the Netherworld. The man offers a bows to the judge once the proceedings are concluded. Then he is escorted away from the court, his fate to be advanced by a shinigami acting as bailiff. This proves to be the last act of the court for the day.

The presiding yama thanks the clerks of the court for their hard work and ends their long shift. She puts away her hand mirror into a protective bag and then rises from her seat. Before retiring to her chambers, however, she looks over at you and beckons you to come with a nod. That’s a very exciting development for you, as you’ve never been in the private chambers of a judge before. Truth be told, you have no idea what to expect. Your first courtroom experience today has already made your head swim more than once.

It appears that the Yama does not have very extravagant tastes. The room is an austere space with a few chairs, a simple shelf with some scrolls and a large desk with a stack of documents. She takes a seat and invites you to do the same. “How was your first day at court?” she asks, allowing a slight smile to form on her lips for the first time in the day.

“It was fascinating, Enma,” you answer. “Hearing about what goes on and actually seeing it with my own eyes is like night and day. I am not certain I am ready.”

“Modesty is good, Candidate,” she says, using the official term endorsed by the ministry,
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[x] Join her.
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[x] There's still work to do.
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New thread >>31879

It would probably be helpful to other readers if you shared your reasons for believing that instead expecting everyone to accept your conclusion just because.

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File 140597987562.jpg - (162.92KB, 849x601, sample-b653000fa857d7e028dfe9aaeb5415cb.jpg)
Tokyo is the same as it has been these past eighty years, crowded, cramped, but at the same time a very free and open environment. Sure new buildings are built, but what makes this city what it is has failed to change.

It is a city of dreamers, conmen, and opportunists; it opens its doors wide for those willing to do what it takes to claim what they want, though it has a nasty of habit of turning those same into the destitute.
Though this city has no place for one such as yourself anymore.

You didn’t board the first train the Gap Master sent out, there was an exodus of us, the forgotten, but you stayed behind, there are still plenty of games to play in a city such as this.

That was 1954.

Every ten years another invitation would be sent out, giving promise of a paradise, this “Gensokyo”, and every time more of us would leave, by 1994 there was hardly any left to board the trains.

It wasn’t until most children couldn’t even see you that you decided to leave.

The year is 2014.
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Erien, get the fuck back here. Move to /shorts/ if you have to, but get back here.
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No, don't particularly wanna.
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got 'em

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