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File 171422603460.png - (0.99MB, 1068x816, 2793304758_preview_Chengguo.png)
The world has ended, but five (well, four and a half) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Reiuji Youmu, the third of the Immaterial Children, had her past life come to her in a flash, as a psychic message attempted to reach out to and contact her. Immediately, the difference between her bodies - specifically, the lack of her phantom half - has set her in deep discomfort.

But there are other people to worry about, aside from herself. As a resident of the Komeiji household, the still-open-eyed Koishi has also been in tears, and Youmu puts her own doubts aside to take care of the young mistress.

But perhaps the ripples in fate caused by attempting to defy it go deeper than anyone yet understands...

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906 >>207202
Yester/Youmu >>207370
Epilogues and Shorts >>/shorts/2804 (now contains Epilogues for Again/Akyuu, starting at >>/shorts/2838)

Or read the story archive on Ao3:

[0] A light dinner.
[1] An average dinner.
[1] Fill ‘em up!
[26] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
-[X] Make a nice dessert to cheer Koishi up, too.
-[X] Obviously, a course of the Satori sister's favorite dishes. Good comfort food should be familiar, especially with how bad a day Koishi seemed to have had...
-[X] She just had to try making a dish of sashimi, to test her reflexes with her swords given the new memories.
-[X] She could get away with being a bit selfish and making her- Myon's- own favorite food, right? It might help her process everything.

“Well, we’ll start with that classic power-boosting soup, boar and seaweed. Nice and hearty comfort food.” Okuu nodded, beginning to gather the ingredients. “...If I’m being greedy… let’s get some tofu and extra seaweed for it as well.”

“Koishi could use some cheering up, so let’s get some icecream for her. Ah, maybe in those little Kedama-cubes she likes.” Youmu turned, humming. “Then we should get some skewers going as well…”


“Oh, and maybe I can try cutting up some sashimi! Let’s see if Shiroihane does the job as well as the Hakurouken did… oh, and maybe I can do some fruit as well. Toss it up in the air and let Kuroihane out to play -”


“Then we’ll get the ‘Hellish Spice!’ curry you like, Okuu, and some Dragon Carp for Orin… oh, and of course tamagoyaki for Satori as well… “

Yes, cooking was always a good thing. It was something she could do with her eyes closed, endlessly, as long as she needed.

Youmu grinned, and got to work.

Satori, Rin, and Koishi looked at the platters laid out before her. Then at Youmu. Then at the platters again.

The hell raven grinned triumphantly. This was one of her best feasts, of that she was sure. As Orin looked up at the peak of the fruit stack, she was sure she’d get-

“Youmu… I think there’s more food here than there is people.”

Myon blinked. “Uh?”

Orin gestured. “I mean… this is… rather a lot for just us, isn’t it?”

Youmu shook her head. “But Koishi’s a growing girl, she needs a lot of food, doesn’t she?”

“If Koishi eats this much food, the only direction she’ll be growing is outwards!” Orin clapped back. “And what’s that blocky thing on the side?”

Youmu looked. “Oh, I’m especially proud of that. That’s the Cubic Kedama Ice Cream that Koishi likes. I thought it’d be nice to play with the presentation a bit.”

The kasha gesticulated wildly at the ice cream. “You’ve made a whole landscape out of it! There’s even a cave! Didn’t Okuu try to stop you?”

Youmu thought back. “Well, she was offering suggestions. Until she had to leave to do other things… about when I was slicing up the fruit, I think.”

Orin gave the familiar exasperated sigh. “Let me guess. You mean when you started throwing food into the air and slashing at it with your big sword?”

Youmu grinned smugly. “Always be training the blade, in everything you do!”

“Well no wonder Okuu didn’t stop you when you started slashing like that! What do you think you are, some sort of fruit samurai or something? Nobody could eat that much food!”

Youmu blinked. “Errrr, but, my previous mistress-”

“What was your previous mistress? A black hole?!”

The sound of cute, sweet laughter filled the air. The two arguing youkai stopped, to see Koishi nearly falling off her chair. Satori was holding back a chuckle, as well.

At length, Orin turned to look at Myon. “...Lot of wasted food to get me to play the tsukkomi. This is why nobody cooks until after you do, you know.”

“They don’t?!”

Satori raised her hand, stifling more chuckles as she did so. “Orin. It’s fine. Let’s just call everyone else in, and make a feast out of it, shall we?” She smiled at her sister, still pulling herself together. “...Might as well take advantage of the good mood.”

“Ah- more people eating with us?” Youmu clapped her hands. “Then I’ll have to make more platters-” Koishi burst out laughing again.

Satori stood up, smiling. “Youmu, it’s… quite alright. I believe some of your… ‘reincarnation’ memories have distorted your perception of how much we can all eat.” Youmu blinked, feeling her face flush. Oh. She’d been cooking like there was two Lady Yuyukos, hadn’t she?

Satori smiled. “Perhaps we can talk more about your ‘Lady Yuyuko’ later, hmmm? For now, if you could just do a quick round of the grounds, and get everyone over here?” Youmu nodded, her face flush, and set about her task.

For a mercy, it turned out to be about enough for a full feast with all the animals there. What had started out as a somber and confusing night had turned to a lively party, and there was no small amount of playful ribbing that came at the white raven’s expense. Youmu did her best to take it all in stride, feeling her face flush.

She’d ended up taking a plate and retreating to one of the windowsills, eating slowly. Fortunately, the impromptu routine seemed to have improved Koishi’s mood immensely, and that was worth a bit of embarrassment. She was chatting with Orin with a forkful of carp. Just next to them, Okuu had drunk a bit too much wine, and now was leaning on Satori for support.

…It struck Youmu, then. That she was… out of place, inserted into this picture, not entirely part of it. There was another world she was supposed to be in, the world in the sky. The Netherworld.

She sighed, looking out the open windowsill at the harsh, rocky landscape of former hell - largely inhospitable to gardening anything but the most sturdy and least appealing of plants, despite much effort on her part. Just not enough sunlight. Or Spring, for that matter.

What time was it even now? …Maybe… the summer before the Spring Snow Incident? Would that even happen, if she wasn’t there? …Did they even know she should be there? She found herself… lost in thought. Wondering about how the Netherworld was doing. Wondering about Lady Yuyuko… wondering about Grandpa.

Wondering about the little silhouette in the shadow of the garden. Youmu straightened up, looking at it more closely.

It was… small. Maybe roughly at the upper end of fairy sized, looking like a child? The most striking feature was the two circles on either side of it’s head, making for a clear silhouette. A mouse maybe? …But all of the mice of Chireiden were inside already, aggressively forming a defensive barrier around the cheese platter. An outsider mouse, then? Possible, at least. …Were the buddhists still underground at this point? They were, right?

The mouse-like silhouette turned, and- Youmu squinted. She didn’t quite see how, but the mouse(?) had moved from the shadow of one pillar to the shadow of another, without being illuminated by the lights on the other side of the fencing. The hell-raven squinted down… and realized that the figure was looking up at her. A sagging hand, or maybe an overly long sleeve, reached out to point at the swordswoman in the window.

Then it beckoned, calling for her to follow. All of a sudden, the mouse-thing did… whatever it did to move around again, and was suddenly on the opposite side of the pillar. Well, maybe it had squeezed through the fence that time? It took off at a run, managing a surprising speed for such a little thing. Youmu took a hesitant glance back into the dining room, but nobody was immediately around her. If she wanted to get backup, she’d have to break eye contact on the little silhouette, and hope it wouldn’t get away.

[ ] After it! Before it gets out of sight!
[ ] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
[ ] It might just be a prankster. Just leave it be.

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[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!

-[X] Yell "Heading out!" Can't say they weren't warned.
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[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!
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[X] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
-[X] Orin

Okuu's too drunk right now, and who better than a cat to help us chase down a mouse?
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[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!

-[X] Yell out an apology for leaving so suddenly,

I would've liked to get Orin's attention for this, but we want our mouse to still be alive, especially if we want to question it.
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[X] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
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[X] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
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[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!

Well, it was beckoning for us to follow, so we probably will be able to follow, whereas if we bring in someone else the mouse may abandon current plans and just vamoose. Of course that means we could be blundering into a trap, but hey, blundering into traps can be fun too.
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It's a point of interest!

[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!

Get it! As for additions...

-[X] Yell "Heading out!" Can't say they weren't warned.

We better be back soon. As much as we may be an odd being in the picture, we are still in the picture.
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Guys… I don’t think that’s a mouse.

[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!
-[X] Yell "Heading out!" Can't say they weren't warned.
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[X] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
-[X] Orin

-[jk] Tell it "Cheesed to meet you" when you catch up

Nazrin? The Buddhist ship was underground pre SA events wasn't it?
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No Nazrin’s sleeves don’t seem particularly long to me. Besides what reason would Nazrin have for beckoning Youmu.


I should probably elaborate on this. What I mean is, what if the circles next to her head aren’t mouse ears… but instead Yin-Yang Orbs.
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[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!
-[X] Yell "Heading out!" Can't say they weren't warned.

Hmm. Round things on their head and long sleeves. Could be Suwako, but that would mean the Moriya are here much earlier than they should be. Plus I'd imagine the hat silhouette would have stood out too. Only one way to find out I suppose!
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[X] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
-[X] Orin

If it is a mouse, who better to chase it down?
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[X] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
-[X] Orin
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[X] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
-[X] Orin

Offensive cat stereotypes for the win!
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[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!

-[X] Yell "Heading out!" Can't say they weren't warned.
-[X] Yell out an apology for leaving so suddenly.
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Don't currently have time to vote, but we do have 2 mind readers here, could send a mental heads up rather than trying to shout over the din. (Though does the komeji's third eye need to be looking in the direction of the mind they are reading?)

On a different note i wonder who it would've been that we were to save on youkai mountain, especially since its shown up twice. (Nitori's sister? It wouldn't be the first fan character considering reimu's mom.)
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This is... such a difficult decision

[X] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.

But at the same time, try not to disturb the festive atmosphere too much so that you don't make the others worry.
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>>207722 here

>Fortunately, the impromptu routine seemed to have improved Koishi’s mood immensely, and that was worth a bit of embarrassment. She was chatting with Orin with a forkful of carp.
I don't want to interrupt her night.
[UNDO] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
-[UNDO] Orin

>Guys… I don’t think that’s a mouse.
Yeah it might be an otter which would be perfect. Also it probably doesn't want us to draw much attention to it.
[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!
-[X] Yell "Heading out!" Can't say they weren't warned.
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[X] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
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[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!
-[X] Yell "Heading out!" Can't say they weren't warned.
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[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!
-[X] Yell "Stop right there, criminal scum!" Can't say they weren't warned.
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[x] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.

Why? Because Orin should get a chance to play literal cat and mouse... whether or not her target proves to actually be a mouse.
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[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!
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[X] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
-[X] Orin
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[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!

I'm glad Koishi got some enjoyment out of Youmu's cooking mishaps.
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Counting to >>207734:
Main Choice:
[13] After it! Before it gets out of sight!
[10] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
[0] It might just be a prankster. Just leave it be.

Potential Additions:
For "After it! Before it gets out of sight!":
One is a bit amusing though...
[7] Yell "Heading out!" Can't say they weren't warned. (>>207707, >>207714, >>207716, >>207719, >>207723, >>207727, >>207729)
[2] Yell out an apology for leaving so suddenly. (>>207710, >>207723)
[1] Yell "Stop right there, criminal scum!" Can't say they weren't warned. (>>207730)

For "Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.":
[5] Orin (>>207709, >>207717, >>207720, >>207721, >>207733)

Still a lot of time left...
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[X] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
-[X] Orin
I don’t think Nazrin was sealed in old hell. It might be reimu seeing as how this seems to take place after akyuus story
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[X] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
{X} Orin
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[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!
-[X] Yell "Heading out!" Can't say they weren't warned.
-[X] Think really loudly the info of why you are heading out in Satori's direction... or however that works.
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>>207708 here:
[UNDO] After it! Before it gets out of sight!
[X] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
-[X] Orin
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[X] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
-[X] Orin

I just want to see Orin's reaction to being asked to help chase a mouse. Whether that's exasperation or genuine interest, it's going to be worth seeing.
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[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!

Youmu’s only slightly scatterbrained right now, what’s the worse that could possibly go wrong?

Suddenly stranded on the surface? Don’t be silly.
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[X] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
-[X] Orin
Koish isn't stupid or petty, she'll understand if her conversational partner has to take 5 to deal with business
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[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!
-[X] Yell "Heading out!" Can't say they weren't warned.
-[X] Think really loudly the info of why you are heading out in Satori's direction... or however that works.
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File 171427535095.png - (3.14MB, 1672x1637, KomachiChess.png)
>> “My boss, the Yama, has been looking for the Child of Miare. Desperately, like the Child was her own. And I’ve been told to investigate and report any possible sightings. I was originally kicking my feet about it a bit, I wasn’t gonna chase any old rumor. But then… I remembered something.”

>> The drops of red blood sunk into the paper grid, each drop staining the square it touched red. It formed an alternating grid, eight-by-eight. Komachi reached into her pocket, pulling out a small pile of gold and silver coins. “The Child of Miare… is an excellent chess player. So, kid - do you fancy a game?” She hefted the makeshift game board, grinning.

>> A few minutes had passed. A couple of the rabbits had brought out chairs, and given Akyuu and Komachi a place to sit. Haru was still in the dirt - nobody wanted to risk moving her - but efforts were being made to clean and sterilize the area around her.

>> There were dozens of eyes watching the game, but that wasn’t anything new to Akyuu. The games had often been a spectacle for the Hieda estate in her last life, as well. She’d taken the gold coins and was going first; Komachi had the silver, and was taking second. Thirty seconds for a turn, no more.
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Double posting because I forgot to add:
Sorry for the delay. Perspective on this took a while to figure out. Mostly because I wanted to make justice to the chess board.

I should have included Haru on the ground, but I would have had to re-do the whole thing and I was lazy.

Next should be Akyuu's awakening and/or Youmu's and Okuu's present day as sisters.
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It looks nice! Can't wait for your take on the Re/Awakening!
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[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!
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File 171429926947.jpg - (85.72KB, 850x638, __kazami_yuuka_sunflower_and_solar_flare_touhou_an.jpg)
Looking for a tiebreaker vote! First vote after >>207747 does it!
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[X] After it! Before it gets out of sight!
-[X] Yell "Heading out!" Can't say they weren't warned.

Tiebreaker incoming.
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File 171431825990.jpg - (145.57KB, 1114x1435, __moriya_suwako_touhou_drawn_by_paragasu_parags112.jpg)
[17] After it! Before it gets out of sight!
[15] Try and get someone else’s attention to help chase it down.
[0] It might just be a prankster. Just leave it be.
-[X] Yell "Heading out!" Can't say they weren't warned.

There wasn’t a moment to lose.

“Heading out! There’s someone strange on the grounds!” A few of the nearby animals looked in Youmu’s direction, and nodded. The message would get to Satori and the rest eventually.

She hopped up on the windowsill, and kicked off. A swooping dive to build up momentum, and she was gliding, after the shadowy figure.

As she was getting closer, she got more of a sense of her target’s movements. It wasn’t just that they were moving between shadows - they were… maybe tunneling? At an incredibly fast speed, at that, treating the earth more like water than… well, earth.

As the speed of her swoop started to slow, she brought herself to the ground, chasing after them on foot. Now that they were level, more features started to become clear - most notably, that they were treating the earth like water, leaving no gaps where they dived in. Youmu began to get… a feeling of deja vu, and not one she was at all expecting.

The figure was clearly leading her some ways away - not to a place that was all that far from Chireiden, but around a few bends and corners. Far enough that whatever was about to happen wouldn’t be spotted from the estate.

At that point, the figure stopped, surfacing from the earth up into a low squat. Youmu started to approach, putting her hands on her blades-

Two massive stone hands came at her, putting her in full retreat. Feet kicked at the ground, and snow white wings flapped in the air. Together, she easily cleared the stony clap, the two hands crumbling to rubble.

And yet…

Youmu paused. She started to approach, and the earth churned. As soon as she stopped, the earth settled. Right. So she wasn’t supposed to get too close.

The small figure gave a throaty chuckle.

“Keheheh… Not bad running for a crow, y’know.” The figure stood up, grinning. “Or maybe you’re an ostrich?”

“I’m a half- I’m a hell-raven, not a crow.” Youmu scowled. “Nor whatever an ostrich is. Now, my turn to ask a question.”

She raised her shortblade, pointing it squarely at the intruder.

“What’s a goddess doing snooping around at Chireiden?”

Moriya Suwako cooed appreciatively. “Ooooh, good eye, good eye. Yes, yes, I suppose I should introduce myself, shouldn’t I?” The goddess doffed her hat, going to bow deeply. “The name’s Moriya Suwako. Goddess of the mountains, the earth, and the mishaguji. And, hmmmm… you’re an interesting little birdie, aren’t you?”

Youmu steadied her stance, looking directly at the earth goddess. “That’s not an answer to my question. Why did you come here?”

“Whoop!” The goddess slipped into the earth again, leaving Youmu’s head to whirl around for a target. All of a sudden, there were small hands on her feathers. “Oooh, you keep these nice and clean. Can’t be easy if you don’t bend that way. Does your mistress help you, or can you shift into birdie-form to do it? For that matter... do you clean yourself in a human bath or a birdbath?”

“Get off me!” Youmu shoved an elbow in the vague direction of Suwako’s face, but only hit a mound of dirt. The goddess reemerged, in her original position. “You want me to stay back, the least you can do is the same.”

“Touchy, touchy…” Suwako chuckled. “And yet, you didn’t try to take my head? I could be veeeeeeeery dangerous, you know.”

Youmu sighed. “There’s no killing intent in you. Whatever you’re here for, killing me ain’t part of it.” She pulled herself back into a fighting stance. “So I will ask you again. What. Are. You. Doing. Here?”

“What am I doing here, what am I doing here…” The goddess leaned back, conjuring a seat of stone to allow her to sit and lean back in thought. “Hmmm. Well, this is called Chireiden, yes?”


“And that means Palace of the Earth Spirits…” The goddess gestured to herself. “Wouldn’t you call me an earth spirit?”

“...Technically?” Youmu blinked, then growled. “You intend to take over Chireiden?”

The goddess seemed to give it a lot of thought, before ultimately… shrugging. “Nahhhhhhh. Too many furballs, not enough ponds. And the view is not exactly selling it as prime real estate.” Another croaky chuckle.

Youmu started to approach again, but the goddess once again churned the earth. “Hmmmm… what am I here for, then… You know what an Immaterial Child is?”

Youmu scowled. “Should I?”

“Probably not yet, I suppose. Well, no point talking about that yet, then.” Suwako hummed dramatically. “Now, what was I here for…?”

The hell-raven gave out another sigh. “Don’t tell me that you’re going senile, are you? You should bring along a notepad if you can’t remember things.”

“Ohhhhhh, right! A notepad!” Suwako waved her hand, and a stone tablet as big as her formed beside her. “Yeah, let’s see, what was I supposed to …?”

The swordswoman took an experimental step. It appeared that Suwako was still making her keep her distance, but only distance - she could walk around the goddess if she didn’t get too close. She did so, to get a better look at the list of items on the list.

“Hmmmmm… not sure which one I was here for…” The frog-loving goddess turned to Youmu, giving an innocent look. “Any of these stand out to you?”

Youmu squinted at the tablet. It was a big hard to read, but… “...Rice, Soy sauce, miso stock… that’s a shopping list! And why do you have ‘eggs’ underlined?!”

Suwako looked at the ‘eggs’ line, then back at Youmu. After a moment, she held her hand out, expectantly. “Can you help?”

“Wh- NO! I - they’re not - I’m not a chicken!”

The goddess cackled, tossing the stone tablet aside. “Keheheheh! Well, guess I wasn’t here for groceries.”

Youmu hissed between her teeth, brandishing her blades again. “Is your goal to draw me out while your mishaguji attack Chireiden, then?”

Suwako hummed. “Nnnnnope, don’t think that’s even close. The mishaguji are all keeping things nice and clear at Moriya Shrine. And so far, I’m kinda thinking the only business partner of mine who came down here found the silver prize, and completely missed the gold. …Heck, maybe she’s going senile. Tragic to see it happening to someone so young. Shouldn’t start until you’re in your three-thousands, at least.”

Youmu focused… then launched herself forward. Suwako saw her coming, but the rising earth wasn’t fast enough to catch her, and the goddess had to sloppily dive back to dodge the strike. “Enough! Are you going to tell me what happened, or am I going to have to beat it out of you?”

When Suwako pulled her face up from the ground, it was with a sly grin. “Now there’s an idea.” The goddess sat up, grinning. “Perhaps a fight is just the thing to job my memory a little.”

She dived back into the earth, emerging a few metres away. This time, when she surfaced, it was with two iron rings in hand. “Would you oblige me a duel, birdie? Not to the death or anything. Let’s just say it’s to first strike.”

Youmu paused, standing up. “...What’s the trick?”

“No trick, no trick!” Suwako chuckled. “You’ve just caught my eye, and I want to get your measure, birdie. I promise I’ll tell you exactly why I’m here when we’re done, alright?”

Youmu gave it some thought. …It was worth a shot, at least. And if she turned out to be lying, she could just hit the goddess more than once. And it was the perfect time to get a good grasp of where her own swordplay was at. “...Fine, I accept your duel.”

Suwako grinned, doing a bow before her opponent. “Then let us be about it, shall we? Ready, set… KERO!”

[ ] Take to the skies. All of her surprise attacks came from the earth, staying airborne in the fight would keep her further away.
[ ] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.

{ } Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.
{ } Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.

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Looks like might be eying us to feed the Yatagarasu to instead of Okuu. Seems like she also knows what is going on. I don't like it.

[X] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.
{X} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.
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Oh yeah I guess Suwako made perfect sense for the description. But now all the gears one my head are working overtime on the meaning of her appearing like this.

>> "I’m kinda thinking the only business partner of mine who came down here found the silver prize, and completely missed the gold."

Ominous, for the potential implications of this.

Now, it's a hard choice. Flying might give us an edge to avoid attacks but Youmu is not the best at flying (adding to that, her old memories might clash with her new body). If anything, using swords while flying might be more dangerous to her than to Suwako, because she is used to folding her wings to practice. I think we don't want to cut some main feathers and clip ourselves accidentally.

[X] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.

Fighting defensive is more my style. Especially since Suwako hinted she might know who we are already.

{X} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.
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[X] Take to the skies. All of her surprise attacks came from the earth, staying airborne in the fight would keep her further away.
-[X] If Suwako uses pillars of stone, we can still use those to kick off into a more advantageous position if we need to. But be careful they're not traps.

{X} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.

Did you know that when a raven approaches a carcass, it hops towards it with one talon forward and the other back? This is so it can quickly jump back and fly to a safe distance in case the corpse is actually wounded and not dead.
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[X] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.

{X} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.

-[X]Let's put these wings to good use, look for an opening to divebomb the curse goddess.

While playing aggressive could work out,
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Hit it too early, while playing aggressively could work out, I'm not sure if we want to potentially be hit with one of her rings or pillars while we're focused on attack.
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[X] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.
{ } Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.
If Suwako knows who we are already then she has an advantage against us. Only fair to level the playing field. Also I like playing aggressive
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[X] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.
{X} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.
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[X] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.
{X} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.
It's a sound plan, given that we're fighting on her own turf technically.
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[X] Take to the skies. All of her surprise attacks came from the earth, staying airborne in the fight would keep her further away.

{X} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.

I'd rather go airborne. Half because I want to play into bird Youmu, and half because I do think that staying off the ground is a good idea versus the earth goddess. Besides, Youmu could fly in her previous life too, so it's not like she's never used her swords in the air.

Going defensive seems like the natural compliment to that. Patience feels like the kind of thing Youmu would have trained, after all.
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Youmu's already a proficient swordswoman, so giving her nuclear powers on top of that would make her... an Atomic Samurai.

[X] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.
{X} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.
It's a sound plan, given that we're fighting on her own turf technically.
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[X] Take to the skies. All of her surprise attacks came from the earth, staying airborne in the fight would keep her further away.

{X} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.
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Huh, my guess was correct. Very interesting. I wonder how many of the big power players are going to get kickstarted early?

[X] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.
{X} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.

Probably going to want to play it safe for the first combat with our old memories. Don't want to mix up our old muscle memory with our new body.
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[x] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.

{x} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.

after fighting suwako mains in 12.3 the only experience I would recommend is PRESS HER PRESS HER RIGHT NOW BEFORE THE GROUND LOOPS START EEEEEEEEEEE
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[x] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.

{x} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.

If Youmu eats the Yatagarasu, her sword skills will allow her to split the atom. Although I question the wisdom of splitting the atom at point blank range.
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[x] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.

{x} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could

Taps head
The key to winning fights is to hit them before they hit you.

Actuallt though, Youmu's main thing is speed. IIRC she's faster than Aya in the fighting games. Pressing Suwako might be worth.
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[X] Stay on the ground.
{X} Fight aggressively.

This is a fight to the first strike. I remind you all that Youmu's gimmick as a stage 5 boss is literally just being so fast that the game needs to go into slow motion for the player to have time to react. If she's that fast in this life too, we can just run up to the frog, nick her in one hit, and we're already done.
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[X] Take to the skies. All of her surprise attacks came from the earth, staying airborne in the fight would keep her further away.

{X} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.
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my youtube algorithm probably thinks i'm trying to learn suwako for soku now. which is funny, because i'm not a fighting game person at all- i can't even 1cc swr on easy.

that being said, the first battle sure came up fast, huh? nice to get a little battle analysis in, though.

mostly going to be drawing on hisoutensoku for reference, since that seems a bit more in line with non-spell card battles (physical attacks and a variety of non-spell danmaku coming into play without any order to it, just trying to get the other's health down). disclaimer, though: i've never played soku at all- i only have swr installed and like i said, i'm terrible at it. if someone more experienced at soku than me can provide a more detailed analysis/testimony for fighting against suwako, by all means, please correct me.

first things first: suwako being able to tunnel underground and pop up wherever is an immediate problem for youmu. in soku players have the luxury of being able to see where her hat is and get an idea of where she is underground, but youmu has none of that, so it's a very easy ambush. there's an argument for sensing where she might pop up, but i don't like the odds of that.

> She could fly with them, but… she was far from the most graceful at it.

instict is neutral, so we're not too terrible with our wings, but like stated earlier, she isn't too good with it either. she could fly without them in her past life, but adjusting to having to dodge danmaku with two extra limbs (bigger profile and therefore easier to get hit) could be a problem. not to mention, suwako is probably used to fighting people who can fly.

still, i'd rather us be able to actually see the attacks coming and have a chance of dodging instead of just relying on our senses to avoid surprise attacks from the ground.

[X] Take to the skies. All of her surprise attacks came from the earth, staying airborne in the fight would keep her further away.

now as for going on the offensive or defensive... from what i've gathered from watching videos of suwako mains, once she gets a combo in, thats a good amount of your health gone. (again, people who've actually played soku please correct me if i'm wrong.) the issue seems to be actually landing that combo in the first place, with her wacky movement and slow attacks. youmu, on the other hand, is speed. aya and marisa, two of the most prominent speedsters in gensokyo, attest to this in stb and gom respectively- both of them state that she moves and attacks too fast for them to follow, and coming from aya of all people, that's saying something.

{X} Fight aggressively. She'd fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn't fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should used the knowledge advantage while she could.

first counterargument to this is that we don't know how fast youmu is with her new body- like stated above, she's not the best at flying with her wings. also, youmu hasn't received the training she had as a konpaku- her mind has the memories, but her body doesn't. still, some of her skill clearly carried over from her past life, so let's hope the speed also transferred a bit.

the other is that suwako might know youmu reiuji is one of the immaterial children- she clearly knows of them (although at this point, who in gensokyo doesn't? the surface, or gensokyo proper, at least- no one in the animal realm knew what it was until someone from the outside came along, and it seems like nobody in former hell knows, either, from satori and koishi's reactions), and suwako says that she's found the gold prize while kanako found silver, most likely referring to youmu.

now the question is, does she know which of the other immaterial children is she going up against? if she's been recruited to help look for them (unlikely, by the timeline of events it seems like they're pretty new to gensokyo so their priority right now is gaining faith and influence, and what better way to push back against the hakureis than a bargaining chip?), then she might have a description to help her identify youmu. if not, well. she's been with kanako for a long time- she definitely has skill for a subtle investigation under the pretense of getting to know her new environment.

the other question is if she's prepared for youmu's fighting style- it's unlikely she's fought youki, and definitely not against youmu. i guess we'll see how she'll hold up in the next update.

(also, jeez, that was one hell of an analysis. almost 800 words. ah well, i always have fun doing this anyways.)
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>>207759 here:
Analyzing the four possible combinations, there are two combinations that may work:
1) Staying on the ground and fighting defensively (Fighting aggressively while on the ground would be riskier, assuming that Suwako is the patient type when fighting, than just flying up & fighting aggressively [reducing, but not negating, Suwako's advantage]).
2) Going up and fighting aggressively (Fighting defensively is an interesting option, but the fact that they're underground makes it so that Suwako may get a lucky hit on Youmu from above or from any blind angle.)

However, staying on the ground and fighting defensively is probably our best option because we're underground. Although, it really depends how high the ceiling is for Youmu.
An interesting point that could be made is that going up (and fighting either way) may give us an instinct bonus (as it may constitute as good practice with her wings even if Youmu loses), but I digress.
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So after seeing some arguments... I'd like to change up my vote and addition.

{X} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire
-[X] Stay on the defense at first, but swap to a ceaseless offense the moment she leaves any opening.

My thought process with this is if we rush her down without thinking, we're probably on the quickest way to find out. So what if we just go all in the moment we can take a good shot on here? Are we able to shoot danmaku? If so:
-[X] Take potshots at her, keep her from focusing on pressuring you with her own attacks.

I need a second opinion on this, though.
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{X} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.

-[X] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.

—[X] Stay on the defense at first, but swap to a ceaseless offense the moment she leaves any opening.

—-[X] When she does leave an opening, divebomb the curse goddess.

I’m honestly more of fan of Phyllali's original divebomb idea. It might be a bit reckless, but I think it has the potential to work. Even if it doesn’t finish Suwako off, it can at least weaken her enough to allow Youmu to finish her.

Also my inner Charles is telling me to just go for it. So yeah.
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Counting to >>207773:
Main Choice #1:
[5] Take to the skies. All of her surprise attacks came from the earth, staying airborne in the fight would keep her further away.
[13] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.

Main Choice #2:
[6] Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.
[13] Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.

Potential Additions:
For "Fight defensively...":
[2] Stay on the defense at first, but swap to a ceaseless offense the moment she leaves any opening. (>>207771, >>207773)
>>207771 partly confuses me. Is this a write-in for main choice #2 or is it just a potential addition that fits in with the "Fight defensively" choice? I placed it in the potential additions pile because of the use of the dash, but please tell me if I'm correct.

Other Additions:
[1] If Suwako uses pillars of stone, we can still use those to kick off into a more advantageous position if we need to. But be careful they're not traps. (>>207754)
[1] Take potshots at her, keep her from focusing on pressuring you with her own attacks. (>>207771)
[1] Let's put these wings to good use, look for an opening to divebomb the curse goddess. (>>207755)
[1] When she does leave an opening, divebomb the curse goddess. (>>207773)
These bottom two additions are similar, but not the same (in my opinion).
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When will I stop making mistakes?
Correction is below:
[12] Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.
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[X] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.
[X] Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.
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[X] Take to the skies. All of her surprise attacks came from the earth, staying airborne in the fight would keep her further away.

{X} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.
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[X] Take to the skies. All of her surprise attacks came from the earth, staying airborne in the fight would keep her further away.
{X} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.
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hm, hard choice...

[X] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.
{X} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.
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[X] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.

-[X] If Suwako burrows downwards, kick off the ground immediately. There’s no point in being close to the enemy if you can’t slash at them.

I’m not certain, but Suwako’s attacks might cause tremors. If so, it would be far better to stay on the ground where we can feel them, instead of flying blind. However, Youmu probably can’t perfectly interpret these tremors, so we need to get off the ground if Suwako begins burrowing. Just like Pokémon, use fly to dodge dig.

{X} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.

All we need is one strike. One hit. If we can move fast enough, we can end this fight incredibly quickly. Most of Youmu’s spell cards in PCB are all to do with moving stupidly fast, and according to everyone else she’s the same in the fighting games.
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To >>207774
Sorry about that, been scatterbrained so my brain didn't process my own post at the time. It's an addition, not a different vote entirely.
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Well, we certainly have unexpected visitors. This probably means the Mountain of Faith incident has been resolved. And now Okuu is going to become a nuke. For now though, we got a goddess to fight.

[X] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.

We are too comfortable on the ground to take flight. Better to use what we know than what we don't.

{X} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.

Do an anime. Lightning fast judgement cut. Always good. Now, as for additions such as tactics...

(X) Just because we aren't flying don't mean our wings should be useless. Use them for a speed boost!

More force always better.
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Thanks for clarifying.
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No passage from the story this time, didn't base this one on anything, just had a little fun.
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>>207761 here. Modifying my choices a bit.

{UNDO} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.
-{X} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.

(X) Just because we aren't flying don't mean our wings should be useless. Use them for a speed boost!

Suwako sees birb Youmu, and by common sense would expect her to do birb things like fly around and dive bomb her. What Suwako doesn't expect is for the birb to stay on the ground and speed blitz her, and with Youmu's speed she could keep the goddess unbalanced by being aggressive.
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>>207779 here

[UNDO] Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.

{X} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.

(X) Just because we aren't flying don't mean our wings should be useless. Use them for a speed boost!
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{X} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.

(X) Just because we aren't flying don't mean our wings should be useless. Use them for a speed boost!
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I have been convinced.

[X] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.
{X} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.
-{X} Just because we aren't flying don't mean our wings should be useless. Use them for a speed boost!

Unpredictability is a powerful tool that we should absolutely utilize. That and I should probably listen to the fighting game professionals.
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[X] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.
{X} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.
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[X] Take to the skies. All of her surprise attacks came from the earth, staying airborne in the fight would keep her further away.

The muscle memory of her current life may be difficult to ignore in a moment like this. Besides, danmaku battles often end up airborne anyways, so it wouldn't be totally foreign to her old self.

{X} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.

This is just to one blow, after all. It'll be a much easier hit if Youmu speeds along fast enough for time to seem to slow around her, just like she's used to (and imagine how much faster she'd be out of an aerial divebomb. She may just approach the sound barrier XD).
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[X] Take to the skies. All of her surprise attacks came from the earth, staying airborne in the fight would keep her further away.
{X} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.
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[X] Take to the skies. All of her surprise attacks came from the earth, staying airborne in the fight would keep her further away.
{X} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.
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Sorry for being late :/
Counting to >>207802:
Main Choice #1:
[10] Take to the skies. All of her surprise attacks came from the earth, staying airborne in the fight would keep her further away.
[19] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.

Main Choice #2:
[18] Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.
[12] Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.

Potential Additions:
For "Fight defensively...":
[2] Stay on the defense at first, but swap to a ceaseless offense the moment she leaves any opening. (>>207771, >>207773)

For "Fight aggressively...":
[5] Just because we aren't flying, it doesn't mean our wings are useless. Use them for a speed boost! (>>207782, >>207785, >>207786, >>207787, >>207790)

Other Additions:
[1] If Suwako uses pillars of stone, we can still use those to kick off into a more advantageous position if we need to. But be careful they're not traps. (>>207754)
[1] Take potshots at her, keep her from focusing on pressuring you with her own attacks. (>>207771)
[1] Let's put these wings to good use, look for an opening to divebomb the curse goddess. (>>207755)
[1] When she does leave an opening, divebomb the curse goddess. (>>207773)
[1] If Suwako burrows downwards, kick off the ground immediately. There’s no point in being close to the enemy if you can’t slash at them. (>>207780)
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File 171441125722.jpg - (446.82KB, 700x1040, __konpaku_youmu_touhou_drawn_by_page_page1555__4d9.jpg)
[10] Take to the skies. All of her surprise attacks came from the earth, staying airborne in the fight would keep her further away.
[19] Stay on the ground. It was the way she’d first learned to fight, and it was easier to kick and turn off the ground than it was in the air.

{18} Fight aggressively. She’d fought Suwako before, but the frog goddess hadn’t fought her (kinda? Ugh, time travel). She should use the knowledge advantage while she could.
{12} Fight defensively. Suwako was always a tricksy opponent, and playing too aggressively could very easily backfire.
Keeping on her feet was by far the better option. Youmu focused, steadying her stance, then took off with a dash-and-slash.
-[X] Just because we aren't flying, it doesn't mean our wings are useless. Use them for a speed boost!

Suwako immediately put her hands up, summoning stone equivalents from the earth. They surged at Youmu, aiming to catch her between them. The young swordswoman slammed down her foot, and flapped her wings, surging to the side of the clap. The hands slammed against each other, crumbling to dust.

Youmu had her feet out, ready to catch herself, and once again flapped her wings to control her momentum, landing lightly on the rocks. Her longblade slashed out, not managing to cut more of the frog goddess than a few hairs as she leant back. The hell-raven had the upper foot here already, and she wasn’t going to waste it.

Outcroppings of rock shot off in her direction, followed by two gleaming iron rings. But as cunning as the earth goddess could be, they were standard fare for her fighting style. Youmu easily surged between the projectiles, getting closer and closer to the frog goddess, and forcing her backwards into another repositioning, diving into the earth. Youmu followed, in hot pursuit.

It was Youmu who actually reached the emerging point first, landing with a single foot on the ground, the point where Suwako should have come up just in front of her. She kept her swords brandished, looking for the goddess to emerge. The distinctive hat came out of the soil… And fighting instinct kicked in, bringing Youmu’s still-hanging foot back to kick at the air behind her. She heard a surprised grunt from the Moriya Goddess, but felt no contact. Not wanting to hang around, she hopped back, taking briefly to the skies.

She saw Suwako emerge, starting to summon a storm of her iron rings. They began to orbit her, faster and faster. Youmu could already tell that getting out of whatever was coming unscathed would be near impossible.

But she didn’t have to dodge it at all. Not if she landed her hit first. She tucked her wings in, divebombing on the Moriya Goddess - not at the first moment where she’d be completely safe, just the first moment she’d hit before the Goddess would. Suwako’s eyes shot open as she realized what Youmu was doing, and again she tried to fall back, but Youmu was quicker.

For a moment, time seemed to slow. As it often seemed to, when Youmu was about to land her winning blow.

Her blade nicked the goddess’ cheek, leaving a bright red line. This line was then matched by a slash into the hell-raven’s side. She finished her stride, then grabbed at the wound, cursing. It wouldn’t kill her or even slow her down for two long - probably not even her half-human form, and her youkai body was more resilient than that - but it certainly stung like it could.

She heard the goddess clapping behind her. “Good show, good show! Well done. A bit reckless, but shows what staying on the defensive gets you on a one-strike-system, eh?” Suwako grinned, tracing a finger along her cheek and licking the blood off it. “You’re a hell of a fighter for a fledgling, you know that? Or…” The goddess grinned. “Are you just a fledgling?”

Youmu couldn’t help but grin back. What a rush! She’d been all about to keep her movements on the ground, but having two whole limbs just sitting on her back was a waste. Turned out that while the more unique parts of Konpaku style couldn’t be done easily without her phantom half, the wings made a lot of the general stances even more flexible. She’d had a leg up on her opponent that time just by default, but if she kept her whole body in mind, she’d probably be able to match her old speed with even better maneuverability, even if the lack of her second viewpoint meant she couldn’t keep as good an eye on her own defenses.

Instinct stays at 0.

“What do you mean by that?” Youmu sheathed her swords, wincing.

“We-ell, it’s got to do with a certain incident on the surface. A bunch of children going missing in the womb… but supposedly, they’ve started turning up. Apparently they reincarnated in other places.”

Youmu’s eyes blinked. “What?! Who?! Where?!”

Suwako sighed, looking at her. “Lemme finish, will ya? Apparently there’s official confirmation that the Yama’s office has tracked down the daughters of the Hieda and Hakurei, but their identities are being kept secret right now. Rumor is neither’s even been to their family home yet.” The goddess continued her appraisal. “...Maybe they’re all youkai, like you. Keheheh… Would be quite a scene if that came out about the new Hakurei Miko.”

Youmu blinked. “...Are you saying I should keep it a secret?”

The goddess nodded. “Well, at least don’t go blurting it out to every Tom, Dick, and Froggy, yeah? Personally, you give off a notably human-y air, and you fight like you’re twice your age. You’re gonna be attracting attention already just with that, so be wary of fully blowing your cover. At least until you know for sure why the others are keeping their heads down.”

Youmu straightened up. “Do you know where I could find them?”

Another shrug. “Don’t have the foggiest what they even look like, birdie. Can’t help ya there, sorry. Though… I haven’t heard anything about someone being ‘out of place’. No kappa hanging out at the mountaintops, or Oni in the rehab clinic - so I’d guess they’re still blending in.”

On its own, it wasn’t that great of a piece of advice, but… with Akyuu’s mental image from earlier, it was potentially quite helpful. She’d probably find Akyuu among the other rabbits - no need to get too sidetracked. She smiled at Suwako. “...I’ll keep all that in mind, then. Was that what you came here for?”

The goddess shook her head. “Actually… no. I came here for something entirely different. Just wanted to check my business partner’s work… and I seem to have found out she’s made a very sloppy oversight. There’s a candidate she’s nominated as an ideal for the position, when in my eyes… there’s potentially an even better one right next to her. Perhaps it's a case of a clear crystal and an unpolished gem. ...Though, we don’t have to be either/or about it, either.”

The goddess gave Youmu a sly grin. “So, Youmu. Have you heard… of the Yatagarasu?”

Part 2 Tomorrow, hopefully i unfuck my sleep schedule soon.
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Oh, wow. Nuclear Youmu? That would have some interesting consequences. Gensokyo's going to need a nuclear proliferation treaty at this rate.

Although, IIRC, Okuu being an idiot actually makes it easier for her to channel the Yatagarasu's power, so I'm not sure if Suwako's right about Youmu being the better choice.
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Oh boy here we go
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Alright. The correct option here is to go "Oh, the Yagatarasu? I've heard it's pretty powerful. You could probably make a whole power plant with that kind of power... Of course, it's also so incredibly dangerous that you'd have to be an idiot to even consider trying to use such an apocalyptic level of power on such a trivial goal, right?"

But on the other hand, it would be stupidly awesome to control that kind of power.

(Sidenote I haven't really questioned: Why ARE they here earlier than normal? Was one of Kasen's trips outside looking for Reimu one that resulted in her stumbling upon them, perhaps?)
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> The goddess gave Youmu a sly grin. “So, Youmu. Have you heard… of the Yatagarasu?"

The only acceptable response is "bless you". Also, I'm pretty sure Youmu isn't empty-headed enough for the god.
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Good question. They're not supposed to be here until after PoFV (and by the way, PoFV should happen at the same time in both timelines since it was caused by a natural disaster outside Gensokyo). Maybe Kasen asking questions in the outside really did hasten things with the Moriyas. Especially if she was looking for potential relatives of the Hakurei in other shrines.

Just by being here, Youmu possibly changes things a lot.
It has become sort of my catchphrase by now but let's wait and see what happens...
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She actually might be in this case. She at least looks like it. I mean so far she has created a massive feast that Okuu made a half hearted effort to stop, she chased after a mysterious "mouse" in the shadows, and she fought a being that she knows is a god in a somewhat wreckless manner.

I think we only made it out of that scrap in a draw because of the wings write-in.
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Well, while Youmu's not dumb, she doesn't like thinking too hard. In th17 many bosses call her absent minded or carefree (for example, Urumi says "The Netherworld's gardener has a carefree attitude... and a totally empty head.")

So yeah, it's viable.
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While I do like the idea of nuclear Youmu, what happens to Utsuho then? Does she become partly irrelevant for the remainder of the story? (I'm saying partly because there are still sister ties that could be discussed in the epilogue)
Youmu already has her swordsmanship + she can fly now. What would Utsuho have? Utsuho's main abilities are due to having a portion of Yatagarasu to begin with (as far as I know), so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Overall, I would rather see a Utsuho + Youmu combo fighting alongside each other.
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But she also found a way to somehow steal spring from Gensokyo
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This story's also established that one of Youmu's go-to solutions for dealing with mental strain is to cut herself with Hakurouken. She'd rather have her sword do the heavy lifting.
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Do we know where Youmu's ghost half ended up (yes ik it's a part of herself as much as her limbs are, but it could still have split) ?
If it's in Utsuho, then it makes more sense to have her able to fight alongside us.
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Yeah! I would like them two to fight together also...
Maybe the power of Yatagarasu can be shared?
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>Perhaps it's a case of a clear crystal and an unpolished gem. ...Though, we don’t have to be either/or about it, either.”
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Huh. Nuclear Youmu. Probably a bad idea to cover such power. But let's be honest, cool as all hell.

Seems the Subterranean Animism incident is going to occur faster than we thought. We should probably nip it in the bud. Something like "Don't mess with my sister."
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That makes me more open to it. I could still see this going bad, though.
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This isn't necessarily a dealbreaker for me personally, but I feel like Youmu can't be both the Yata, and Yuyuko's attendant. That power's needed to manage the core, so she'd at best have to constantly swap back and forth between the Netherworld and Old Hell
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just had a thought: former hell is where the most hated youkai stay, right?

and which youkai would be the most hated in the light of the immaterial children incidident for supposedly tearing the families apart? for messing with the cycle of reincarnation?

it's supposed to be sealed off, but there are numerous passageways to it from the forest of magic, aren't there? and no one could find keine, not even mokou, so wherever she's hidden herself must be pretty unaccessible to most people: either too dangerous or just straight up unknown for humans, and somewhere where surface youkai can't go. and somewhere where she can live somwhat comfortably without people holding her accountable for her future self's actions- former hell ticks those boxes off, don't they?
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File 171449275966.jpg - (81.01KB, 850x638, __reiuji_utsuho_touhou_drawn_by_debiru_takako__sam.jpg)
Youmu blinked. Wait, one of the Moriya gods wanted to talk to her… a hell raven… about the Yatagarasu?! Was this going where she thought it was?! She coughed, to clear her throat. “...Yes? Who hasn’t?”

The goddess chuckled. “Well, see, here at Moriya Shrine, we’re ambitious sorts, I will admit. Big on revolutionizing the tech level of Gensokyo. And to that, we need power - in the most literal sense. Heat and energy. The power of the sun itself. But bringing the sun to earth isn’t easy. Nor is harnessing that power. We need something like a go-shintai with a mind of its own, a living avatar of a sun god’s power. And the sun god who lended their aid most readily was the Yatagarasu.”

Moriya began to pace around Youmu. “So, we find ourselves in need of a hell raven. One with certain qualities that are hard to find in most of the species. Solitary things, most of you, sly and mischievous as well. But it seems the birds in the employ of the Satori do have those qualities we’re looking for, and in spades - They’re dutiful, cooperative, and possessing of other… desirable traits.”

“Like what?”

“Oh, a certain je ne sais quoi, shall we say. Now, I will say, in terms of raw suitability, it was your sister that was the nominee from my partner, and safe to say she is the obvious candidate. But you… You are a much more trained combatant.”

The goddess put the ends of her sleeves against each other, bringing it to her lips. “Where your sister may overpower you in pure power, I believe you may be not far behind, and maybe even her better in finesse. And I have been watching you tonight - while you don’t show all of the traits as readily as your sister does, I suspect that some of that proverbial secret ingredient merely lies dormant, hidden by your dedication to the sword. And while my partner’s not exactly got the time to really get to know all your ins and outs, I think you’re a worthy gamble to bet on.”

Youmu looked at Moriya, thinking it over. “...So, you think I have this…” What had she called it? “This Jenny-say-kwah?”

The goddess made a strangled noise, and jerked strangely. There was a weird strain to her smile as she lowered her sleeves. “...Yes, I believe you might have thehehhh… the Jenny-say-kwah.”

Due to the banquet preparations, Jenny-say-kwah is at 1. If it reaches high enough, Suwako will formally offer Youmu a chance to try becoming an avatar of Yatagarasu.

Youmu stepped back, thinking. It was… an utterly world-shaking prospect. Okuu in her past life had taken the power of the god within her in stride - and while she’d caused a fair bit of trouble, it had largely been due to misunderstandings and overeagerness on her part. If Youmu could access even just some of that power…

“Though… to be sure… I want to get your measure, first.” The goddess hopped up. “After all, this does require giving a part of a sun god permanent residency within your body - gotta make sure it’s the perfect match, or else bad, bad things can happen. And we don’t have the proverbial ‘shrine’ for the go-shintai ready anyways - not even slightly.”

Youmu straightened up. …She supposed that made sense. She didn’t know if Okuu would grow to the full height she remembered, but she had been older at the time of the Spirit Geyser Incident. …Hadn’t she? Youmu’s internal timeline of incidents had already been shaky in her past life when she wasn’t involved, and it seemed to be one of the patchiest parts of her carried-over memory. Maybe Akyuu could straighten her out. “...Then… is this just letting me know?”

“Consider it a formal expression of interest. Oh, and let me give you this…” The goddess kneeled for a second, then shoved her hand into the dirt she was trying to fetch some keys from a mousehole. After a moment, she pulled her hand up, revealing a small, clay… badge? Shaped vaguely like a frog’s head, though obviously somewhat crude and imperfect, like a child’s imitation. She pressed it into the hell raven’s palm. “A little token, a line to the goddess watching you. If you get yourself in a particularly sticky situation, give this a good squeeze, and I’ll do what I can to help.”

Youmu looked at the nobbly little thing, focusing. Suwako was a curse goddess, after all. But what energy she sensed from the artifact seemed largely benign - whatever it could do, it’d at least do it earnestly.

“And with that… I’ll be off for now, eh?” The goddess doffed her hat for a luxurious bow. “I’ll be watching you, Reiuji Youmu.” She flipped her hat into the air, and it came down, right side up. Rather than perching on the goddess’ head, though, it seemed to swallow her whole, until all that remained was the hat on the ground.

“Wait!” Youmu tried to stop her, but by the time she realized how the goddess was leaving, she was already gone. The hat blew away, picked up by the heated drafts that counted for a breeze in former hell. She tried to chase after it, but the wound in her side slowed her down.

“Myon! Are you alright?” The hell-raven turned, to see Orin running after her. She was pushing her usual cart, though what it had at this time was some first-aid equipment. “Ah-you’re bleeding! So it was a hostile intruder after all?” The kasha immediately started to reach for some bandages she’d brought.

“Not… exactly. Um. It’s complicated.” Youmu sighed, scratching her head. The Kasha put some rudimentary bandages on, then pushed the younger bird to sit in the cart. “Um, I don’t need you to-”

“That’s a big scary gash you got there, sis.” The kasha said, firmly. When she said sis, did she mean it in the way Okuu and Myon used it for each other, or the way she used it for people like Reimu in the other timeline? Youmu’d never questioned it before, but with more knowledge - Orin steadily pushed back as Youmu tried to stand up. “You’re not walking or flying back like that, okay? I’m sure it’ll heal up well even by the morning, but only if you don’t push it beforehand.” Whether she meant sis when she said it, she certainly gave off a big-sister aura in pushing Youmu into place.

Eventually, the hell raven sighed, and conceded to be driven back - drawing a smile from her fellow pet. As Rin began to push the cart, she looked down at Youmu, their faces upside-down in each other’s eyes. “So, what was the intruder like? And what did they want? Didja beat ‘em?”

Youmu took a moment to think. “She was… a little earth goddess named Moriya Suwako. And yeah, I guess I did - we dueled to first strike.”

The kasha looked at her, concerned. “But you’re the one with a slit through your side, aren’t you?”

Youmu grinned, closing her eyes and thinking back. “Doesn’t matter who takes the worst hit, just matters who takes the firs-” She felt a flick against her head. “Ow!”

Orin’s tone was harsh in her reprimand. “It matters to the rest of us. Especially Okuu, alright? You’re far too reckless sometimes, Myon.” The kasha sighed. “What did this earth goddess even want, anyways?”

…There was a lot to process, and there was no way to keep a secret from everyone in Chireiden. But… who knew how everyone would react, especially if she started talking about the Spirit Geyser incident.. And she didn’t even fully understand it all herself, yet.

[ ] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.
[ ] “I’ll tell you, and Ladies Satori and Koishi when we get back, but… can we keep it secret from Okuu, just for now?” Okuu was the one who’d gone berserk last time, and she could be excitable. Maybe it’d be best to discuss things without her for now.
[ ] “We’ll talk about it when we’re back home. All of us.” She doubted she’d be able to keep it secret for long, may as well dive in. She’d just have to rely on the Satori to keep her fellow pets from doing anything too sudden in the heat of the moment.

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[x] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.
birdbrain avoidance technique
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[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.
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[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.
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[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.
Option 2 is out because it'd be hurtful to hide this from Okuu but tell everyone else. Option 3 is out because it would be unnecessarily stressful to the Satori sisters to have to keep everyone else regulated while they tried to process it themselves. We tell them first, and then we can tell the other people once they have a grasp on it and can discuss it without making everyone freak out.

The best stat ever. Forget spirit and instinct- we have to maximize this.
I also now want to write up a spellcard that changes based on our JSK level, so excuse me while I go review Nue's and Okuu's cards for idea references for a je ne sais quoi card.
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[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.
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[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.
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Are we really optimizing for dumb quester brain? Sigh, fine. Were optimizing for dumb quester brain.

[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.
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minus one vote for minmaxing, please
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[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.

I will say that Orin has to know as soon as possible, though. She may have to repeat her actions fom the last timeline if things go south. She should be ready to do that as soon as she can.
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[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.
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I don't know who this Jenny person is, but I don't think she's good!
Do we REALLY want to be offered the power of Yatagarasu?

Orin already knows something and she's worried about Youmu, and I don't want to hurt Okuu's feelings either by being the only one left out. Let's discuss this as a family.

[X] “We’ll talk about it when we’re back home. All of us.” She doubted she’d be able to keep it secret for long, may as well dive in. She’d just have to rely on the Satori to keep her fellow pets from doing anything too sudden in the heat of the moment.
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[X] “I’ll tell you, and Ladies Satori and Koishi when we get back, but… can we keep it secret from Okuu, just for now?” Okuu was the one who’d gone berserk last time, and she could be excitable. Maybe it’d be best to discuss things without her for now.

We should keep it a secret from Okuu for now, but the Komeiji's certainly need to know this. I believe it’s only right that Orin knows this as well.
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Trying to compete with Okuu in the realm of Jenny-Say-Kwah is a fool's errand...uh, in several senses. And Youmu's already confused enough with two mindsets in her head anyway, the last thing she needs is to start cramming gods in there too. But anyway.

[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.

Lady Satori always knows what to do! I think fellow pets should understand us wanting to sort things out with the satoris first, but specifically excluding just Okuu feels much harsher.
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[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.

There's always time to talk about the incident to Utsuho & Orin (and the 50 eagles, 10 crocodiles, 3 bears, 7 oxen, 1 poor human, 15 wolves, 10000 rats, 5 gorillas, and 4 lions).
I was tempted on making a possible write-in where we tell Utsuho & Rin on the spot, but that may lead to possible misunderstandings, so yeah...
We're also better suited disseminating the information to Utsuho & Orin with the assistance from Satori & Koishi to possibly clarify some things that our explanation may fail to explain.
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X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.
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[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.
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[X] “We’ll talk about it when we’re back home. All of us.” She doubted she’d be able to keep it secret for long, may as well dive in. She’d just have to rely on the Satori to keep her fellow pets from doing anything too sudden in the heat of the moment.
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[X] “We’ll talk about it when we’re back home. All of us.” She doubted she’d be able to keep it secret for long, may as well dive in. She’d just have to rely on the Satori to keep her fellow pets from doing anything too sudden in the heat of the moment.

Hiding things will not help especially with satoris around.... so better be honnest from the get go.
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[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.

Both Satori and Koishi will be able to understand the situation with their third eyes and explain the situation more eloquently than Youmu can. We don’t want to accidentally spread panic or give Okuu any ideas.

Also, I’m now on the fence about getting THE POWER OF THE SUN.

We could try and have the thematic duality of Human and Spirit with Youmu and Okuu.


We could take THE POWER OF THE SUN for ourselves in order to maybe get some flaming swords and also enough Jenny-say-kwah to become one of the more powerful Youkai of the five (if not the strongest, depending on what happens with Kosuzu and Marisa).

Pretty tough choice.
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[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.
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Having sun powers sounds great but I think that will make Okuu lose relevance and personality. Plus there are more important things like koishi, youmu's mental conflict with his body and reaching the surface.
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[X] “We’ll talk about it when we’re back home. All of us.” She doubted she’d be able to keep it secret for long, may as well dive in. She’d just have to rely on the Satori to keep her fellow pets from doing anything too sudden in the heat of the moment.
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[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.

I'm unsure if I want Youmu to take Yatagarasu's power. It's like that one quote; "with great power comes a time-consuming job as a glorified kettle", but maybe I'm misremembering that.
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Hehe, jenny say kwah. Apparently it means a mysterious quality that can't be described. Well, we certainly have that. For now...

[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.

Plan. Always have a plan. The only thing I can tell from this is that we get points for standing out or being extravagant. Or just abandoning common sense. Either works. As for additions...none so far. Maybe later.
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[ ] “We’ll talk about it when we’re back home. All of us.” She doubted she’d be able to keep it secret for long, may as well dive in. She’d just have to rely on the Satori to keep her fellow pets from doing anything too sudden in the heat of the moment.

Look, there's no way in Former Hell that Youmu can keep a secret, especially not this. Better to get it all on the table so that it doesn't slip out at an unfortunate moment. Besides, keeping secrets wouldn't be very Jenny-say-kwah of Youmu, now would it?
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[X] “We’ll talk about it when we’re back home. All of us.” She doubted she’d be able to keep it secret for long, may as well dive in. She’d just have to rely on the Satori to keep her fellow pets from doing anything too sudden in the heat of the moment.

while I am on the fence on whether to immediately involve Okuu (though eventually we will want to since this is Youmu's sister.) I definitely think we should include Orin on it. see's from what I recall (...though it might be more fanon than canon.) Orin's pretty level headed, especially since Satori felt she would be good as a detective assistant in CDS. and from what I'm reading looking like see's the most level headed out of Okuu Youmu, and her. so I would very much suggest (especially after she rushed out to help up and are making sure we're okay,) that we immediately include her.

as for the whole Jenny-say-kwah situation... I'm... as others have expressed, I don't want to cut Okuu out of relevancy... if we do ever try to train it, I'd say Youmu should do it with Okuu. have the two sisters working together.
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Just to clarify, I said that because it's silly. I'm probably not actually going to be minmaxing JSK- like with the other two stats, it's equally dumb to make choices solely because of it instead of just taking actions and letting the consequences happen on their own.
(Really, if I wanted to minmax JSK, I'd be arguing for talking about it all at once. That seems like the more birdbrained, brash move.)

Anyways! JSK spellcard, just for funsies. A mix of ideas from Youmu, Okuu, Nue, and the general rule of "more reckless with higher JSK"

Bravery Sign: Jenny-Say-Kwah

Youmu will dart around the battlefield, leaving behind a bullet trail, as she prepares a devastating slash that sends a wave of large bullets flying at the opponent. As the slash cuts forward, it gradually shrinks as it bleeds off into smaller bullets that form a cloud behind the slash and drift through the battlefield.

This rather simple card changes techniques a bit to align with its user's recklessness. At low JSK, Youmu tends to try and dart around the opponent to cage them in before dealing the slash from afar and mostly relying on the bullet runoff.
At higher JSKs, however, she'll begin darting directly towards the target, aiming to run them through as the large slash is prepared, before ending the direct blitz with the large slash at close range, aiming to leave simply no room to dodge around the massive attack. It does also leave her rather exposed, but surely she can just beat the opponent before they can retaliate, right?
"Dashing around with her sword held high and pretending to be a knight, one must question if she has any idea how silly she sounds mispronouncing the name."
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...you all do realize that "Jenny-say-kwah" is just her dodging around calling Youmu and Okuu stupid or air-headed, right?
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Well, yes, but it's no fun to just say it outright. After all, does Youmu realize that? I'd guess she probably thinks it's finesse, combat prowess, or some kind of mindset, not reckless stupidity.
If she's to come to realize Suwako's calling her a birdbrain, it should be a painfully slow revelation.
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Yes. It's clear that Suwako and Kanako are looking for someone who is strong, hard working and easily manipulable, and especially someone who doesn't feel the need to question orders. What prospective employer wouldn't want those qualities in their new employee?

The only problem with Okuu was that she was *too* stupid for her own good.
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File 171453052418.png - (807.81KB, 996x849, FrogBirbFight.png)
>>Outcroppings of rock shot off in her direction, followed by two gleaming iron rings. But as cunning as the earth goddess could be, they were standard fare for her fighting style. Youmu easily surged between the projectiles, getting closer and closer to the frog goddess, and forcing her backwards into another repositioning, diving into the earth. Youmu followed, in hot pursuit. She could already tell that getting out of whatever was coming unscathed would be near impossible.

>>But she didn’t have to dodge it at all. Not if she landed her hit first. She tucked her wings in, divebombing on the Moriya Goddess - not at the first moment where she’d be completely safe, just the first moment she’d hit before the Goddess would. Suwako’s eyes shot open as she realized what Youmu was doing, and again she tried to fall back, but Youmu was quicker.

>>For a moment, time seemed to slow. As it often seemed to, when Youmu was about to land her winning blow.
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So this Jenny is not a real person?

Yeah Suwako holding her laughter wasn't exactly subtle, but it flew right above Youmu's head.

Have some fun!
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It’s not (at least, not just) about manipulating them. it is actually a desirable trait for the process according to Symposium of Post-Mysticism:

>But she is a unique specimen even among them. She possesses a certain divine spirit within her body. Possessing a divine spirit means becoming like a walking branch shrine. It is a difficult feat for both normal humans and youkai. It could be only done by one with no personality, name or attachments, as well as being broad-minded enough to accept anything. A lot of effort is also necessary. The easiest way would be to have a completely empty head.

some of this appears to be exaggeration on Akyuu’s part, compared to the Okuu we actually know. Or it could be that being empty/air-headed allows one to skip the other requirements. Point is, Akyuu will probably know EXACTLY what JSK means.
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Counting to >>207864:
Main Choice:
[17] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.
[1] “I’ll tell you, and Ladies Satori and Koishi when we get back, but… can we keep it secret from Okuu, just for now?” Okuu was the one who’d gone berserk last time, and she could be excitable. Maybe it’d be best to discuss things without her for now.
[6] “We’ll talk about it when we’re back home. All of us.” She doubted she’d be able to keep it secret for long, may as well dive in. She’d just have to rely on the Satori to keep her fellow pets from doing anything too sudden in the heat of the moment.
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[X] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.

Maybe we could conduct cave expeditions around the area to look for the Palanquin ship?
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You're all playing it so straight that I couldn't tell if it was still a joke after a few posts.
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File 171457710446.jpg - (142.90KB, 850x601, __komeiji_koishi_and_komeiji_satori_touhou_drawn_b.jpg)
[18] “For now, I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori and the young Mistress. At least get my own head straight.” Perhaps it was best not to talk too much to either Orin or Okuu, at least until she had a better understanding of the situation. Both had ended up being somewhat important to the incident last time.
[1] “I’ll tell you and our mistresses when we get back, but… can we keep it secret from Okuu, just for now?” Okuu was the one who’d gone berserk last time, and she could be excitable. Maybe it’d be best to discuss things without her for now.
[6] “We’ll talk about it when we’re back home. All of us.” She doubted she’d be able to keep it secret forever. She’d just have to rely on the Satori to keep their pets from doing anything too sudden in the heat of the moment.

“For now… I just wanna discuss it with Lady Satori. And the young mistress, of course.”

Orin sighed. “So we’re out of the loop, are we?”

Youmu did her best to look apologetic, from her position as a passenger. “It’s… it’s tied up in with all the past memories. And I still haven’t sorted those out yet. But… I remember some stuff about the Moriya doing things in Former Hell, and I want to talk to the mistresses about it first. Who knows how everyone else will react.”

Orin nodded. “Well, we’ve all got secrets that only the sisters know. But if they say it’s okay for us to know at ten pm, I wanna know by ten-oh-five, got it?”

Youmu smiled. “It’s a promise.”

By the time they’d gotten back, and Orin had more properly done her first aid on Youmu, the party was winding down, with most of the animals filled up and going to do other things. Okuu had been set up on a couch to wait for her sister’s return (in theory, at least. In practice, it was to begin sleeping off her overindulgences), and Orin decided to be the one to get her more properly bedded, as well as get Youmu into a fresh set of clothes. That ultimately meant that Youmu was left with the two satori sisters, to give her report.

They’d taken the discussion to Satori’s office. Youmu had done her best to recount the night’s events, and the events of the Spirit Geyser incident, when it had come up. The two sisters had listened intently, both to the things she said and the things she hadn’t.

When she’d finished her explanation, she sat back, sighing. It hadn’t fully resolved her scattered thoughts, even about the incident she'd been focused on discussing, and it seemed like the Moriya timeline was one of her vaguest memories. But still, talking it out had helped significantly.

Satori sat back, deep in thought. “So these Moriya Goddesses… they made Okuu into a living go-shintai last time?”

Youmu nodded. “Yeah, I guess. And, she never seemed all that bothered by it, or anything. If anything, too happy with it.” Apparently Okuu had been flush in Jenny-say-kwah in the last timeline, too. Satori and Koishi seemed to have an idea about what exactly Suwako had meant, but they’d only shared a few very knowing glances - apparently they didn’t want to guess wrong, for some reason.

Satori kept thinking. “And… Do you trust the Moriya Shrine?”

There was a long, long pause. Youmu weighed up several responses.

“Generally speaking… I trust the Moriya Shrine’s intentions.” Youmu replied, eventually. “They want to be seen as beneficial to those around them, and to gather faith as a result. They’re gods that want a good reputation, but they’re not bad gods. But… I’m worried about them not approaching you two directly.”

Koishi sighed. “...Well, even if they mean no harm, a lot of people will avoid us anyways. Not much of an indicator of anything, really.” Satori reached out, giving Koishi a supporting touch on the arm.

“...I’m more concerned about throwing wide the gates to the surface.” Satori admitted. “Most things in Former Hell are here for a reason, and keeping at least a strong understanding of division between the parts helps keep things intact here. Especially the vengeful spirits - they ccan’t know what ”

“But it’s not like it’s completely locked off, is it?” Koishi said, straightening up. “Orin makes trips up to fetch corpses from time to time, doesn’t she?”

Satori nodded. “Yes… and that’s another matter. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the surface she describes is different to the one you seem to remember. Things are… rather strained there, and the Hakurei Shrine has lost control of the situation.”

Youmu sat up. “Still… that’s not a reason not to go. And it could be a sign that I need to step up and help too. Is there any way I can get up there? I know my friends are looking for me now. …And…” And the Konpaku Family. Were they looking for her, too?

Satori leaned forward, taking a few moments to gather her words. “...Youmu. I’m going to make a few requests of you, in the process. I want you to listen to them carefully.”

Youmu nodded, doing her best to sit at attention. Satori looked her up and down, then spoke.

“The next time that Orin heads to the surface, she can guide you up with her. But when she does, I want you to agree to meet her at the end of the day, so you can go home together.”

Youmu nodded.

“And I don’t want you approaching the Moriya Shrine without learning more about them. And ideally talking with us, if you can. Don’t go bringing up this… Spirit Geyser Incident to anyone else until we have a better grasp on the Shrine’s intentions.” The elder satori sighed. “Those are just requests, but this next one is an order; you are not to tell anyone about the path to the surface. Not people above, not people below. If anyone from the surface asks, you’re not from Chireiden.”

Koishi piped up. “Maybe you can even say you’re a raven from the netherworld? ‘S not technically wrong, if your memories are right.” Youmu nodded, affirmatively. With those sorts of conditions, it might be best to avoid Youkai Mountain entirely, at least for now. If anyone would unmask her, it’d be one the crow tengu.

Though, that brought up another concern. “I can do that but… if Akyuu’s there, she’ll know all that stuff already, won’t she?”

Satori shook her head. “It’s not about people not knowing a way down. It’s about them not knowing anyone’s making their way up. Officially, there is a treaty between Former Hell and the surface that keeps people on either side of it. But things could go bad if people discovered Chireiden was the first to break the treaty for… what most people will see as a literal flight of fancy. Orin is a very explicit exception, with a job that requires her coming to the surface.”

Youmu nodded, standing up and bowing. “...I’ll happily agree to all of these requests, Lady Satori.” The last thing she wanted to do was cause more trouble for Chireiden than she’d already caused. A good part of how messy tonight had been related to her, and she’d imposed on the Komeiji family more than enough over the years.

The two satori sisters shared a final glance, after the bow. Neither seemed to respond to Youmu for a while, leaving her feeling awkward again.

At length, she stood up. “If that will be all, I’ll go to bed, so I can be up bright and early, and make a nice breakfast for everyone. It’s the least I can do for-”

“Youmu.” Satori’s voice was sudden, and silenced the hell-raven. “There’s another important thing we should discuss. Though perhaps we should move somewhere else.”

The hell-raven hesitated. “Um… did I do something…?”

Koishi got up. “Yeah, and you’re still doing it. Sis’s gonna give you what you deserve if you keep this up.” She turned to Satori. “Well, Sis, I gotta have my shower and stuff before I sleep, too. You two get this sorted out before you go to bed, okay?” She waved, leaving the room.

Satori got up not long after. “And we’re headed for somewhere else entirely. Come on, Youmu - there’s much more to discuss.” The hell raven nodded, feeling glum.

Most of the pets of Chireiden were either Satori’s or Koishi’s, with the former tending to have the more mature and calm ones, and the latter the more rambunctious and fun was. Orin was unquestionably Satori’s, and the hell-raven twins were considered split between them - Okuu with Koishi, and Myon with Satori.

So, naturally, when Myon needed to be scolded, it fell to Satori to make sure she was brought back in line. And of course she was going to get chewed out for causing so much trouble. Or maybe Satori was going to make her clean up the mess that had been undoubtedly left by the makeshift party. She trudged behind Satori, worrying about dozens of potential things that had happened that night, and even the night before and what about last week when-

“We’re here.” Youmu looked up, and blinked. Satori had taken her to her own bedchambers. All of the usual things one would expect from a working Lady’s bedroom was here, with a massive bed, a writing desk and a small table with a comfy couch for late-night casual reading. Of course, the couch was also a place where Satori sometimes took her pets to -

Satori had already seated herself on the couch. And was gesturing gently for Youmu to join her.

Youmu looked at her. “...You said it was important?” The little couch wasn’t exactly a good place for discussing tactical matters, or anything of the like.

Satori nodded, firmly. “Absolutely, this is important. Perhaps the most important thing I’ll do tonight. But…” She gave a small smile. “I never said it was business-related. Come, Myon - I want to reminisce for a bit.”

Youmu approached, hesitantly. “...You’re not mad at me?”

The satori shook her head. “Heavens, no. …I’m worried that your past memories and your current ones are mixing in the worst way possible, and I want to make sure that even while some parts are murky, certain matters remain crystal clear. Okay? So.. come on. We’ve both had a long day, and a long night.” She beckoned Youmu over again.

[ ] Sit next to Satori. It’d be the most polite option.
[ ] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…
[ ] Try for a lap pillow? She’d done it when she was little, but she’d have legs hanging over the armrests, and that assumed Satori would let her…

Reminisce (Pick Two)
{ } Koishi: Two vs Two
{ } Okuu: Making Tassels
{ } Orin: First Day Phasmophobia

Both options are just fluff this time. No Spirit checks or anything - just pick whatever you like more.
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…
Glorious pets.

{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia
{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
No strong preference, but the 2v2 suggests there would be at least some Okuu in the Koishi, so this makes sure everyone gets at least a little memory love.
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…

{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…

Bird, bird, bird, bird, bird! We gotta go bird!

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia

I'm honestly really curious how Orin views Youmu specifically.
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Okuu: Making Tassels

Birb Bias
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Pure fluff? That's nice. I do have to point something out, though.

> “...I’m more concerned about throwing wide the gates to the surface.” Satori admitted. “Most things in Former Hell are here for a reason, and keeping at least a strong understanding of division between the parts helps keep things intact here. Especially the vengeful spirits - they ccan’t know what ”
To be super clear: I ain't here to nitpick because this is super minor and shit happens. What I will say is to make sure you're not fucking up your sleep trying to keep up with us, please. Take care of yourself.

Aside from that. I'm not gonna say no to reminiscing about Koishi, but I am pretty sure we will let her state from our past life memories slip through. That could sour fluff time a bit.

[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…
{X} Okuu: Making Tassels

I want to know more about this sisterly dynamic.
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…

{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…

I want Youmu to get pets.

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Okuu: Making Tassels

These two feel more directly involved with matters than Orin currently is, so I wanna reminisce about them. If only to make the emotional gut punches hit that much harder🫠.
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…


(feels like another instinct/spirit check, but... you never know. still, my thoughts on the matter remain the same: YOUMU BIRB YOUMU BIRB YOUMU BIRB YOUMU BIRB)

i'm gonna guess at what each reminisence contains: koishi is a 2v2 sparring/friendly match (board games?) between the two pairs of sisters, okuu is making the tassels at the end of her swords, and orin is about her first meeting with youmu and learning that there's something else reiuji youmu shares with konpaku youmu.

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two

if we sort out our future-past and actual past memories, satori might (probably would, let's be honest) learn about koishi's fate. now, will it turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy with her attempts to keep koishi from doing so being the driving and decisive factor to make her close her third eye? eh, either way, i think her knowing is a good chance at changing that fate. i hope...

{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia

if my guess is correct, this options would be absolutely hilarious and i want to see an adorably terrified baby youmu.
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Might as well.

[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…

Being honest, I do want to know more about how Youmu got the swords and such, but I want to know more about this version of Koishi and how things went when they first met Orin. I have the feeling that Okuu will inevitably involved in all 3.

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia

For those who only chose one of the second options, please note you can pick 2.
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[ ] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…

{ } Koishi: Two vs Two
{ } Orin: First Day Phasmophobia
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[X] Try for a lap pillow? She’d done it when she was little, but she’d have legs hanging over the armrests, and that assumed Satori would let her…

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
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[X] Try for a lap pillow? She’d done it when she was little, but she’d have legs hanging over the armrests, and that assumed Satori would let her…

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…

{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
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{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…


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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting...

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting...

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia

i like the funny kitty.
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting...

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting...

{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting...
Youmu is the one that is heavily on the human scale... but I also like the thought of the new lives developing themselves with a bit of distinction from their old lives (such as with Kiccou Reimu vs the grumpy voice in the back of her head.)... though I might change my mind and go for the lap pillow instead, that would probably still be new compared to the previous timeline...

we have to choose one not to see on the second section DX who do we miss out on!!! DX

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia

I hope we get some sisters time soon! even though I am not voting on it now... =(

>And the Konpaku Family. Were they looking for her, too?

well Akyuu seems to have identified where she is, and she's still in contact with the Yama, who is probably in contact with Youki... so he's probably on the way... and just because she can... Yuyuko probably will come along too... I hope the pantry is going to be restocked by the time they arrive, the black hole is coming...
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[X] Shift into half-bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting...

{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia

> Phasmophobia is an intense, persistent fear of ghosts.

Oh this sounds great
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…
{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia

Why do I feel like Youmu Reiuji's memories are going to be misremembered with aspects of Youmu Konpaku's life? Koishi and Youmu fighting against people from the moon, Okuu helping make tassels for the swords she inherited from her grandpa, and Myon and Orin meeting Yuyuko for the first time.
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…
Agreed with the hivemind on this one. Pet pet pat pat pat pat pat please.

{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia
Give the girl some ghosts. It's like (nuclear) enrichment for her to be terrified.

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
I'm curious what they're even competing in for this one.
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…
I want Okuu, but as some people stated, Okuu will probably be in the Two vs Two thing.
{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia
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File 171462922445.png - (1.93MB, 2376x1723, AkyuuAwakening.png)
>> Akyuu felt her mind refocus, drawing back to the present. She looked down at the coins before her, taking note of her reflection...

>> It was quite a sight. The loose sleeves she’d worn in her past life, and many lives before it, were now returned to her, in a purple, crystalline form. But even more striking was the crystalline flower that had grown to a magnificent size, replacing the physical one that she’d always worn. And it wasn’t the only thing that had grown; she looked… older, arguably even closer to Reisen in body shape than she’d expected (albeit, still not quite as much as she wanted). Her hair had grown out too.

>> And her head - her head was buzzing. Previously, it had been quietly organized, like a study all to herself. Now it was more like… a communal office. Not just her own mind, but it felt like there was… all of her. All of them. Aichi and Amu and Anana and everyone else, in her mind. Talking, endlessly.

This one was long overdue. I feel I didn't do many of Akyuu's scenes, mostly because of the couple of "sick days" I had to take from drawing. Is there any scene you want to see next? I might be taking some ideas now (no promises, though)

For now, off to my bed I go, see you all tomorrow.
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…

{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia
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Counting to >>207916:
Main Choice #1:
[0] Sit next to Satori. It’d be the most polite option.
[26] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…
[2] Try for a lap pillow? She’d done it when she was little, but she’d have legs hanging over the armrests, and that assumed Satori would let her…

Main Choice #2:
[21] Koishi: Two vs Two
[18] Okuu: Making Tassels
[18] Orin: First Day Phasmophobia

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don't mean to sound rude, but one of the options for orin was from a previous vote, where we had to chose whether to go after suwako alone or to bring someone else. so it's 17 votes for orin on this vote.

still close though! there's still a chance for a comeback!
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File 171464484773.jpg - (511.39KB, 800x800, __hakurei_reimu_remilia_scarlet_kochiya_sanae_kaen.jpg)

Nonono, they are tied right now.

If you ctrl+f "Orin:" or "Okuu:", before this post you get 20 hits on either one. One is from the OP, one is from tallyanon, an the remaining 18 are votes for each one.
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>>207886, >>207887, >>207888, >>207891, >>207894, >>207895, >>207896, >>207901, >>207903, >>207906, >>207908, >>207909, >>207910, >>207911, >>207912, >>207913, >>207914, >>207916
I take vote counting very seriously (most of the time). If I'm wrong, I'll admit that I'm wrong. :3
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sorry, my bad.
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Criticism is always appreciated (in the event that I do make mistakes [I am a human after all, not a shikigami]) however.
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tiebreaker vote
{X} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia
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File 171467152411.png - (313.71KB, 450x600, __kazami_yuuka_and_houraisan_kaguya_touhou_drawn_b.png)
Haven't managed to get a main thread update out today, but have an epilogue, instead:


Update coming tomorrow, I haven't written anything for it yet to s the vote is still on!
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[X] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…
{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Okuu: Making Tassels
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[X] Try for a lap pillow? She’d done it when she was little, but she’d have legs hanging over the armrests, and that assumed Satori would let her…

{X} Koishi: Two vs Two
{X} Okuu: Making Tassels

I know that first part has no chance of winning at this point, but at least I can break the tie for the second part.
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File 171475196023.png - (1.68MB, 2000x2000, YoumuPets.png)
[ ] Sit next to Satori. It’d be the most polite option.
[27] Shift into bird form, and then perch in her lap. She hadn’t tried shifting since she’d reawoken, and she was nervous about how it’d feel… But, well, Satori was an expert at petting…
[3] Try for a lap pillow? She’d done it when she was little, but she’d have legs hanging over the armrests, and that assumed Satori would let her…

Reminisce (Pick Two)
{23} Koishi: Two vs Two
{20} Okuu: Making Tassels

{19} Orin: First Day Phasmophobia

Youmu… took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and kicked off the ground.

When she opened her eyes, she was a raven, fully. She hadn’t ever really thought about how she shifted into the form of a raven, and now really wasn’t a good time to start. But she’d found jumping a bit as she did it helped. In the self-blinded weightlessness, whatever way her body’s instantaneous shifts occurred wouldn’t be something she’d consciously feel, nor would the sudden change in height throw her off. The only thing that would take her a moment to adjust to was the number of limbs - that part took a moment.

And yet, she did find herself thinking about at least part of it. The best way she could describe it was that her mental image of her arms sorta got… distributed between her legs and her wings. When she’d point, or gesture, or was on the ground, it’d be her wings that would respond. And when she’d want to really grip something, or she was flying, it’d be her legs. It was a disconcerting feeling, and thinking about it too long would only cause more unsettling feelings to bubble up.

…And besides, she didn’t need to do any of that tonight. Satori had grown a small grin, and gestured her pet over. Youmu landed in between her Mistress’ legs… and relaxed.

At once, Satori was gently caressing her, under her chin. Youmu sighed, finding herself leaning into it already. Her mistress chuckled.

“My, my… feeling needy tonight, are we? I thought you would be.”

Youmu tried to speak, before realizing the futility. Couldn’t talk without a human mouth, after all. …Thank goodness she didn’t need to. Satori gently petted her, chuckling.

“Youmu… do you remember when you first came here?”

The little bird nodded. Yeah… of course. When you picked us both up and carried us home. You spent most of the evening trying to introduce Orin to us.

Satori chuckled. “Took a bit of doing, but we got there eventually. You were both terrified of all the other animals. …Former Hell is no place for a child, let alone two without their parents.”

…I can’t thank you enough for taking care of us. Even if I was intr-

“Myon…” Satori’s voice was chiding. “Enough of that, already. You’re literally the only person who could see things that way.”

The hell-raven looked up at her, quizzically. …What do you mean?

“Well, you may remember a Chireiden where you weren’t a part of it… but that’s not the Chireiden anyone else remembers. All we’ve known is you being a part of Chireiden’s family. And that family’s never been one that couldn’t fit another pet or two.”

The bird settled down a bit. ...Sure, but…

Satori hand stroked Youmu’s head, gently. “Here’s a question. What’s the first thing that comes to mind… that only happened because of you?”

Youmu blinked, trying to recall where they had gone wrong. She looked at Satori, desperately.

Her mistress just shrugged. “I think this is our loss, Myon. Best to be graceful in defeat.”

She looked out, over at the other two. Okuu and Koishi were cheering at their victory. It had been a contest of danmaku, elder sisters vs. younger sisters, to see who would rein supreme. Youmu and Satori had been the more powerful team in conventional combat, and yet…

She looked over at the two of them, and stood up to approach them. “But… this whole system was my idea… I thought I’d at least win the first game!”

Koishi walked over, triumphant. “If this was a normal battle, you would have, Myon. But in this… super-fancy spray-bullets-everywhere style, you two are too predictable for your own good.”

Satori sighed. “Yes… I suppose we were. These two are better at improvisation than we are… and us being more trained just makes us easier to read.”

Youmu sighed. “Ah… “ She was suddenly grabbed, and pulled into a hug by Koishi.

“Don’t be sad! This is a great game!” The younger sister beamed at Youmu. “There’s not many people with the power to match us, and most of those that do
really want to pound us. And there’s only so many games I can play with sis that we don’t know the outcome of before we start.”

She took Youmu’s hand. “But this means me and sis can play something more spontaneous! And the pets can join in too!” She gave the bird a big hug. “Thank you thank you thank youuuu!”

“Indeed.” Youmu felt Satori reach out to pet her head,
although it was with a finger rather than a whole hand. “Your little ideas have been quite a lot of fun for all of us.”

…Well, it wasn’t really my idea. Youmu sighed. With the benefit of full memory, it was pretty clearly scattered memories of Spell Card duels that had inspired the game.

“That doesn’t change that you’re the reason we’ve had that game to play, isn’t it?” Satori smiled, petting Myon more. “And… you don’t seem to remember Koishi all that much, from your past memories. Perhaps she would have run away from home if she hadn’t had your games?”

…I don’t know…

“Alright, another one, then. What about the other pets? What have you done with them?”

Youmu found her eyes drawn to the swords, entirely lacking in anything making them stand out. “...They still need something, I think.”

Okuu looked at them, thinking. “Unyuu? What do you mean?”

“No sword worth anything is just a sword. These blades will be the blades that protect Chireiden! Protect the Komeiji sisters!” Youmu flapped her wings excitedly. “They need names! And they need something to stick on them, too.”

Okuu looked at the two swords. “Well, they have different color handles. The little one’s white, and the big one’s black. Maybe you could do something with that?”

“They’re hilts, Okuu.” Myon corrected. “And… yeah, maybe. But what should I do…”

There was a chuckle from behind the two of them. “Well, it’s not like they’re the only black and white things around here, are they?” Orin approached the two of them, smirking. “You’re the same colors as well, aren’t you?”

The twins looked at each other, thinking it through. Youmu started to grin. “Yeah… yeah! Maybe we can add our feathers to them!”

Okuu grinned back. “And that way, I’ll be helping protect Chireiden too!” Youmu nodded, her mind whirring. “Orin, you got any ideas on how we do that?”

The kasha chuckled. “Ah, I do. There’s some knots I can teach you two to make nice lil’ tassels for the blades. But if these blades are taking your feathers… do they have names yet?”

Youmu paused, thinking. “Mmmmm…”

“...Black-feather and White-feather.” The other two turned to look at Utsuho. “So… Kuroihane and Shiroihane. How about that?”

Youmu smiled. “Perfect.” She grabbed the longer blade, hoisting it high into the air.

“Enemies of Chireiden, beware! These blades are the will of the hell-raven sisters - Shiroihane of ghostly white, and Kuroihane of deepest black! And the things our feathers cannot cut are next to none!” She grinned, holding her hand high,
but flinched as pulling her wing back brushed along the bandage. It had almost been easy to forget about - in bird form, it was tucked almost entirely under her wing, making it practically invisible.

Satori chuckled. “My, you got pretty eager there. Both in the dream and right now.”

If birds could blush, Youmu was sure she’d be doing it right now. ...Yeah… I was excited. It just lined up perfectly, you know?

Satori gently pet the small bird-girl, making sure to avoid the wounds. “Yes… you’ve always been one of the most loyal pets here. Never just willing to be a pet - wanting to always be at the forefront of defense, and still help around the house as well. …And that’s exactly my point.”

Her mistress gently turned her around, smiling down at Youmu. “With your new memories, you’re thinking of yourself as… an intrusion. Something that shouldn’t be here, something that’s a burden on the rest of us. But… it’s nothing more than your own dutiful nature assigning guilt where there’s none to be had. We don’t see you as being an addition to Chireiden - you’re a part of it as much as anyone.”

Youmu looked up at her. …Do you really think so? I’m not… causing problems here?

Satori shook her head. “Not even the slightest bit. If it comes to it that you have to leave for a long time, even live somewhere else… so be it. But… if you must leave, you have to make sure you come back, okay?”

She leaned back. “If you were to say you were leaving forever… Okuu would be distraught, no doubt about that. Koishi would miss being able to play our two-on-twos. Orin would panic at the thought her most reliable assistant wasn’t going to be around anymore… and I would miss these quiet little moments, with the rarest, bravest pet in Chireiden.”

She smiled down at Youmu. “...So, if you have to leave, you can. But you’re not an intruder being shooed out the door. You’re a beloved member of our family - and don’t think for a second otherwise.”

Youmu looked up at her. A pit of anxiety that had been in her all evening was slipping away at last. …Thank you, Lady Satori. I think I needed to hear that.

“I know you did.” Her mistress’ voice had that slight air of smugness to it. “Now, just… take a long rest. We can discuss plans in more detail tomorrow, alright?”

Youmu nodded, starting to drift off already with the tension leaving her. Falling asleep in Satori’s room wasn’t ideal, but… she was sure Satori would carry her back, if she needed to.

And right now, there was no place she’d rather be.

Pic by Kosuka, of course!

May or may not manage an update tomorrow. Got a wedding for a family friend for the bulk of the day. We'll just have to see what happens.
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I'm loving the insights into Chireiden. Especially this update, really heartwarming.

Thanks for the heads-up about the next update, but take as much time as you need!

(Also, to anyone who might be interested, I'm still listening to recommendations about what to draw next)
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D'aww. Heart attack-inducingly sweet. Not much more to say - this was just a really nice read :)

if we don't get an update tomorrow that's totally understandable. don't stress over trying to fit it in!

Hm. Perhaps you'd be interested in doing either Myon realizing how much food she made?
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I'm not ashamed to admit that I teared up a little.
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Has Youmu's existence actually prevented Koishi from sealing her third eye? I was wondering if it just hasn't happened yet (and there's even odds that's the potential crisis of this arc), but the SA crew seem happier in this timeline. It's really nice to see.

In all honesty, between Youki surviving, Reimu's mom surviving, and now Koishi, there's an argument to be made that the new timeline is flatly preferable to the old one, even with the issues caused by the Immaterial Children incident.
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We don't know yet. As far as we know Koishi was sad about something when the story started, but she might not be as sad as the original timeline and thus doesn't shut her 3rd eye. Or maybe Youmu just delayed things enough and it will be one of the conflicts of this story. I find a more "normal" Koishi refreshing to see, even if it arguably makes her character stand out less.

No shame in crying.

I can try, but it sounds like a big drawing just going by the amount of food depicted, I'll have to sketch something up to see if it isn't more than I can chew. Keep in mind that the drawing doesn't particularly have to be about Youmu, It might be about the previous threads and their epilogues, too.
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for suggestions: (just spitballing out ideas,)

-the "nervous looking driver" kicking out the guardian and getting Reimu ready for the crash before jumping out

-Komachi running for her life from the bunny sisters. (with an angry Pyon emerging from the distance as bullets fly by.) (either that or the end of the escape attempt, with Komachi looking up at the dreaded shadows above her, "assuring" her that she'll *live* through this.

-Akyuu nervously realizing she's about to get the dreaded Eiki Lecture(TM) and being unable to escape.

an alternative to >>207937 with perhaps it being the start of it (rather than the result and so most of the food isn't out yet.) with Okuu worriedly looking at Youmu gearing up for a banquet simple meal and being in the rare position of being the sensible one in the room, Stars in Youmu's eyes and she's getting ready to do real life Fruit Ninja.
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>>“And… you don’t seem to remember Koishi all that much, from your past memories. Perhaps she would have run away from home if she hadn’t had your games?”

>> …I don’t know…

Maybe youmu doesn't remember the koishi from the original timeline because of her unconsciousness ability.
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Youmu in the image reminds me of the best picture there is of Okuu
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You can’t post a picture that amazing and not give a source.
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It’s from ICARUS by Zounose.

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Kaenbyou Rin sighed, trudging over to the embalming chamber. Just one more thing, and then you can shower and go to bed, Orin. She stretched, yawning.

For now, all she had to do was get a ballpark number of the corpses available for the Hell of Blazing Fires. That number would allow her to calculate when she’d next need to make a corpse trip, and thus what day she’d be bringing Youmu with her - which she reasoned would give the raven a clear point and some work to power through before she was done. Myon never did well with idle hands, after all.

Satori had been brief in her description of Youmu’s encounter with Suwako Moriya (quietly discussed over the sleeping crow in Satori’s lap). There were two main points - the first was that Youmu would accompany her to the surface next time she went, and the second was that the Moriya Shrine was to be investigated before Youmu - or Okuu - were allowed to get close. Message was clear enough on that - Moriya wasn't necessarily an active threat, but they were a potential one.

She reached into her pocket, and pulled out the heavy key for the padlock. It took some fussing with the lock - they needed to oil this more often - but eventually, she got the heavy door open.

She took a look inside the room. It never had a pleasant air - no morgue truly did - but it at least had a purposeful one. This wasn’t a place where spirits lingered - it was a room where corpses were preserved, and stored to be used for the Hell of Blazing Fires. Morbidity was only a consequence of the room’s function - it wasn’t a room where ill intent or unresolved grudges dwelled, only a place of quiet repose for the dead.

…Or at least, it should have been. While the tools and pieces were still there, now the room was stark empty of the proverbial stars of it's show/. Orin’s hackles stood on end, and she scanned the room, looking for what might have caused the difference.

There was a note on the table. Orin raced over to the letter, scanning it.

To whom it may concern,

I consider Moriya Shrine, first and foremost, to be a shrine for humans, and I have considered no small amount of humans my own subjects, and my kin. In the interests of continuing to honour this legacy, I have elected to give the bodies here their proper rest.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

S. Moriya.

Orin cursed, under her breath. Whether it was an act of whimsy, honestly described in the letter, or some kind of scheme, it’d force Lady Satori’s hand, and quickly send Youmu and her to the surface. She took off on a run, heading back to her Mistress’ office.

Only a few seconds later, the ground in the embalming room started to ripple. Suwako Moriya emerged, with another figure in tow. She looked at the passenger of her earthen trickery, humming.

“...Well, who says you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs?” The frog-loving goddess grinned, slyly. “Told ya, there’s no need to go knocking out third parties, Miss Go.”

Her passenger, a blonde girl in a pale white robe, tched. “I had a whole plan, you know. Was gonna have a lot of fun with it, too. Getting in by following her, knocking her out while she’s distracted, traveling back in time to distract her…”

“The more moving parts a plan has, the more failure points it has. And we have enough of those already with this whole thing. And besides, rain or shine we are still going ahead with the underground sun plan. I’d rather not harm anyone actually in Chireiden, when what we’re asking them to do also carries a risk.” She tipped her hat at her sulking counterpart. “...Though… does that plan of yours even work? I was wondering…”

“It would have.” Go said, kicking a rock. “My method of traveling is very different from theirs. So my rules are different from theirs. More… limited. If I could do what they could, then none of this would even be a problem - all I’d have to do is worry about butterflying myself into disaster.”

“I see, I see. Stable time loops, then? Suppose that’s the best you can get with your resources, huh?” The robed figure nodded. “Well, the point still stands. Don’t go antagonizing the Immaterial Children. Especially not if you’re trying to help me, Go.”

“Ahhhh, fiiiiine.” The girl threw her hands up. “Well, I suppose the point is, they’re probably going to the surface tomorrow, right?”

Suwako grinned. “Yep! It's so close I can almost taste it. Now, can you handle getting yourself out?”

“Don’t worry about me. This isn't the only trick this puppet's got.” Go clicked her fingers, and her body faded, vanishing from sight. “She can be almost invisible with little more than a thought, ze.”

“Suit yourself.” Suwako grinned, diving into the earth. “Well, best we split up before someone comes over to investigate. Once again, Go, thanks for the tipoff. I can't thank you enough for this.”

She dived into the earth, a faint ripple being the only hint of where she moved. Go watched her travel, and hidden from sight, began to smirk, whispering under her breath.

“Oh, believe me, Lady Suwako. The pleasure is entirely mine.”

She stepped out into the night, and vanished entirely.

Next update should offer an actual choice... or the choice may take just a bit longer. Depends how long Youmu's mind continues walking down memory lane...
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I'm guessing Go tipped off Suwako instead of Satori. Probably because it's difficult - or impossible - to manipulate satori.

We don't know what Ichi and Go want, but it could be possible to screw with them by keeping Suwako out of Youmu's life. If that even matters.
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Got a feeling that no matter what we end up doing, we're going to be seeing a lot more of a certain froggy goddess. Truly, everything is a Moriya Shrine Conspiracy.
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I'm a little surprised to see this from Go, rather than Ichi. I would have thought Ichi would want Youmu to be the one to eat Yatagarasu(so she would be occupied being a power generator and thus unable to go back to being Yuyuko's gardener). I guess this is just further evidence of some multi-layered scheme going on.
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>> Her guardian smiled. “We’ll get that really good driver who always looks like he’s about to piss the seat. At Yachie’s signal, he’ll scream out and ‘ditch’ us, and everyone will use their very best words to describe him, and by the time they realise he was the one with the actual prize, she’ll be getting the clamsmell outta her shell at the beach house.”

>>207942 I didn't register the second part of the request and just did a mugshot, sorry!
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>> Quickly, the two rabbits caught up, silhouetted by the afternoon sun. Two sets of furious red eyes glared down at her, assuring her dissonantly that she’d be fine. The taller one assured her that Eirin could fix up anything she’d broken in her fall. And, coincidentally, she could fix up anything they broke, as well.

>> Perhaps Komachi could have gotten away with only a minor beating. A few bruises, a checkup at Eientei, and all would be well. But she wouldn’t get a chance. Because then the smaller silhouette had leaned over, radiating fury, and asked Komachi one question.

>> And that question was simple: if she had any last words before they beat her so hard Eiki would have to get another shinigami to drag her home, pyon?

>>207942 Those bunnies can be scary when they want to be.

Two quick drawings for today since I didn't have much time. I like how both turned out, though.
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and It's alright, the mugshot is still nice! looks very nervous!
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Screenshot 2024-05-05 133807
Youmu walked out, a tray of cups in her hands. It wasn’t too hard to track down her destination; the only sound on the shrine grounds was the argument being had at its entrance.

“Get your hands OFF me, Marisa!”

“Not until you calm down, you idiot! Think things through, for once in your life!”

The half-phantom rounded the corner, approaching the argument. Reimu had fistful of amulets in her hands, and was struggling to break free of Marisa, who had grappled her from behind. “What’s happened?” She set down the tray, starting to jog over. This wasn’t the first time she’d seen this scene, but before it had been the other way around.

Reimu turned to Youmu, a storm of emotions on her face. “We need to get out of here. Now.”

“No, we don’t! We gotta stay here until it’s safe to go, damnit!” The smaller Marisa desperately looked over at Youmu. “A little help, here?! She’s trying to shove us all out without checking first!”

“What?” Youmu got closer, yet to intervene on either side’s behalf. “Weren’t you the one reassuring us that Yukari had this all under control?”

Reimu couldn’t meet her gaze, even as she struggled to get free. “But- okay, I was, but Aunn…”

Marisa interjected as Reimu’s voice got weak, meeting Youmu's concerned face with a grim expression. “Aunn’s gone cold. Just stopped responding entirely.”

Youmu’s eyes went wide. “...Then it’s just the five of us?”

Reimu managed to free herself, pulling away before Marisa could react. “I’ve tried everything I could think of to wake her up. But... nothing’s working. We… I have to get to the surface. Now.”

The magician grabbed Reimu's arm again. “And I told you, that’s not gonna work! Whatever it’s like in here, it’ll be WORSE out there, Reimu!”

Youmu nodded. “Don’t panic, Reimu. Aunn will be fine, I promise you.”

The miko glared at her. “How can you possibly know that?!”

The gardener walked over to the pedestals in front of the gates. The two komainu statues sat there, motionlessly. She reached out, petting one of them.

“...Because she didn’t vanish. She’s still here, isn’t she?”

Marisa nodded, furiously. “She’s pretty comparable to a type of tsukumogami, right? It’s like how those Tsukumo sisters work, I bet. She’s turned back into a statue, but that doesn’t mean she’s gone - just that she doesn’t have enough juice to move right now.”

“Yes, definitely.” Youmu didn’t really get it, but Reimu seemed to - no point grilling Marisa’s logic and risk poking holes in it. “And that’s why we’re guarding Akyuu, isn’t it? So she can Remember all the youkai and gods back.” Youmu put a reassuring hand on Reimu’s shoulder. “She’ll be fine, Reimu. I’m sure of it.”

The shrine maiden sagged, murmuring weakly under her breath. Youmu gently turned Reimu around, walking back towards the tea.

“...I hate this.” The shrine maiden said, sagging. “I hate this waiting. I - we can’t do anything to help in here.”

“Yeah, ‘cos we don’t need to yet. Besides, we are doing something important. We’re keeping watch and making sure Akyuu and Kosuzu are safe. And whatever’s happening out there, when it’s time, we’ll deal with it. Together, ze!”

Youmu nodded. “Just join us all for a cup, and we’ll talk for a bit, alright? Nothing better for cold chills than warm tea.”

The ground beneath them lurched. The three girls stumbled, looking around.

They were moving, now, through the gap-space. Where they’d appeared to be sinking into it when they came in, now they were rising.

Marisa smiled, giving Reimu a pat on the back. “Well well well! Seems like we’ll be able to get Aunn up and running again sooner than we thought, eh?”

Youmu nodded. “The battle must be over. She’ll be up before you know it, Reimu.” She picked up a cup, looking up at the ethereal sky. “We’ll have her back before you know it.

They could see a slit in the sky, now, revealing the first clouds anyone had seen in a week. Marisa chuckled. “Well, it’s not the golden day you’d hope for, but hell, I’d take hailstones over more of those creepy eyes watching us.”

Reimu looked up, not moving. “...No… something’s wrong.” Reimu kept looking up. “Where’s Yukari?”

A figure appeared in the sky. Even from this distance, Youmu could make out her shape. She pointed. “She’s right there, see? Perfectly-”

The figure tumbled through the gap, falling to the ground. At once, all three girls were moving, rushing to her impact. She landed, hard, in between the Komainu’s pedestals.

The youkai tried to pull herself to her feet. There was a boring hole through her stomach, and Youmu could see shattered fragments of bone that once might have been a ribcage within them. Worse, there was some kind of… black flames all over her. “S-stay back. Go hide with the others.”

Marisa got there first. “Yukari, what happened? What’s with that stuff?” She reached out, trying to quell the fires. The tired youkai spotted her, and tried to lurch away, but Marisa grabbed her firmly.

And burst into black flames.

“MARISA!” Youmu yelled,
all but throwing herself out of bed. It took a few moments for her to regather herself - to realize this was her bedroom at Chireiden, not the Hakurei Shrine. Satori must have brought her here last night. She took a deep breath, steadying herself.

Right… that had been how it ended, hadn’t it? Those black flames… Youmu shuddered. She stood up, trying to think. Nothing came to mind that caused fire like that, but maybe Reimu or the others would know more if she could talk to them. Especially Akyuu.

…All the more reason to find her, then. She couldn’t wait; she wanted to get to the surface now, and pass on the information to anyone who’d listen. She grabbed a fresh set of clothes, and began to move to the bathroom.

She just hoped that her lady wouldn’t be too hard to convince.

“Actually, we've already decided you're going to the surface today.” Satori said, inspecting the wheel of Orin’s cart.

Youmu blinked. “Hah?”

Orin sighed. “Your ‘friend’, Suwako, came and took our free bodies last night. We need to go fish up some more corpses before the Hell of Blazing Fires starts to die down.” She groaned, rubbing her head. “And we need information, too. Better if we have two sets of eyes working on the solution, no?”

Okuu hopped up. “U-um, I want to come… but Satori and Koishi asked me to watch over the fires, and make sure they’re alright.”

Satori stood up, nodding. “And I need to see if we can source bodies from elsewhere for a day. So I won’t be able to join you, sadly.”

The hell-raven blinked. “So… it’s just me and Orin, then?”

The kasha smiled. “Yep! You just rely on big sis, and she’ll get you to the surface lickety-split!”

Satori reached out to pet Youmu’s head. “So, Orin will go collect some new corpses, and you’ll have to be the one going around and investigating for us. Just remember what we discussed, and you’ll be fine, Youmu. We’ll all be waiting for your safe return.” Youmu blushed, but nodded.

“I promise, Lady Satori, I won’t let you down.” She turned to Orin, smiling. “So… which way to the surface?”

“Wanted to pick your brain on that, actually.” Orin said. She squatted down, starting to draw a crude map with her finger.

“There’s normally one route I take to get me to the surface and back quickly, but… it puts us super close to Youkai Mountain, where Moriya Shrine is. If this Suwako is actually hostile, then she’ll almost certainly be waiting along that route. Most of the other routes are long and windy, as well.”

The Kasha began to draw further. “But there’s two other routes that get us up to the surface nice and quick. They shortcut through the main city, but that’s not a problem in and of itself. The problem is when we need to leave the city is when we need to pick our poison. One takes us straight through Tsuchigumo territory - not a problem in and of itself, but it’s a nightmare if the wheels get caught in the webbing. And the only way to easily skirt around the territory…”

Youmu got a sinking feeling. “...Is to take the Hashihime’s bridge?”

“Bingo. So… what sort of problems will we be dealing with today? As the resident swordswoman of Chireiden, I think it’s only fitting you decide which way is going to be our shortcut of choice.”

[ ] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
[ ] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

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[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

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[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

A memory of what the cataclysm actually looked like. Have to say, seems properly apocalyptic.
Wonder if any of the others will start having dreams about what happened?
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oh no, Marisa! So that is why she was so much worse off than the others right at the start. and also maybe how Aunn also maybe came over too since she was right there when I'm guessing the black flame ate everything.

[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

one of Reimu's options was to be a tsuchigumo iirc, might be interesting to see! Yamame!
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[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
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Seems like we got a glimpse into the quintet's time in the gap space. Well, quartet. Which asks the question, how is Kosuzu here.

In other events, seems we have a route split (pun intended)

[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

Parsee is fren. Really angry friend.

In additions this day...none really stand out. Maybe next time. (Damn Moriya and their conspiracies.
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[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

Last I checked (and I didn't), the spiders were more agreeable than the bridge troll, I mean keeper.
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[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

I’d rather not have to get into a fight if we don’t have to, especially with someone who can mess with our emotions, and spiderwebs don’t seem too problematic an alternative.
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[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

Yeah. Rather not deal with the jealous bridge lady right now.
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[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
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I'll go with Parsee. Just because, I've got no preference for one over the other, but a friend of mine is a Parsee fan.

[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
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I just had a thought. What if Go and Ichi's goal is to manipulate the Immaterial Children into using their new fate hacks.

Intentionally trying to get fate to change to favor their adjenda somehow by inderectly nudging the Immaterial Children one way or another and making sure they all have Re/Awakenings.

Maybe we should be more concerned about them or discussing them more? I dunno.
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... no wonder marisa fared worse than the rest of them. seems like they were safe until yukari brought the threat in.


[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she'd cut them down.

spiderwebs would be easier to cut through than a person. plus, if we get sick, well. we're heading to eientei anyways.
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[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she'd cut them down.

Youmu head is already pretty chaotic with the memories of both lives mixing to some degree, the last thing we need right now is someone messing with her head.
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[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

See my vision... Parsee can duplicate herself. We no longer have two bodies. We can out - jealousy her.
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[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
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[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

We can tell Parsee to take up Twitch streaming.
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[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

>See my vision... Parsee can duplicate herself. We no longer have two bodies. We can out - jealousy her.

I wasn't sure which yet, but this sold me. That sounds funny as hell.
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[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
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[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

Mild arachnophobia, I'd rather not go down the web route.
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Most likely scenario for Kosuzu is either that she just got lucky (Incredibly lucky) and was already at Reimu's shrine by the time they got gapped, or she was brought with Akyuu as Akyuu probably knew what was going on (They are close friends, after all).
Yukari's plan was probably this:
a) Secure the most important humans in Gensokyo (that could be reasonably persuaded to be gapped in time).
i) Issue is where's Sakuya & Sanae? Did they get burned already? Were they the main incident "resolvers" and they failed? Or was there not enough time to gap them?
ii) Plan was probably done as it can be seen that youkai do have some resistance on the black flames while humans just vaporize upon contact.
b) Given some information on their enemy already, have the most powerful gods and youkai team up & coordinate to fight the enemy (whoever/whatever that enemy may be) while having the weakest youkai be evacuated away from the vicinity of that youkai to prevent fueling the flames (assuming that the enemy gains power by burning their victims).
c) Bring the rest of the humans up after defeating their enemy, with Akyuu doing repair work and everyone else having some tea to celebrate... Fail because of the fact that no plan has a 100% success chance.

As for my choice:
[x] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
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[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

Spider time.
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[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

Much the same as >>207974. That sounds hilarious. Maybe if we act jealous enough she'll even teach us how to do it ourselves so that she can be properly jealous of us instead of the inverse.
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The simplest answer might just be that that's where everyone went instinctively.

If you told the humans of gensokyo that they needed to get someplace where they could be protected from/defend against a hostile whatever, Reimu would probably bunker down at the shrine, Marisa would probably join or seek to recruit her (in the comics, her bursting into the shrine is how reimu finds out about the issue in question at least half the time), and Kosuzu and Akyuu would both likely head there too. Sanae and Sakuya would probably head to Moriya Shrine and the SDM, respectively, and call on their local residents for help. Youmu is the exception, but we already know that Yuyuko sent her there, and she'd be far more likely to coordinate with Yukari than Remilia or the Moriyas would.
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[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

People have better self preservation instincts than webs, so they usually get out of the way after only one or two slices.
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Counterpoint: This is Gensokyo, common sense doesn’t exist here. If we hit someone with one or two slashes, chances are a fight is going to break out.
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[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
Parsee can manipulate emotions. And Youmu is already a mess in the head. We don’t need anything else weighing her down. Also Yammame is much more agreeable than Parsee and she doesn’t like to use her poison.
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Counter-counterpoint: The "no common sense" argument doesn't work because it can be taken to the logical extreme of applying it to everything.

"It's common sense that a metal sword could easily cut through some random spiderwebs" and when we pull up they're tougher than stone. You can apply it in a million ways to a million possibilities.

Really, what are the two worst possible options with the routes?
With Yamame the worst option is probably getting caught in spiderwebs, cutting our way free, and then getting in trouble with her for ruining her work. probably either getting sick or in debt.

With Parsee, the worst option is we get into a fight and get our emotions meddled with. I really don't feel as if that'd have huge, lasting impacts for very long.
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[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

Don't wanna deal with Miss. Jealousy tbh. Besides, Rin and youmu are immune to any kind of disease Yamame might want to throw around anyway.

I'm way too much in canon instead of this story's headcanon lel
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[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

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[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

I like the spider.
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Ok so I've reread the update a couple times now. I'll try write all my thoughts below.
Nothing groundbreaking or particularly brilliant from my part though ^_^U

1- Yukari was probably dead when the lunarians and Keine sent our main five to the past (as they more or less correctly guessed).
2- The lunarians didn't know the amount of people that were being preserved in the gapped Hakurei Temple. They had to hope Reimu and Marisa were there in the handful of souls they found. It's likely Yukari acted alone or with only Yuyuko knowing (since she sent Youmu there) and the lunarians don't have any knowledge of anything Yukari did.
3- Aunn being missing at the very end lends more credence to the theory she got sent to the past too.
Maybe a manipulation to the boundaries of time from Yukari or was she accidentally dragged along with our main five by Keine?
Also, regarding making a shikigami: is it an ability that the Hakurei are able to use, or did Yukari assist Haru with this? Maybe we'll get a hint in Haru's epilogue.

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[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.


I don't think Aunn being a shikigami really proves anything one way or another. After Reimu failed to be born as expected most likely Yukari got all the sages to be all hands on deck to keep Haru alive at all costs (and actually, Aunn reverting to a statue may actually indicate that Okina had died in the future, since she is the one that topped her off into a youkai in the first place).

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[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

Youmu already has enough of his mind in a mess without Parsee making it worse
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[X] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
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[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

Spiders are scary and Youmu is a crybaby.
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Hm. Hope it's not too late to vote, I've been debating all day.

[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

Looked through everyone's arguments for both sides (arachnophobia, emotional manipulation, etc) and I think the bridge one makes more sense to me? I feel like there's a chance she just doesn't even bother messing with us because the jealousy of youkai isn't worth it.
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Counting to >>207995:
Main Choice:
[17] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
[14] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

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Yeah but she’s scared of Ghosts. Not spiders
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She's also afraid of the darkness caused by closing her own eyes. It stands to reason that other common fears would also apply, including arachnophobia.
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[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

I’m really not too sure on what Youmu would become jealous of if she were affected by Parsee, also catching bird flu would not help at all (then again, it could force us to go to Eintei).
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if it does end up being Yamame instead of Parsee would anyone terribly mind writing a quick summary of the update for the sake of voting? i'd rather not read about getting caught in spiderwebs if possible.
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>>208008 sure thing.

[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
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So is the main debate here between whether Youmu is more vulnerable to disease or jealousy? Kinda feels like it's trying to find the least bad option rather than the benefits of either side.
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Well, both options come with the benefit of interacting with either character (Yamame or Parsee).
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new chapter of foul detective satori says that parsee's a professional counselor which. would be fun to see. then again, that's a very recent revelation (also props to zun for finally giving a speaking role for parsee since her own debut! (i think. i checked the wiki but idk if there's something i missed)) and i don't know if that'll line up with what gooboi has planned for if parsee wins. fun detail though!
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All I’ll say is that the next update will feature an image from that chapter either way.
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Wait omg you're right
Forget all the people saying she'd mess with youmu, Parsee is a professional counselor. She'd probably help her.

[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
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>>207977 here:
Ties are banned in Gensokyo (and can be problematic for any writer wishing to write a CYOA).
[UNDO] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
[x] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
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In that case:
[UNDO] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
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Do we know if Parsee has always been a professional counselor? Because with this being both in the past and an alternate gensokyo, she's not guaranteed to currently be one.
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honestly, the information was literally just revealed last week, so no, we don't know how long she's been one. but as far as we know, former hell hasn't been affected by the immaterial children incident at all- doesn't even know about it. that could be because chireiden is isolated even more so than the rest of former hell, and we haven't seen former hell yet, but since there's a non-interference pact, then everything should be mostly the same because what's affected the surface (immaterial children incident) hasn't affected former hell in the same way. which means things should be about the same as in canon, so there's a good chance parsee is a counselor.

man, yknow, initially i just threw that info in as a little fun fact, but i want to see counselor parsee now. sorry yamame, the opportunity is just too good to pass up.

>>207969 here, changing votes.

[UNDO] Tsuchigumo territory. If any spiderwebs got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.

i hope this works out okay.
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[X] Hashihime’s bridge. If any troublemakers got in their way, she’d just cut them down.
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File 171505496545.png - (951.80KB, 1200x1723, parsee_counseling.png)
It could be that Parsee is a genuine counsellor, or it could be that she's misinterpreting things, because she has no understanding of how things work in the outside world. I'm leaning towards it being a misinterpretation, considering that she's claiming that a counsellor "gathers" grudges from other people, when it'd be far more accurate to say that being a counsellor is talking to those people and helping them mentally process those grudges.

This reminds me of Akyuu believing that suicidal humans willingly offer themselves up to youkai after being brought to Gensokyo, when it's more likely that those humans genuinely don't believe that the apparent young girls who appear before them are actually malevolent supernatural entities that literally eat them; because Akyuu doesn't have the frame of reference to understand humans who don't know the danger that youkai pose.
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Yamame might actually get us to the surface faster as the same chapter that has Parsee declaring herself a counsellor has Yamame shown to be digging to the surface.
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File 171509667274.jpg - (211.42KB, 850x1202, __kazami_yuuka_and_mystia_lorelei_touhou_drawn_by_.jpg)
New thread over at >>208027

This time, my recommendation is the fan game Mystia's Izakaya! People familiar with the game may have noticed that the dishes referenced in the first post of this thread are all references to good dishes to use for Chireiden characters in Mystia's Izakaya! Clearly Youmu's built up her rapport with all of them.

You can find the game on both through steam (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1584090/Touhou_Mystias_Izakaya/), and on Switch!
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