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File 171369466541.jpg - (218.71KB, 850x808, __hakurei_reimu_and_sendai_hakurei_no_miko_touhou_.jpg)
The world has ended, but five (well, four and a half) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Inaba Akyuu is finally at the end of a long, long stressful day. By some miracle, the possibility of a double incident disaster was narrowly avoided, if only because the linchpin of Gensokyo in it's entirety was nearly pulled. Remilia Scarlet brought the Hakurei on to death's shore, and it was only the efforts of Akyuu that staved Komachi from claiming her soul.

In the process, she awoke to a crystalline form, one that seemed to awaken the memories of all her reincarnations. With this, she was able to play chess with death itself, and win handily. Though, even with all of her lifetime's full memories, what exact power she used to activate it is still unknown to her.

Still, the day's true tribulations seem to be at an end, and everyone's eyes are turning towards the past and future, rather than the hectic present. One example of this is Hakurei Haru, who has come up with a plan to find her lost daughter, and another is Yagokoro Eirin, reminiscing on the flower she used to give Reisen the name 'Udongein'... and asking Akyuu about her own preference in flowers.

Previous Threads:
>>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906
Epilogues and Shorts >>/shorts/2804

Or read the story archive on Ao3:

[16] Ume - Plum Blossoms.
[6] Tsubaki - Camellias.
[6] Ren - Lotuses.

“I think my favorite of all time has to be plum blossoms.” Akyuu smiled a little nervously at the obvious implications. Eirin hummed, smiling.

“Ume, then…” Akyuu looked at her… before feeling her face fall when the doctor waved it away. “Ah, I’m getting ahead of the situation, I think.”

Akyuu blinked. On the one hand, she definitely was, but… and now there was a knowing smile on Eirin’s face. “...But I’m reading from your face that perhaps not too far ahead?”

Akyuu blushed, as the doctor brought up a hand to pat her head. Why did everyone just do that? And… why didn’t she ever want to fight back? “...How… how far ahead are you thinking?”

The doctor pulled her hand away. “I’d rather not have something like that with someone who’s… quite-so-literally indebted to us. Not to mention… Eientei isn't exactly in the mood for that sort of thing, what with the rubble to clear and all that. And I can only imagine the Hiedas will be all over you when they hear about you… might have to do something about the ears.” The doctor looked at Akyuu sympathetically. “In short… Let’s just make sure you’re fully settled, first, shall we?” Akyuu nodded, still feeling heat through her face at having been read like that.

They entered the hospital ward. There were more than a few bruised and battered bunnies, but only a few needed more help than first-aid could provide. There was a decent amount of self-service and doubling up going on as Akyuu and Eirin made their way through. Still, even as the doctor limped across, she made sure to stick her head into the various conversations, and correct a few of the rabbits from making mistakes with their bandages and treatments.

Eventually, though, they made their way to Haru’s room. Akyuu had known it was Haru’s room even before she got close - there was the sound of quite the fierce tongue-lashing going on, seemingly Remilia getting aggressively scolded by the Hakurei Shrine Maiden. By the time Akyuu and Eirin made their entrance, Remilia was sulking in the corner by the heart-rate monitor, as only a child without a leg to stand on in an argument could.

Eirin sighed as she entered. “Haru, please don’t overexert yourself. Just because you don’t feel it doesn’t mean you’re not hurting yourself.”

The miko rolled her eyes. “I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m busy, anyways. Akyuu? Good to see you.” Haru smiled warmly.

Akyuu approached the shrine maiden. “Is there something you needed, Lady Hakurei?”

Haru nodded. “Yes, definitely. Young Akyuu… this story about… all this. I’d like to hear it from you, loud and clear.”

Akyuu took a brief glance at Eirin, who turned her eyes to the clock. “If it will get you resting… then yes, of course.” The young rabbit sat on the edge of the hospital bed, taking a moment to compose herself.

“...The old Gensokyo… was suddenly sent into an apocalypse. This happened… a few years from now. We really didn’t know how, or why - we still don’t, actually. But it targeted humans, first. Destroyed their bodies, then destroyed their souls. And not long after, all of Gensokyo collapsed.”

Akyuu looked up. “Lady Yukari… well, I assume Lady Yukari got us all to the shrine at once, and then hid it in a gap. As a result, we were… protected from the effects, at least for a time. It gave the immortals and Keine enough time to come up with a plan on what to do. And their plan was… to have us reborn as youkai, so we could take on the threat directly.”

Haru turned her eyes to the sky. “...So that’s the truth of it… Ah, Keine…” She sighed, with visible relief. “Well, I have a lot of questions, but let’s focus on the most important ones for now. Do you know where any of the others are?”

Akyuu shook her head. “I don’t, sorry. I wish I could help you find Reimu, but…”

The Shrine Maiden grinned. “Oh… I have a plan for that. You can show other people your memories, right?” She gave a small smile, before stretching out her hand. “...Can you show me some memories of Reimu? Before I take a proper rest?”

Akyuu took her hand, beginning to think back. “Happy memories, sad memories…?”

“The ones that show the most… distinct and unusual parts of her personality.” Haru lifted her other hand, and a few yin-yang orbs began to float around her. “The ones that would allow even a spell to pick her out of a crowd. It’d be dangerous if she wasn’t rightfully an inheritor of them, but… I’m sure the orbs know.” The wounded miko chuckled.

Akyuu nodded, hesitantly lowering the handhold so her hand was well clear of the youkai-exterminating orbs. “I assume you know what you’re doing… then let’s do this, Hakurei.”

She closed her eyes, thinking back. Back to Reimu, to her spell cards, to some of her hair-brained money making schemes, to the easy way she moved between oni and devils. To the fiery interviews and defensive bluster, and the rare, quiet moments where the two of them drowned loneliness in tea, if only because it was too early to drown them in alcohol.

She heard a hum, and felt rushing air in front of her. “That… should be good.” Akyuu opened her eyes, and quickly stepped back, from the orbs whirling at high speed. Haru focused, and the orbs shot off, vanishing into the ceiling.

Akyuu saw a glow out of the hospital window, and ran to it to look. The orbs were now a small constellation of lights, vanishing into the distance, and she could see one of Aunn’s bodies running after them, looking up and trying to calculate their direction.

Akyuu gave it a few moment’s thought, too. “...Looks like they’re going… towards the Sanzu River? Or maybe across it?”

“Ah, bugger, really?” Haru chuckled, leaning back in bed. “You know, maybe if you didn’t save me, I could have met her sooner. Kidding, kidding…” She waved off Eirin’s harsh glare. “...I’ll just wait on this side, for her to come home.”

Akyuu gave her a smile. “...Get some rest, Lady Hakurei. She’ll come, soon enough.” The shrine maiden nodded, leaning back and slipping into blissful sleep.

Just to be clear, there's a little more before we get to the next kid. But we'll be done with Akyuu's first arc before we finish this thread.
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Well, we finally have peace. Job well done gang. Wonder what origin will we get next? Maybe we should be riskier this time, like a specialist. Great weakness, greater strength type beat.
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Best ending, here we come!

Wait a minute, Reimu's gonna have two moms. And one's evil.

Uh-oh. Uh-oh! Uh-oh!
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Akyuu Inaba, Ace Attorney, Custody Edition
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>“Then the answer’s simple. I’m not afraid of her family at the shrine keeping her.” Yachie took a sip. “If the orbs have come to her… then there’s a good chance any family [Reimu] could have had is already gone.”

Damn, faked out? Although I guess the possibility of saving ReiMom always existed.
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File 171370632331.png - (64.62KB, 190x225, Screenshot 2024-04-21 233044.png)
Screenshot 2024-04-21 233044
Akyuu hopefully-soon-to-be-Umein Inaba was utterly, utterly exhausted. As she trudged through the halls back to her room, she couldn’t wait to sleep in the futon. It was a slow, ponderous walk, each step slower than the last.

She opened the door to her room - and stopped. Sakuya was waiting there, with her sack in hand. And in the other hand… a little collar, with a bat-wing pendant.

“You. You’re the one with the power to rival my mistress?”

Akyuu blinked. “I… I guess?”


The Sakuya in front of her disappeared, and Akyuu felt something cloth-like around her neck. All of a sudden, it was yanked, making the chronicler cough.

“H-hey?! What the hell?!”

Sakuya yanked again on the attached leash, roughly. “I’m bringing you to the ownership of house Scarlet.”

Akyuu spun around to grab the leash in between them. At least then the yanks would go through her hands, rather than her throat. “And why should I go along with that?!”

The maid looked at her coldly. “It isn’t a matter of ‘should’. I will not suffer my mistress’ power being challenged by some stray rabbit.”

She was stronger than she looked, yanking Akyuu forward again.The chronicler still tried to protest. “I’m not some stray rabbit! I’m staying at Eientei!”

“I would advise you not to defy me.” Sakuya’s voice was icy, as she walked backwards with Akyuu in tow to the turn in the hall. “I can have a rabbit skinned and ready to cook in fifteen seconds.”

Akyuu spat back a reply, “And if I said I was a human?”

The maid considered it for a moment. Then turned her head back to Akyuu, and shrugged. “Twelve seconds. Now, let us be-”

A hammer came whirling around the turn, catching Sakuya in the back of the head. The maid crumpled, and Akyuu fell back from the suddenly-loosened grip on the leash.

Tewi stepped around the corner, tutting. “Yeah, no. The Inaba aren’t for you to take, usa.” She looked up at Akyuu, stepping around the unconscious maid and proffering a hand.. “You alright?”

Akyuu looked up at her, confused. After a moment, she took the hand, getting helped up to her feet.

Tewi turned to the unconscious Sakuya. “Overheard from that Remilia that they were seeking employees. Perhaps this one’s an overachiever.” Tewi grinned. “Hey, stick that collar on her. I’ll open up the sack.”

Akyuu nodded, undoing the collar. “How’d you know I’d need help?”

“I’m the lucky rabbit, remember? I don’t need to know, things just happen in my favor.” Tewi chuckled, undoing the rope on the sack. “I was already coming this way, anyways.”

Opening up the sack revealed a very, very frazzled Mystia. Once Akyuu had the collar on Sakuya (and tied the leash around the maid’s hands, for good measure) she went to assist Tewi in freeing her.

Mystia looked at her. “Where am- rabbits? Wait- you’re that little sister, aren’t you?”

Akyuu nodded, giving an awkward grin. “Yeah. Wish we could have properly met under better circumstances. Call me Akyuu.”

“She’s the newest recruit of the Inaba. And I’m the very first - call me Tewi.” Mystia took Tewi’s proffered hand as she was helped to her feet. “Mystia, right?”

The sparrow nodded, slowly. “Yeah… um… just… give me a minute, it’s… been a rough night.” She sighed, leaning against a wall. “First there was that fake moon… then those two crazy western people showed up and knocked me out… I woke up in the sack with the little bat girl yelling really loud just outside it… and then I fell and blacked out again…”

Tewi gave the sparrow a gentle pat. “Well, Mystia, your long day’s over, at least. I’m sure we can find you a spare bed - might be best to take you to the hospital ward, actually.” The lucky rabbit looked over at Akyuu. “Just give me some time to talk to the greenhorn, and I’ll bring you over, okay?”

Akyuu groaned. “Tewi, if this is more questioning, I really don’t have the energy to-”

“It’s not. I promise.” The rabbit put her hands up defensively.

They ended up sitting Mystia on Reisen’s bed for a little while to recover. The elder of the lunar rabbits was still treating patients - apparently both of the medical staff had taken some sort of supplement to keep up their energy. This left Akyuu and Tewi to take Akyuu’s own room for a brief discussion.

Akyuu looked at Tewi. “So. What did you want to talk about? Because… I am utterly exhausted, and not in the mood for a fight.”

The hare of inaba nodded. “Nothing like a fight. I think you answered a few of my questions, anyways.” Tewi nodded. “Like… that crystal thing. You don’t understand that, do you?”

Akyuu shook her head. “Are you telling me you do?”

Tewi shrugged. “Not really, but… this whole thing about you messing up fate, and the shape-shift thing you pulled…” She hummed. “You were giving off some incredible power there. More than any normal youkai rabbit.”

Akyuu’s beleaguered mind finally put it together. “You think that’s why we were reincarnated as youkai?”

Tewi hummed in agreement. “Well, there’s no denying that with that Are thing you pulled. I think you took all the spectators back with that little vision of yours.” She turned to look down the hall. “...Unless they were unconscious and eating dirt. I think she missed a bit there. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna let her take an Inaba, but still.”

“And… there’s something else, too.” Tewi looked away. “The truth is… earth rabbits are pretty flighty. Most of us see an attack coming, we’re miles away before it hits. So… it turns out most of the earth rabbits who got injured tonight… did so because they didn’t listen to your instructions.”

Akyuu paused. “And?”

“Well… I was encouraging the rabbits to work quickly, so… the ones who followed me tended to get hurt a lot more than the ones you successfully spooked into taking it slow.” Tewi sighed. “I guess I really didn’t expect some moon rabbit to not have some sort of angle they were working, you know?”

…Well. It was almost an apology.

[ ] Attempt to get her to actually say ‘sorry’. And let it rest if she does.
[ ] Just try to bury the proverbial hatchet. It can always be dug up later.
[ ] An almost-apology deserves almost-forgiveness. Her stomach was still bruising.

{ } Get some mochi out for Mystia.
{ } No, not right now. Just try to send them off and get some sleep.

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[x] Just try to bury the proverbial hatchet. It can always be dug up later.

{x} Get some mochi out for Mystia.
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[x] Just try to bury the proverbial hatchet. It can always be dug up later.

{x} Get some mochi out for Mystia.
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[X] Attempt to get her to actually say ‘sorry’. And let it rest if she does.

I know this might be pushing it, but Tewi deserves it a little.

{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia.

And Mystia definitely deserves this. Yes I'm still biased.
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[X] Attempt to get her to actually say ‘sorry’. And let it rest if she does.

{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia.

mochi moment
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[x] Attempt to get her to actually say ‘sorry’. And let it rest if she does.
-[x] Maybe with a small tease or two.
There's another addition to this write-in I'm probably missing to make it feel more in-line what Akyuu would actually do... Or maybe not?

[x] Get some mochi out for Mystia.
Poor Mystia was stuffed into a sack. She 100% deserves some mochi (and maybe a checkup with the nearest doctor). She was probably lugged around by Sakuya until now.
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[X] Attempt to get her to actually say ‘sorry’. And let it rest if she does.

{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia.
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[X] Attempt to get her to actually say ‘sorry’. And let it rest if she does.

{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia.

Did they check Sakuya for knives? Because if she had enough time to grab a bat-themed collar and a leash, she had enough time to restock on throwables. I also kinda want them to stuff the maid inside the sack and get her delivered that way back to the SDM. Maybe with a note telling Remilia to put a tighter leash on her pet maid.
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hm... half want to write in something, but it ends up sounds a lot like option 3... oh well, if it does it'll just be lumped with option 3

[X] Just try to bury the proverbial hatchet. It can always be dug up later.
-[X] But only something like the equivalent of 3 cm deep, and dig it up in varying forms of light snarky (and not entirely serious.) passive-aggressiveness over the next couple of weeks until she actually says sorry.

{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia.
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[X] An almost-apology deserves almost-forgiveness. Her stomach was still bruising.
Have I learned nothing? Perhaps. Alternatively, it will probably annoy her more than if we actually were petty about it, so we can get our revenge by continuing to be overly nice.

{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia.
We can always make more. Might as well use what we have now- can't take it with us when we die.
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[X] Just try to bury the proverbial hatchet. It can always be dug up later.

{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia.

Sorry, dog, but the only thing Remilia's gonna find in that bag is a corpse
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[X] Just try to bury the proverbial hatchet. It can always be dug up later.
{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia.

It can always be dug up later. I think she's already reaped what she sown.
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[X] Attempt to get her to actually say 'sorry'. And let it rest if she does.

akyuu's been through a really, really long night (one could say the night seemed to be an eternal- okay, okay, i'll see myself out after this). she can wheedle an apology out of tewi if she wants to. as a treat. an almost-apology isn't enough to make up for that button threat, anyways.

{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia

getting your entire livelihood smashed to bits and then getting beat up is not a pleasant experience. it's the least we can offer as an apology.
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[X] Attempt to get her to actually say ‘sorry’. And let it rest if she does.

You know how one anon in the first part of the chess game wanted to vote for lie as an attempt to demonstrate some backbone. Well here is our opportunity to demonstrate that backbone. For real though, if we get that sorry out of the lucky rabbit, I imagine it could lead to a smoother relationship than if we just tried to bury the hatchet. Besides, the last time we caved to Tewi, it ended up backfiring hard on us. The stubborn option seems ideal to me.
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[x] Just try to bury the proverbial hatchet. It can always be dug up later.

{x} Get some mochi out for Mystia.
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[X] Attempt to get her to actually say ‘sorry’. And let it rest if she does.

{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia.

Y’know what? Good call.

{X} And while you’re at it, toss that vampire's maid in the sack and send her back to the SDM. Be sure to tell Remilia via note that she needs to put a tighter leash on her little pet.
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[X] Attempt to get her to actually say ‘sorry’. And let it rest if she does.

{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia.
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Ngl, having Eirin call Akyuu "tasty" from now on is gonna be a little weird.

[X] Attempt to get her to actually say 'sorry'. And let it rest if she does.

{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia

Mochis out for Lorelei
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[X] Attempt to get her to actually say ‘sorry’. And let it rest if she does.

{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia.
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[X] Just try to bury the proverbial hatchet. It can always be dug up later.

{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia.
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[X] Attempt to get her to actually say ‘sorry’. And let it rest if she does.
-[X] If we have the time and energy to, stuff the maid in the sack and send her back to the SDM like that.
{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia.
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Counting to >>207239:
Main Choice #1:
[12] Attempt to get her to actually say ‘sorry’. And let it rest if she does.
[7] Just try to bury the proverbial hatchet. It can always be dug up later.
[1] An almost-apology deserves almost-forgiveness. Her stomach was still bruising.

Main Choice #2:
[20] Get some mochi out for Mystia.
[0] No, not right now. Just try to send them off and get some sleep.

Potential Additions:
For "Attempt to get her...":
[1] Maybe with a small tease or two. (>>207222)

For "Just try to bury...":
[1] But only something like the equivalent of 3 cm deep, and dig it up in varying forms of light snarky (and not entirely serious.) passive-aggressiveness over the next couple of weeks until she actually says sorry. (>>207225)

Other Additions:
[1] And while you’re at it, toss that vampire's maid in the sack and send her back to the SDM. Be sure to tell Remilia via note that she needs to put a tighter leash on her little pet. (>>207233)
[1] If we have the time and energy to, stuff the maid in the sack and send her back to the SDM like that. (>>207239)
For all intents & purposes, these two additions are practically the same.
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[X] Just try to bury the proverbial hatchet. It can always be dug up later.

[X] Get some mochi out for Mystia.

[X] If we have the time and energy to, stuff the maid in the sack and send her back to the SDM like that.
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File 171373060519.png - (1.35MB, 1311x1482, AunnSpellcard.png)
>>And stood stock still, smiling. “It’s an impressive spell card, Akyuu. But… It’s not the right type to use, against someone like me.”

>>The rings closed in, closer and closer, as Aunn pulled out her own spell card. She held it in the air, charging her spell card, as the dozens of danmaku rings all passed her harmlessly.
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Are we going back to Reimu next, or to one of the other 3? ‘Cause, outside of Youki coming across Youmu in the near future, I’m not sure how the rest would get their memories back without outside intervention from Akyuu & Reimu.
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Eh, I can see at least one or two ways it might

Fairisa (or some minor Youkai marisa) goes to do a prank and Kourindou and swaps a random octangonal box and suddenly remembers things.

something-Kosuzu gets her hands on a youkai book.

or things like that.

maybe we'll do a arc where we don't have the initial memory and are relying on very vaguely remembered bits to get through the crisis

>>207255 here to add to my vote

{X} Leave a note on the maid for Remilia offering an invitation to a chess game, time and location to be arranged.

the vote can be accomplished regardless of if Sakuya is left as is or stuffed in a sack (and thus would be an addendum to the 'control your pet' note.)
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File 171373367136.png - (0.97MB, 2000x2000, KomachiArrival.png)
>>There was someone, stepping through the crowd. It wasn’t as if she was doing so in some particularly graceful manner - it just seemed as though nobody happened to get in her way as she walked forward, at an easy gait. It was a tall, curvaceous woman, with red pigtails, and wielding a scythe with a blade that wavered like a flag in the wind.

>>“SHINIGAMI!” Aunn’s yell was furious, and desperate. “STAY BACK! I WON’T LET YOU TAKE HER!” One of her bodies rushed at the shinigami, leaping to tackle her.

This is a more dramatic entrance, but let's just say it is how Aunn saw the threat.
I was really behind with the pictures.
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Gooboi said we're moving forward towards another protagonist after we're done with Akyuu, and who that is will be decided via voting. Maybe adding a couple epilogues for Akyuu as we have seen with Reimu's arc.

As for how they will regain their memories, let's wait and see.
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I am submitting a spellcard idea, I had considered it in the votes leading up to the Aunn fight, as maybe an attempt to ascertain if she had future knowledge as it seems to have been hinted at, might still see if it happens in a Aunn rematch or something, or to see if others (including the other immaterial children.) currently remember things, or to help them remember.

(X) Writer’s sign “Mystery in wonderland”

Based on Akyuu’s first fictional novel from the first timeline, has danmaku representing the events of the book, with in the finale the safespot being the answer to the whodunnit. (survival spellcard?)
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In hindsight this seems to have not been the intention, but when this story started I figured that it would be something of a mystery where the others ended up. That once Reimu got back to Gensokyo she’d have to track down Akyuu, and then the two of them would find the rest and jog their memories. The prologue was pretty clear that she’d be necessary for that. If everyone gets their memory back on their own it’s wasted foreshadowing to the point I’d expect her to be frustrated with it in the story.

>> maybe we'll do a arc where we don't have the initial memory and are relying on very vaguely remembered bits to get through the crisis

That’d be interesting. Relying on strange sense of deja vu (and voter input) to make do.
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File 171374359029.png - (47.46KB, 161x152, Screenshot 2024-04-22 090007.png)
Screenshot 2024-04-22 090007
Akyuu has several potential methods of tracking the others down. Which methods she uses, and which method works first, depend on the options of character and new species the anons choose. It's most likely that all or nearly all characters' active arcs will start after they come across one of Akyuu's methods.

With that said, how much each character will remember upon being reminded might vary, even depending on the method used.


More spell card ideas are always welcome!
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>>207224 here. Adding this to my vote.

[X] And while you’re at it, toss that vampire's maid in the sack and send her back to the SDM. Be sure to tell Remilia via note that she needs to put a tighter leash on her little pet.

Akyuu may be too tired to deliver the maid herself, but she could always get someone else like Aunn or Genji to do it.
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>>207223 here.
Add to my vote:
[X] And while you’re at it, toss that vampire's maid in the sack and send her back to the SDM. Be sure to tell Remilia via note that she needs to put a tighter leash on her little pet.
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[X] An almost-apology deserves almost-forgiveness. Her stomach was still bruising.

{X} Get some mochi out for Mystia.
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>>207229 here, adding to my vote.

[X] And while you’re at it, toss that vampire's maid in the sack and send her back to the SDM. Be sure to tell Remilia via note that she needs to put a tighter leash on her little pet.

sackuya izayoi..... okay, okay, i'll stop with the puns (lying)
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>Akyuu paused, the revelation slowly dawning on her. “...And without knowing my weaknesses as a person, the only weakness she can get at…”

>“Is that button.” Kaguya nodded. “Even just stringing along that waitress was something she could have understood. Might have been a little petty on your part, but… that’s the sort of thing she expects from a real person.” She chuckled. “Actually, she’d have probably joined right in.

After the kidnapping attempt, Sakuya's one of the few acceptable targets we can be petty to without much guilt. If we end up literally sacking Sakuya, it might even turn into a bonding activity with Tewi.
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File 171376512481.png - (2.44MB, 2000x2000, sakuya.png)
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[12] Attempt to get her to actually say ‘sorry’.
[8] Try to bury the proverbial hatchet. It can always be dug up later.
[2] An almost-apology deserves almost-forgiveness. Her stomach was still bruising.

{22} Get some mochi out for Mystia.
{0} No, not right now. Just try to send them off and get some sleep.
- [X] And while you’re at it, toss that vampire's maid in the sack and send her back to the SDM. Be sure to tell Remilia via note that she needs to put a tighter leash on her little pet.

Akyuu folded her arms. “...And?” There was a pause. "What, do I have to get a bunch a sharks to get you to say it?"

At length, Tewi gave a long, long sigh. “And… I’m sorry, alright? I’ve given you a rougher time than you deserved, usa. I shoulda listened to you, and I shouldn’t have threatened you with the button.”

Akyuu nodded. “There we go. Apology accepted. And for my part… I’m sorry as well. You can hardly be blamed for treating me with suspicion when the first time we met, I was snooping in your room.”

Tewi folded her arms. “Apology accepted in turn. Reading my letters… and I hear you still want to =learn about that button? You’re too curious for your own good, usa.” There was a moment’s mischievousness in her eye, before she caught herself. “So… we gonna just try to move on from here?”

Akyuu yawned. “Yeah… I really don’t want to make an enemy of you. I know that much.” Tewi smirked a bit at that. “So let’s just… call it more or less even, and move on. Though… there is one person we should settle the score with a bit.”

The lucky rabbit turned to the hallway again. “Got something in mind?”

Akyuu chuckled. “How about we take Sakuya, and deliver her pack to the SDM properly packed up?” Tewi gave an evil grin.

“Sounds fun! I can handle putting her away if you want. You got anything you want to add, or…”

Akyuu hummed. “Oh, I have something in mind, if you can rustle up some paper. While you do that…” “I’ll just make sure Mystia’s okay.”

Tewi looked at the box, as Akyuu opened it up. “...What, that all you moon-bunnies get for rations?”

Akyuu shook her head. “Nah, just… didn’t know how well the earth rabbit’s dango would compare.”

The hare of Inaba’s scoff was theatrically indignant. “Oh, I think it’ll suit little miss sweet tooth’s needs just fine, thank you!”

The two rabbits hopped up, to handle their tasks. Akyuu pre-selected a few of the most presentable remaining pieces, and walked across the hall to where Mystia was. “Here. Some sugar will help.”

The sparrow took it a little shakily, nodding. “Thank you, Akyuu.” She started to nibble at it. “...This is that box you had with you when you landed, isn’t it?”

“Yep! Mochi pounded by moon-rabbits. So you’d better savor it while it lasts.” Akyuu took a bit of the more-mulched mass and chewed at it. “‘Cos we’re unlikely to get any more any time soon.” The sparrow looked guilty at that, but Akyuu waved it off. “Take it. I’ve destroyed your cart, the least I can do is give you some of my stash.”

“If you’re sure…” Mystia nodded, slowly. “...How have things been with you and your sister?”

Akyuu smiled. “It’s been… a bit of a ride, but… I think we’re both hoping for good things.” Akyuu smiled. “I think we’d both long given up on finding each other, so…”

“Well… that’s good then! I’ll have to hear some stories from her later, once you’re settled in.”

Akyuu smiled. “And I overheard something about you liking parfaits? Would you like to have them in the village with me, one day?”

The sparrow smiled. “Sure, but only once you’re square with Eientei. I heard that if you don’t pay it off quickly enough, the doctor will break your kneecaps.” Akyuu’s face paled, which got the chef laughing. “Kidding, kidding!”

Akyuu gave a weak chuckle. “Well… if you’re laughing about it, I hope you’re at least feeling a bit better…” She stood up. “Come on, you really should be off to the infirmary soon. Want another piece before you go?”

“Hold it!” The two of them looked up, to see Tewi. Behind her, two stronger-looking male rabbits were carrying a very familiar sack. “She’s in the perfect position right now to try earth rabbit mochi and tell us which is better. And I daresay it’ll be better than your smushed-up stash.”

Mystia looked at the sack with concern. “Who… who’s in there now?”

Akyuu chuckled, as she took a pen and paper she was proffered by Tewi. “Why, the person who put you in, of course.” Akyuu hummed. “I don’t think Remilia’s English, but… someone at the mansion should be able to read this.”

To Lady Remilia.

Please find within one (1) Sackuya. Please keep a tighter leash on your little pet.

HieInaba Akyuu.

The translation brought a few chuckles from the group. “Right. If you would, gentlemen?” She proffered the note to the two bucks, who hefted the sack up and turned to leave. “Now, Tewi, we should-”

“I’ll take care of the sparrow. You just get some sleep, alright?” Akyuu was gently pushed away, treats box in hand, until she was just within her room. She blinked, but the adrenaline that had kicked in from Sakuya’s sudden appearance was draining, and her protest was cut off with a yawn.

Mystia chuckled. “You definitely look like you’ve had a rough day, Akyuu. We’ll talk later.” She began to leave, still on slightly-unsteady feet, with Tewi gently leading her out.

“Oh, and before I forget-” The rabbit turned to look at Akyuu, one last time. “Welcome to the Inaba, Akyuu, and goodnight. Hope you enjoy it here with all the other moony rejects.”

Akyuu smiled back. “I hope I do too. Goodnight to you two as well.”

As soon as they were out of sight, she turned to look at her futon, and-

Akyuu’s mind woke up slowly, from an utterly dreamless sleep. By the sun shining in through her window, it was clearly late into the morning, but she just didn’t want to wake up just yet.

There was… a familiar scent. Comforting, familiar, the smell of spider lilies. Perhaps it wouldn’t be comforting to a lot of people - but the scent, to Akyuu, brought to mind only one person.

She opened her eyes, feeling her heart soar. The woman was sitting on her knees, with both of her legs out to one side. Her uniform, and her green hair, were both incredibly familiar to Akyuu - and so was the look of gentle relief.

“...Lady Eiki?”

Shiki Eiki gently reached out, patting the moon rabbit’s head. “Akyuu. You’ve come a long way, haven’t you?” The yama smiled, gently. “You’ve done it, Akyuu. You’re safe now. I’m so, so glad you’re safe…”

Akyuu nodded, slowly. She felt tears form in her eyes. “I-Lady Eiki. I-I’m sorry, I, I didn’t mean to worry you-”

“We can talk about how you got here, later.” Eiki gently shushed the young rabbit. “For now… just… rest a little longer.”

Akyuu nodded, closing her eyes and just feeling the judge’s presence. …With how disjointed the Child of Miare often was within the Hieda family, it often ended up feeling like Eiki understood her better than her own flesh and blood. “...Okay.”

They spent a few minutes lying there. Akyuu just felt the judge’s hand through her hair, and with each stroke, it felt like part of the stress faded away. The stress of yesterday, the harrowing escape from the moon, the harsh training, the endless suspicion… Eiki managed to, at least for a bit, make it feel far away, further than it had ever been. Akyuu could have gone back to sleep, then and there, but… no, she couldn’t. Not yet.

After a few minutes, she opened her eyes. “Lady Eiki. There’s so many things I need to talk to you about, but, first of all…”

[ ] “I need to talk about why we did this.” It was of absolutely critical importance that Eiki learned about the incoming disaster, as soon as possible.
[ ] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.

Last vote of Again/Akyuu! Next update's vote will be for which character to play next!
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[X] “I need to talk about why we did this.” It was of absolutely critical importance that Eiki learned about the incoming disaster, as soon as possible.
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[X] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the danger later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.

We gotta extract him from harm's way now. It's not like our butterflies would have randomly spawned a shrine maiden down in the animal realm to bail him out.
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[X] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the danger later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.

Saving Private Youki
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[X] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the danger later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.

As well as Youki surviving being important, he has to deliver Hakurouken to Youmu, since that's what Reimu decided to tell him to do in Redo/Reimu. That may be potentially key in unlocking Youmus memories.

I wonder if we gift-wrapped Sackuya...
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[X] “I need to talk about why we did this.” It was of absolutely critical importance that Eiki learned about the incoming disaster, as soon as possible.
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[X] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the danger later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.

The actual incident that we got sent back for is some near (or over) a decade ahead, we can spare 5 mins.

Though i am going to be amused if after all Akyuu went through through the 24 hrs of the arc from arriving in Gensokyo she has overslept again and its been over 24hrs since she went to sleep and they decided to just let her do so to recover.
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[x] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.
This feels like Akyuu.
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[X] “I need to talk about why we did this.” It was of absolutely critical importance that Eiki learned about the incoming disaster, as soon as possible.

Obvious choice, meta knowledge lmao. Either way, having the Yama on board will help immensely. The other choice might get us in touch with Reimu faster, but that can wait. For now, we have to prepare, else the inevitable will reoccur.

Origin again, who will it be. Either Marisa, Kosuzu, or Youmu. Pick a card.
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[X] “I need to talk about why we did this.” It was of absolutely critical importance that Eiki learned about the incoming disaster, as soon as possible.

Our mission is more important than one old man.
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[x] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.

This will make him find out where Reimu is more quickly.
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[X] “I need to talk about why we did this.” It was of absolutely critical importance that Eiki learned about the incoming disaster, as soon as possible.

This might bring about an 'all hands on deck' situation with the Yama and lead to the Ministry of Right and Wrong devoting more time and resources to tracking down the rest of the Immaterial Children to prepare for the apocalypse, which also helps Youki in tracking down Youmu.

Also, a dying old man is nothing new for the Yama, but an entire village's worth of human souls being utterly obliterated is great cause for concern.
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[X] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.

Ignoring metagaming, Eiki did say this was the one change she would've made if she went back in time. Might as well honor that wish. We have years to prepare for the apocalypse, a few days to save Youki's life is worth it.
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[X] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.

I can’t bare to wait to see who the next character is; the sheer number of possibilities every time we get a new start excite me! My personal wish is to see at least one satori among the cast but I guess we will see.
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[X] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.

Depending for how long we slept after that fiasco, which could have been a long while, the whole situation could be done with already and we could learn about Reimu. I see the logic y'all are going with. I don't like it all that much, but I can play along with it for one choice. We're not in a deathtrap anymore.
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[x] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.

Going to agree that Akyuu's first priority, bar metagaming, would be to try and help Eiki as a friend. They should have enough time to deal with the other threat later, even if we assume that the timetable got moved up by timetravel.
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On one hand, we know that Youki will survive Yuuma thanks to Reimu's help.
On the other hand, Akyuu doesn't know this.

[X] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.

Even if talking about the major incident is our priority, as people said above it's a long time before it happens. And I want to know what Eiki thinks about what will happen.
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>>207271 here. After re-reading >>206017, I'm changing my vote.

[UNDO] “I need to talk about why we did this.” It was of absolutely critical importance that Eiki learned about the incoming disaster, as soon as possible.
-[X] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.
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okay, had to think about this.

the second choice is interesting- as we've already seen reimu's arc, we know that youki will survive his battle with yuuma thanks to reimu. at first glance, there's no reason to pick this option.

there's still a few arguments to be made for choosing it, though: getting the news delivered as quickly as possible. if eiki sends someone after youki in an effort to prevent his death, that's another witness to reimu's awakening. since youki's busy recovering, that hypothetical other person would be able to bring the news back to eiki and akyuu and they can pick reimu up faster. sorry to reimu's budding vigilante career in the animal realm, but with both of them awake, they can search for the others just a bit faster and also discuss the apocalypse more.

second, it's the in-character option for akyuu. the entire final confrontation was literally stalling death in order to defy fate and save a life. eiki is someone akyuu cares about a lot, and she knows how heavily youki's death weighed on eiki's mind. even if she has no personal connection to him, she's seen the effects his demise had on others, and she'll definitely want to prevent that.

[X] "Konpaku Youki might be in danger." She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse later. It was the far more immdiate concecrn that Youki survived.
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[X] “I need to talk about why we did this.” It was of absolutely critical importance that Eiki learned about the incoming disaster, as soon as possible.

Even if we didn’t know Youki was going to be saved, this feels a little bit more important to talk about.
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[X] "Konpaku Youki might be in danger." She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse later. It was the far more immdiate concecrn that Youki survived.
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[X] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.

The faster we can get Akyuu and Reimu (through Youki) together, the better.
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Counting to >>207281:
Main Choice:
[5] “I need to talk about why we did this.” It was of absolutely critical importance that Eiki learned about the incoming disaster, as soon as possible.
[15] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.
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[X] “I need to talk about why we did this.” It was of absolutely critical importance that Eiki learned about the incoming disaster, as soon as possible.
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[X] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.

Eiki said she wished to change Youki fate the most so, even though we already know he survived, we might as welll help her out a little bit.
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X] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse next.
[X] “I also need to talk about why we did this.” It was of absolutely critical importance that Eiki learned about the incoming disaster, as soon as possible.

Why not both? You didn't imply any form of time limit other than Akyuu being tired.
She could very easily tell Eiki about both problems since it'll only take a few minutes total.
There is no reason for these to be exclusive outside of meta.
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Just because we can say both doesn’t mean we can say both first. This might be shaping Akyuu’s priorities, or something might pull Eiki away before we can get to the other point.
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[X] “I need to talk about why we did this.” It was of absolutely critical importance that Eiki learned about the incoming disaster, as soon as possible.
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so the current options Akyuu and Reimu currently have on their plate right now for locating and/or helping the other 3 remember seems to consist of,

- spread Akyuu's books to perhaps jog a reader's memory
- various parties searching (general groups looking for the immaterial children, Youki (which would be funny if he found someone other than Youmu first somehow.) etc


- Reimu picking a random direction and going on a walk... you can't telling me consider that it's Reimu, that there isn't at least a non-zero chance of that working
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[X] “I need to talk about why we did this.” It was of absolutely critical importance that Eiki learned about the incoming disaster, as soon as possible.
[X] give Eiki a hug.
She’s a hard worker she needs one. Also I want to see another bnuy hug. There’s never enough hugs
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[X] “I need to talk about why we did this.” It was of absolutely critical importance that Eiki learned about the incoming disaster, as soon as possible.
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If something comes up, Eiki will tell them to fucking wait, as if Akyuu of all people belts out "Hold on, this is important!" Eiki is going to listen with rapt attention since she knows Akyuu doesn't fuck around.
And since Eiki is a Yama, the number of things/people that could forcefully drag her off against her will is zero
hence my point that there really isn't any reason she can't tell both save a copout pulled squarely out of the author's ass
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File 171387984858.jpg - (150.95KB, 850x637, __shiki_eiki_and_hieda_no_akyuu_touhou_drawn_by_ur.jpg)
[9] “I need to talk about why we did this.” It was of absolutely critical importance that Eiki learned about the incoming disaster, as soon as possible.
[17] “Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” She could tell Eiki about the apocalypse later. It was the far more immediate concern that Youki survived.

“Konpaku Youki might be in danger.” Akyuu looked up at Eiki. “Toutetsu Yuuma feeding on the animal spirits - he won’t beat her.”

Eiki’s eyes widened. “You… know about that? The staff here told me about your… future, and I could tell they weren’t lying, but…”

Akyuu nodded. “You… told me about how it happened last time. Before we changed history… Have you sent him off, yet?”

Eiki nodded, her face writ plain with concern. “Yes… though, this isn’t the first tipoff I received about that.” She hummed, nervously. “But he was refusing all backup… We’ll just have to hope that mysterious Go’s prediction holds true.”

Akyuu looked up at her. “...This Go… I’ve never heard of them. Not in my past life.”

Eiki looked down. “...I highly doubt it’s their real name.” Eiki put her hands on her knees. “Go is… a mysterious, irreverent young girl. I can't say much more than that - she obscured her features in a white robe. She appeared before me a couple of weeks ago in some kind of illusory form, and told me three things.”

“One… that Konpaku Youki’s life would be in danger if he undertook the Yuuma mission. Two… that in the process, he’d come into contact with one of the Immaterial Children, and she would be the only one who could save him. And three… that you were in the Lunar Capital.”

Akyuu looked up at her. “She knew I was in the Lunar Capital?”

Eiki nodded, slowly. “It is… a place purified of death. One which I cannot enter easily. I… I couldn’t stop Youki on such an obviously suspicious persons’ words. As a result, I found myself doubting any of the stories, but… now, I am increasingly certain that she was correct on all fronts.”

Akyuu looked up. “...I mean… sure, I was on the moon, but maybe she just found that out some other way…?”

The Yama shook her head. “It’s possible… but we also saw the yin-yang orbs fly into the Animal Realm last night. If what we’ve heard is true…”

“...Then Reimu’s in the Animal Realm!” Akyuu smiled. “If that’s the case, she could meet up with Youki, and I’m sure she could save him!”

Eiki smiled back. “Let’s hope that is the case. …Never thought I’d say this, especially after you just did it yourself, but…” The Yama closed her eyes. “Hopefully she can access the powers of her past life. Then… maybe she can change his ill fate.”

There was a moment’s hush in the room. Akyuu looked up at Eiki.

“...Lady Eiki? Do you know what happened to me last night?”

“...Yes.” The Yama’s voice was hesitant. “...Though… I wish it hadn’t. Please, just… listen to me for a minute. What I’m about to say… can’t go in the Chronicle. Not ever.” Akyuu quietened down, waiting for the Eiki to compose itself.

“You’ll have to bear with some… analogies here. Firstly… some things about fate. What we see as fate… it is technically no more than an incredibly educated guess. The likely outcome of everyone’s individual actions. In the sea of souls, each person makes ripples according to their own path. Whether a person sinks, or floats through the sky, depends on the actions of the others around them - on the ripples in the water. …This is no small part of why extending one’s lifespan often requires seclusion in some form or another.”

The Yama was deep in thought. “As for how those ripples form… a person’s memory shapes the ripples they make. Like… a cloak, a weaving of threads. What we consider a person’s identity is a combination of their immutable soul, and that soul’s current cloak of memories. And when one is reborn, that identity is cast off in the process. Though… there are exceptions, of course.”

Akyuu closed her eyes. “...Like the Blessing of Miare?”

Eiki nodded. “Yes. Rather than being cast off entirely, we… modify the process. So certain parts can remain. But… a problem can come of that. If a soul has memories of its past life, then like a weave, other memories can be lifted. And as a result, no matter how few memories can be directly recalled, a soul with the memories of two lives… has two guises. Two sets of memories, two representations of the soul. It becomes capable of both more powerful ripples, and far, far less certain shapes. Reincarnators with even just some knowledge of their past life… can drastically reshape the world from its predicted path, for good or for ill. They are uncertainty incarnate.”

Akyuu looked up at Eiki, thinking back to hearing her past selves as voices in her head. Voices distinct from what she considered her own. “...so the conditions for the Blessing of Miare… are they to reduce that risk?”

Eiki hummed affirmatively. “Yes. Always in similar positions, in the same family, always the same duty. And only certain memories remain, those that may as well be one of any of your selves. By doing that… we make the identities as similar as possible each time. Even then, your often short lifespan is a consequence… something Hieda no Are was fated for, and thus… something every Miare must endure.”

Akyuu sighed. “But then… I went from being a human chronicler to a rabbit soldier.” Eiki nodded. “And that means this… ‘guise’ is very different? Between ‘Inaba Akyuu’ and the other Miares?”

Eiki nodded. “Between ‘Inaba Akyuu’ and ‘Hieda no Akyuu’, even.” Akyuu stared up at her, in shock. “Even though your memories are unbroken, that just means you can access both cloaks without issue. And if the other Immaterial Children awaken to their memories to any significant degree, their actions will gain that uncertainty too.”

Akyuu sighed. “But… we need that ability. We need it to fight the apocalypse.”

Eiki looked up. “...You really aren’t lying about that, are you…?” She sighed. “...Perhaps you are right. But such a brazen disruption of fate will have consequences. You’ve already experienced some, have you not?”

Akyuu groaned. “If you mean like me causing two incidents on the same night… then yes.”

Eiki nodded. “To use the power of a reincarnator is to disturb fate. It is to remove any certainty from the future, good or bad. …You must be careful, with such a power. Every choice you make could shape the world around you, in great or small ways.”

Akyuu took a deep breath. “...This is… a lot to take in. And… and you haven’t even gotten to the crystal thing yet.”

Eiki sighed. “I’m sorry. It’s… a heavy topic. But… especially if you’ve reached that crystalline state, then you need to hear this.”

The Yama reached up to pet Akyuu’s head again. “When a reincarnator is under enough duress, and the difference between their past and present selves becomes stark, the soul will attempt to gather multiple cloaks at once - often unearthing the memories of the past selves embedded in the cloaks. As a result, it will overflow, and begin manifesting as an aura of sorts around the reincarnator’s body. The soul will use all of its past identities it can find in unison, creating a powerful resonance. And strange powers can awaken, as a result. Past ones, and on occasion, whole new ones - powers that lay dormant in one identity, that another identity can use more properly.”

“It is, deliberately, an incredibly rare phenomenon. As a result… the full name has never been truly settled. Some of the Yama call it a Resonance Awakening. Others call it a Reincarnation Awakening. And Yama are… stubborn to a fault, by our very design. It split the court. And so, when I first ascended to my position, I was presented with the topic, and asked to decide which name was better.”

The Yama chuckled. “I felt both were a mouthful, and decided to make an ambiguous abbreviation. And thus… the power to fuse one’s past and present together… is called Re/Awakening.”

Akyuu looked up at her. “Re-awakening?” There was a slight… something in Eiki’s enunciation that Akyuu didn’t quite manage to get out.

Eiki nodded. “Close enough. It is a powerful, dangerous state. Almost more than anybody can endure. And the effects on fate only become more pronounced.” She looked down to Akyuu, with self-apparent concern. “...Please be careful, Akyuu. I’d like to ask you to never activate it again, but… I feel like you’ll have to. To stave off that incoming disaster.”

Akyuu nodded. “It’s… it’s a lot to take in, Lady Eiki. What… what should I do? What can I hope to do?”

Eiki sighed. “...For now… let’s just try to regather the other children, get you integrated back into the Hieda, and get the Chronicle started. And when we do have everything in place, I want to ask you to do one thing in particular.”

“What do you need me to do, Lady Eiki?”

The Yama smiled. “Akyuu… I want you all to live a little. As children. Yes, even Inaba Akyuu - especially Inaba Akyuu, the child soldier.” Eiki stroked Akyuu’s hair again. “This disaster is years and years away. Squandering your second youths trying to chase a mastermind who may not even have an inkling of their own plans yet is an exercise in futility, and it’ll only burden your souls. Take some time to enjoy yourselves. Will you promise me that?”

Akyuu gave a nod, her face feeling slightly flushed. The Yama smiled, and sat back. “Good. Please, Akyuu, do enjoy your life. Whether you see that as an order, or as a request from a m… from a friend, I want you to live a long, happy life. Even if it is as a lunar rabbit.” She folded her hands, straightening her posture to a proper Seiza. “And with that, we can move to… other matters.”

The air in the room changed slightly, again, and Akyuu began to get an uneasy feeling. “Um. Such as…?”

The yama hummed. “...Let’s start with… your desertion.”

Akyuu blinked, trying to sit up. Something tugged at her ears, keeping her head pressed against the floor.

“Not only did you abandon your friends on the moon, you did so with deceptive practices and assaulted two rabbits only doing their duty.”

Akyuu tried to pull her head up again, but it still wouldn’t move. She braced her hands against the floor, but still couldn’t dislodge it.

“Then there is the fact you let a commanding officer take the heat for you, and did nothing to help them. And you succumbed to no small amount of gluttony on the moon, did you not?”

Akyuu paused, trying to reach up to her ears. There was something… metallic on them. With sharp edges, and a roughly… kite-like shape. It was utterly immovable from its sheer weight… which chilled Akyuu to the bone. The only thing she’d ever seen that was both this small and this heavy… only got heavier with one’s sin.

“And then there are the sins of your past life, still clear upon your soul.” The yama sighed. “I cannot say with any certainty whether my past self covered them sufficiently, so… we will have to cover those sins, as well. You certainly haven't given up on mischief since landing on earth again... perhaps we need to start from the beginning.”

Akyuu turned her attention back to Eiki, her heart filling with dread. “...Um… Lady Eiki? …I can’t get up. You left the Rod of Remorse on my ears.”

The Yama’s gentle smile remained unbroken. “I know. Now… let’s have a little talk, shall we?”


And your reward for resisting the obvious meta-vote bait is just a little bit more info on Go-san! I hope you've all enjoyed Again/Akyuu.

Alright guys, it’s time for the biggest and most important vote yet! Who do you want to go with next?

Two things to state clearly, because I have heard people say they’d affect their choices:

1: There will likely be multiple arcs after everyone’s initial ones. So don’t go saving someone for last thinking the story will end with them.
2: No matter what you pick, you will not be able to find anyone whose arc hasn’t happened yet.
3: Don't read too much into the specific titles. In fact, feel free to suggest new ones... Alliteration is hard.
With that said… choose the next arc to load!

If there’s not a clear winner by my usual time, I’ll write some epilogues for Again/Akyuu. Or… perhaps I’ll write something else. Maybe a lil prequel short, featuring Haru and a Haku’. Or maybe I just sleep on it.

Anyway, CHOOSE YOUR NEXT ARC! And feel free to have a good hearty debate in this thread, the next arc will start with a new one regardless of how full this is, but I'll feel better doing that if this is nice and chunky. Just remember the rules to make things easy for me and poor Tallyanon!

>1: If you're adding write-ins to an existing vote, please just reference your original vote and only add the write-ins. Do not write in a vote twice if you're not changing that part.
>2: If you're undoing a previous vote that YOU made, write in the undone vote as [UNDO] (vote text) and write in the new vote with the standard [X]. Do this as many times as you like, as long as you do both parts.

[ ] Korai/Kosuzu
[ ] Modify/Marisa
[ ] Yester/Youmu

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[x] Korai/Kosuzu
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[X] Korai/Kosuzu
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[X] Korai/Kosuzu
obvious correct choice, you aint got nothing with this Tidepisser
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Alliteration is the best.

[X] Korai/Kosuzu

Marisa would also be a neat outcome. I don't want to try at Youmu's arc yet.
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[X] Yester/Youmu

Realistically I'm fine with either Youmu or Kosuzu, I just feel strangely compelled to have the last reincarnation Arc to be Marisa so she and Reimu bookend the set before we get to the main plot.
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Huh. Eiki didn't make any remarks about that Sackuya thing. Does that mean she approves?

[X] Korai/Kosuzu
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That's... actually a pretty neat idea.
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[X] Korai/Kosuzu

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[x] Korai/Kosuzu
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[X] Yester/Youmu
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Real shame none of the 's' humans got reincarnated, Savescum would've been great for them.

[X] Yester/Youmu
I'd really be fine with any of them, but Youmu's reincarnation is interesting to me just because she's already only half human. How will that affect her reincarnation?

Alliteration ideas for Youmu- Youth, Years, Yield, Yoke & Yarn. Happy to share my reasoning for any of these if it isn't clear. Might do some for the other two in a bit.
(also Yin-Yang, for twin magatama tsukumogami Youmu)

On the chapter itself... absolutely fascinating reveals, there. Soul mechanics are very interesting to think about. Going to have to take some time to ponder them.
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All three options are interesting to me, so I don't mind any of them winning.
Having said that, I'm a little more inclined to see what the new Kosuzu is capable of doing.

And fun fact, I'm actually not biased towards Kosuzu just because we share the start of our name. I will only be biased on choices regarding Mystia

[X] Korai/Kosuzu
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[X] Yester/Youmu

I have absolutely no tactical reason for picking this. In fact, this would normally be the kind of vote I’d just abstain from entirely. I just want to have the pattern of every reincarnation encountering someone influential to the life of the next one to awaken.
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[X] Modify/Marisa

I will always vote for Marisa.
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[X] Korai/Kosuzu
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> You certainly haven't given up on mischief since landing on earth again... perhaps we need to start from the beginning

Good thing Tewi was forgiven, we almost got a bad ending!
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[X] Korai/Kosuzu

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Choosing Kozusu may be curious how it affects his ability to read anything along with his new Youkai nature and spellcards attacks.

Youmu would be a tempting choice due to what happened in the Reimu and Akyuu arc apart from a possible relationship with the following incident "PCB".

Marisa is the only one about whom there is not much information, and possibly her personality will change a little because now she will not have a tense relationship with her father to be a magician.

[X] Korai/Kosuzu

just for fun
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[X] Yester/Youmu
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[X] Yester/Youmu

There's some appeal in going from Akyuu to Kosuzu, but at the same time, those two are kind of the odd ones out in this group to begin with, so it feels better to spread them out instead. As someone suggested above, leaving Marisa till the end to bookend with Reimu also has some nice symmetry. And, although I'm sure all their stories are connected in ways we can't know yet, some of the most obvious plot threads we have right now tie to Youmu, so she feels like a natural and fitting place for the story to flow next.
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[X] Yester/Youmu

I like the idea of leaving Marisa for last, and I enjoy Youmu as a character.
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[X] Yester/Youmu

I like symmetry.

If Reimu and Marisa are a pair and Akyuu and Kosuzu are a pair. Then we should have:

Reimu, Akyuu, Youmu, Kosuzu, Marisa

Also, who better to go in the middle than the half-human half-phantom?
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[X] Korai/Kosuzu
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[X] Korai/Kosuzu
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[X] Yester/Youmu

Let's see if my guess of twins being the result of Youmu/myon turns out correct here!

Also Youki has been looking for his grandchild than the rest, while i did say it would be amusing for him to find someone else first, i vote to give him a break on that.

Also great ending to the arc with the dreaded Eiki lecture! XD
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This was me, but I messed up the captcha so I have to rewrite this whole stupid reply.

I had a feeling the alliteration would come back to haunt. I thought of Mix(ed)-up/Marisa, but it doesn't fit the tone of the story, only her character.

Hindsight is 20/20, but it could have been
Rewrite, Recall/Akyuu
Retrain, Rematch, Youmu
Recast, Rematch, Rebrew/Marisa
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I like that setup. Youmu it is then.
- [X] Yester/Youmu
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[X] Modify/Marisa
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[X] Korai/Kosuzu

I hope we get a Satori or Tanuki options for her.
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[X] Korai/Kosuzu

Kosuzu Gaming
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[X] Yester/Youmu

The arguments of others have persuaded me. Bookend both Akyuu/Kosuzu and Reimu/Marisa.
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[X] Yester/Youmu

fellow youmu voters have very good arguments, and youmu's been hinted at for a while now. i want to see her and quite possibly youki again. also, swords. books and magic love laser of doom are great and all, but i'm a sucker for swords.

that being said, i'll try to go for the outsider or pc-98 related options in terms of origins if i can spot them. obvious contenders for outsiders in this time period would be mamizou and sumireko, but maybe there's some others that'll manage to jog my memory.

speaking of other arcs, though, it'd be extremely funny if when we get to the part where marisa needs to bust out a spell card, there's the standard "general effect of the card and what it's themed around" options and just randomly, "love sign 'master spark' ".
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[X] Korai/Kosuzu

If you are looking for alliterative titles, how about Continue/Kosuzu? As in:

Game Over
> Yes > No

Or maybe Counterclockwise/Kosuzu. A clock going counterclockwise would be going into the past after all.
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>>207304 You know what? Some arguments have convinced me about this. I still stand true, I don't mind anyone winning but I'll give Youmu a little bit more of a winning chance.

[UNDO] Korai/Kosuzu

[X] Yester/Youmu

I like Continue/Kosuzu but something about the C/K irks me.
Counterclockwise is just way too long to consider.
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Jumping on this, what about Kaleido(scope)/Kosuzu? Referring to the reincarnation decisions and the many choices that need to be made during the story.
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I like Kaleidoscope.
I can offer Kronos (god of time, but other than that might be too unrelated) and Kairo that can mean "loop" in Japanese.
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Counting to >>207330:
Main Choice:
[15] Korai/Kosuzu
[2] Modify/Marisa
[13] Yester/Youmu

It's so close...
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you convinced me

[undo] Korai/Kosuzu
[X] Yester/Youmu

The only one who doesn't convince me about the name of the title is Marisa's, but I don't have a new name to change it either.
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The bookending is a really nice idea and moving onto Youmu's story seems like a natural progression, so that's what I'm going for.

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Kairos is a similar word for moment of opportunity, which is decently fitting IMO
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[X] Yester/Youmu
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Now that you mentioned it... her ability is supposedly an acquired one, isn't it? One she acquired from being around youma books in her human life.

I wonder if she's even gonna HAVE that ability or if she will get something else.
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All right, I'll vote for symmetry.

[X] Yester/Youmu
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[X] Yester/Youmu

I want to go with Youmu just so we can see how fucking difficult Youki finding her will be.

Savescum/Sumireko would have been so comical for no good reason
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I pray we get a situation where Youki arrives at the last spot Youmu was before she moves on and the arc is just him trying to catch up several times
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[X] Yester/Youmu
Come on tiebreaker
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Actually, Youmu is winning now.
It should be (if I'm counting correctly):
[14] Korai/Kosuzu
[2] Modify/Marisa
[19] Yester/Youmu
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[X] Yester/Youmu
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15] Korai/Kosuzu
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[X] Yester/Youmu

I was going to go with Kosuzu, but the symmetry convinced me.
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Wooo! Character selection!

[X] Yester/Youmu

Swords are cool. Also, I want to see how she meets Youki. Or how we are gonna try to make that happen. Origin select will be in the next thread, let's see how it goes!
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Wow how did Youmu get this popular. Not that I'm complaining. Not like there are any bad choices here.
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Alliteration is not limited to the first letter. You can alliterate the middle and ends of words too. So here are some more ideas.

Undo/Youmu. The back alliterates do and mu (and possibly more depending on whether her name is pronounced Yoh-moo, Yoo-moo, Yow-moo, or Yoh-ooo-moo. My grasp on Japanese pronunciation is tenuous at best.)

Undo/Kosuzu alliterates do, su, and zu.

Remix/Marisa gets a sort of alliteration palindrome with R M M R.

No vote because I already did. Just dropping title ideas.
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[X] Korai/Kosuzu

I want to see her totally embrace being a youkai.
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We are now sitting at FORTY votes.

And there have been more votes just for Youmu ALONE than there was for all of Reimu’s Reincarnations combined

Let’s see how far this goes! Will there be a late game Kosuzu Komeback? Will Youmu BTFO even more absurd numbers?
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[X] Yester/Youmu
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>>207323 here.
Since everyone is discussing alternative titles while the votes are still up, I wanted try dropping my two cents for the title of Youmu's arc. Assuming she does end up winning the vote.

How about... Renew/Youmu?
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Youmu is rigging the vote. Rigged election! They're sending in anons at 4am with posts full of votes for Youmu.

Vote Kosuzu instead. She'll make Gensokyo read again.
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[X] Yester/Youmu

The election was rigged from the very beginning
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[X] Yester/Youmu
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[X] Yester/Youmu
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Yoh-moo. The wiki has soundbytes of characters' names in their infoboxes.
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Well, there could still be a comeback victory for kosuzu, but it’s no race for third place.
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i believe in #youmusweep. LET ME SEE MY SWORD WAIFU!!!!!!
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I suggest
[X] Kaizou/Kosuzu

Kaizou means "reshuffling" or "modification"

got that k-z/k-z consonance going on
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> No matter what you pick, you will not be able to find anyone whose arc hasn’t happened yet.

does this mean we might be able to see reimu or akyuu in future arcs? their arcs are already over, and if they're looking for the others...

would be fun to see how they read as, now that they're not the point of view character anymore. and i'm a sucker for the "you don't know who i am but i was your best friend once" trope, i really hope we'll see that in kosuzu and marisa's arcs.

> “Akyuu… I want you all to live a little. As children. Yes, even Inaba Akyuu - especially Inaba Akyuu, the child soldier.”

iirc, reimu's final spirit is neutral and she's at 3 instinct. akyuu's spirit is leaning more towards youkai at youkai 2, but with slightly less instinct at 2. akyuu's more mature than what she would've been since she has the blessing of miare, but reimu's shown to have more childish behavior. i hope once we get all the initial arcs out of the way, we'll get to see all five immaterial children have fun with each other.
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Current Tally:
[16] Korai/Kosuzu
(I think >>207363 is just suggesting an alternative title for Kosuzu's arc)
[2] Modify/Marisa
[26] Yester/Youmu
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Well, the vote has come to a surprising but undeniably definitive conclusion. My suspicion on the priority list would be a close race between the Kosuzu and Marisa factions, with Youmu a distant third. As we can all see. I couldn't have been more wrong.

At forty-four votes total, the next arc is going to be Yester/Youmu! For reference, throughout arc 1, the number of votes PEAKED at 25 votes (for Attack with Danmaku (sneakily) vs. Sneak Attack (with danmaku)). The number of voters for Yester/Youmu alone is TWENTY-SIX.

Allow me to say thank you to all of you again for picking up and enjoying this adventure with me! I hope to get your first vote of arc 3 out tonight. You all definitely caught me off guard, but this pace doesn't come from big foreplanning anyways!
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Time for sword girl to have her turn in the spotlight! Where we going? No idea! I wanna pick up a sword! All of em!

Very excited to see what comes next, and thank you author for writing this.
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all me (I didn't vote)
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At the stroke of midnight, Thread 8 has appeared! You all wanted the easily-spooked spooky girl, and now it's time to choose her fate!


With the end of the arc comes the end of Kyouko's shift as the GMpost mascot, and as a result, I wanted to send her off with a very particular recommendation. Echoes in Front of the the Temple is a silent 4koma made by Rakugaki-Biyori, starring none other than the yamabiko herself. Because it's silent, anyone can read and enjoy it! It's just under six hundred 4komas in the main thread now, and there's plenty of side-stories to tell as well!

You can find the pixiv here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/27855794

See you all in Arc 3!
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