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File 171898314194.jpg - (311.15KB, 1038x1486, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_ishikawa_sparerib_.jpg)
The world has ended, but five (well, it’s complicated) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Kudamaki Kosuzu has reawoken, and promptly been given a task; escort and advise the Dragon Miko for her last few days in the Animal Realm, and her entry into the world of the living. Fortunately, said Dragon Miko is actually her old friend, Reimu, reborn as the heiress of the Kicchou line and the Kiketsu family as a whole. Now, the two of them prepare for the final steps of their journey, including properly examining the Kakkushi-Seki, a tool developed by the Yakumos to allow the Immaterial Children to blend in among the humans they once were a part of.

But while they prepare, a star falls from the sky… and the mysterious figure Ichi waits, with bated breath, for one of the most important events she had forewarning of to begin…

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906 >>207202
Yester/Youmu >>207370 >>207705 >>208027
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some ideas:

- youmu perching on suwako's hat

- yukari offering the book to kosuzu

- kosuzu headpat. very important scene to draw.
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Happy to throw a few of my own in.

- The target practice otters receiving TLC after being shot down

- Cozysuzu curling up in the hood.

- Akyuu and Youmu introducing their sisters to each other

- Kosuzu attempting to get Yoshika to sing. Poorly.
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File 171942075956.jpg - (2.33MB, 1104x1547, __tatara_kogasa_nazrin_hijiri_byakuren_houjuu_nue_.jpg)
New Thread is up! >>210140

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File 171838682794.jpg - (137.60KB, 850x850, __kudamaki_tsukasa_touhou_drawn_by_momu_user_jgwv8.jpg)
The world has ended, but five (well, it’s complicated) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Reiuji Youmu’s first day after awakening to her past proved harrowing, but also enlightening. Through surfacing her memories, much about the Pyres, the flames of despair that ended the world before, was revealed. Even more disasters - and the sudden, still-not-understood emergence of a Pyre years before it should have - revealed an even greater truth. Though they did not remember it, they were not the first to have their fates changed - two others, named Sanae and Tenshi, had tried and failed to stop the disaster once already. The plan to keep the quintet safe had been their last-ditch hope, to recruit more allies.

Youmu, along with her fellow reawoken allies Kicchou Reimu and Hieda no Akyuu, seek to find their remaining friends - Kosuzu the bookkeeper, and Marisa the magician - and then put their heads together to discover who Tenshi and Sanae are. But the most powerful tool of bringing back the two bibliophiles - a manuscript of the past world’s history - was lost in the confusion. And while one of the mysterious robed figures pulling the strings behind the scenes got caught in their own web, the other yet remains at large.

Perhaps to untangle the woven webs, one will need to be as clever as a fox. Fortunately, a fox appears to be just what Kosuzu will become…

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302
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[X] Scan the whole thing.
-{X} If Chen tries to stop you from reading, dart your gaze around the floor and pretend there's a mouse spirit to distract her for just a moment's more time.
-{X} Take a mental note of how that debug display was opened. It might be helpful to know later.
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>>209792 here
...I just realized that distracting Chen would work much better by "accidentally" spilling a cup of water, but it's way too late to change the write-in lol.
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File 171898383665.png - (373.88KB, 538x393, Screenshot 2024-06-22 012945.png)
Screenshot 2024-06-22 012945

More obviously distracting, but also more hostile. Balances to everything, you know.
New thread is up at >>209799!

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File 171810434134.jpg - (5.97MB, 7016x4960, __motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_xiaoxiaoxiaci5676.jpg)
The world has ended, but five (well, it’s complicated) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Reiuji Youmu’s first day after awakening to her past proved harrowing, but also enlightening. Through surfacing her memories, much about the Pyres, the flames of despair that ended the world before, was revealed. Even more disasters - and the sudden, still-not-understood emergence of a Pyre years before it should have - revealed an even greater truth. Though they did not remember it, they were not the first to have their fates changed - two others, named Sanae and Tenshi, had tried and failed to stop the disaster once already. The plan to keep the quintet safe had been their last-ditch hope, to recruit more allies.

Youmu, along with her fellow reawoken allies Kicchou Reimu and Hieda no Akyuu, seek to find their remaining friends - Kosuzu the bookkeeper, and Marisa the magician - and then put their heads together to discover who Tenshi and Sanae are. But the most powerful tool of bringing back the two bibliophiles - a manuscript of the past world’s history - was lost in the confusion. And while one of the mysterious robed figures pulling the strings behind the scenes got caught in their own web, the other yet remains at large…

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906
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File 171838705421.jpg - (52.66KB, 850x591, __doremy_sweet_touhou_drawn_by_rokugou_daisuke__sa.jpg)
New thread is up!

Really have to get to sleep now. Aheheheheheh... no recommendation for this thread, sorry. I'll do a twofer next time.
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[X] She wouldn’t screw up this mission. Noble or no, her mother was counting on her. She had the perfect abilities for infiltration, she had the will to seek things out, now there was just proving herself a real tube fox.
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Vote in the new thread :3

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File 171759508916.png - (2.20MB, 2000x2000, PyreoftheEmptyCradle.png)
The world has ended, but five (?) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Reiuji Youmu awoke to her past, and promptly set about reaching the surface, aided by the machinations of Suwako Moriya. There, and with the unexpected companion of Komeiji Koishi, she at last met with her old friend, Inaba Akyuu.

But that brief reunion shortly turned sour. Visions of the end have been plaguing Youmu throughout, and that in turn caused Akyuu to realize that the Koishi of this time hadn’t closed her eye, both running away in fear and breaking the young satori’s heart. And when that scar on Koishi’s psyche was finally starting to be treated, a flock of tengu descended upon the Human Village, seeking out Koishi and her hell-raven companion.

Calling upon the aid of Moriya Suwako proved more curse than blessing. The goddess seemed to believe that her deceased descendants, the Kochiya, had a final heir among the reincarnators, and took the Youmu and Akyuu lacking memory of such as them keeping a secret from her. Worse still, when she was forced to confront the truth of that fact, her despair transformed her into a monstrous, black-flaming form known as a Pyre; the very same beings responsible for the apocalypse the reincarnators seek to prevent…

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906
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Counting to >>209218:
Main Choice #1:
[24] Kaizou/Kosuzu
-{4} Korai/Kosuzu (>>209182, >>209188, >>209189, >>209191)
[2] Mark 2/Marisa
[1] Paradox/Prologue

Main Choice #2:
{20} Immaterial Children
{7} Paradox Children
{2} Something else?
-{1} Both is good. (>>209191)
-{1} Re/Venants (>>209213)

Voting is not closed, just counting... :3
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Yachie and Haru I could actually see "agreeing" on all points about Reimu's training, with the conflict being both want to pull her more into their camp (Yachie wants Reimu to be sneakier and more like a textboook member of the Kiketsu, Haru wants to prevent Reimu's soul being completely changed into a Youkai-like soul.

The fact that Ichi/Go told them opposite answers about the final outcome of their plan could make them mostly behave and work together though. Why rock the boat when the time traveler says you will win in the end? Might as well take advantage of the other Mother while you can and get the benefits that come from it. Keiki also could act as a stabilizing force, because its in her best interest for Reimu to remain Neutral Alignment for her long-term plans in Animal Hell (though interestingly enough, she likely would be opposed to Reimu losing access to her past as shrine maiden solely because it would reduce her connection to humanity.) If we want to further toss out the third interested party, Yukari has a vested interest in having the Hakurei Shrine Maiden being as strong as possible to preserve the barrier, so she would probably facilitate any travel concerns that Yachie and Haru would have just to keep negotiations between the two from breaking down.

I think Akyuu not going to the Heida is more her choice than the Heida's. Eiki is already concerned that Akyuu's soul is becoming throughly transformed into that of a Youkai rather than a Human, so her goal is likely going to be staunching that wound first rather than working to reunite Akyuu with her family. If we go by our existing characterization, Akyuu is REALLY enjoying not suffering from all the quirks of the Heida family head.

Kosuzu, if there are any problems, are going to be from her Youkai family rather than her human family. The fact that she got away with carrying Youkai books to begin with should be a good enough sign that they won't hold it against her too much.

Marisa, depending on how we flavor her, is likely not going to not want to see her family like Akyuu for severa
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File 171810514492.jpg - (55.90KB, 736x413, 5f6ff83f387d16f16ef212500b204704.jpg)
New thread is up! Kosuzu's arc starts at >>209221!

And this signifies the end of Yuuka's time as the GMPost Mascot. I'll give some specific responses in the next thread, but for now, I gotta give a recommendation.

Considering I gave Kyouko a sendoff with a reference specific to her, I decided to look for one for Yuuka as well. My... my search lead me to a 0.99 usd game on steam with an Overwhelmingly Positive rating, so it's definitely a good game, right?

Anyway, you can find it here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430420/CBT_With_Yuuka_Kazami/

Now, it is time for the Bookworm girl to get her chance in the spotlight. See you all in Arc 4!

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File 17076282601.webp - (28.57KB, 450x281, c7202144b47f914ee671af330b15f226.webp)
[X] Hang out with Meiling, chat.
-[X] Ask her about the farmer (and kappa) she saw. Maybe their perspective could reveal something.

Leaving Patchouli behind you, you walked over towards the tree where Meiling was lounging. You thought for sure you'd need to announce your presence with a cough or something, but she spoke without opening her eyes.

"So Patchy's banished you from her magical domain, huh?"

You shrugged. "She gave me the choice whether or not to stick around."

"Surprised you came over, then. Every magician around here seems to be all magic, all day. Or did she finally get under your skin?"

"The constant paranoia does get tiring," you said with a sigh, "But that wasn't it. I'll have every chance to look at whatever secondary binding she creates later. Actually having a chance to relax and talk has been much rarer the past few days."

"And you're spending that chance bugging me?"

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Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing whatever Alice has been up to at this point. Voted against her last time because of where the others were at that point, but I certainly am interested in whatever she's been doing.
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So, while we await the next update, how do we think our main quartet will handle this development? Sumireko I can't judge. Maybe it'll just be another kidnapping that just happens and needs to be fixed, or maybe it'll further solidify her "Gensokyo deserves to be bombed" mentality. Greg I also wonder about, will he try to do his charm, or is this, especially being kidnapped by the person explicitly making his and Sumireko's life hell going to be what makes him snap? I could see him having his own little snap like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDV8P_mdysY . I kind of hope we don't get a repeat of the SDM, in that Greg doesn't end up befriending Mamizou and co. On one hand, it fits him to do so since he's been so friendly and amicable (and prime youkai-bait) but I have no idea what bullshit sob story Mamizou could pull out of her tail that would make any of this cast want to forgive her.

Satori is busy with Sakuya, and despite how it might feel I think it was better not to call Sakuya like we could have. If we did, I think Sakuya might get the wrong idea if she couldn't arrive in time, or she'd have to leave Satori behind and almost certainly have her get kidnapped or something. Though I'm sure she's going to be an emotional wreck being stuck in her binding and losing Greg.

Patchouli is in for a charisma break and it's going to be intense when it arrives.
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File 171717331071.png - (788.10KB, 800x600, __moriya_suwako_touhou_drawn_by_hekoningyou_warani.png)
The world has ended, but five (well, four and a half) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Reiuji Youmu awoke to her past, and promptly set about reaching the surface, aided by the machinations of Suwako Moriya. There, and with the unexpected companion of Komeiji Koishi, she at last met with her old friend, Inaba Akyuu.

But that brief reunion shortly turned sour. Visions of the end have been plaguing Youmu throughout, and that in turn caused Akyuu to realize that the Koishi of this time hadn’t closed her eye, both running away in fear and breaking the young satori’s heart. And when that scar on Koishi’s psyche was finally starting to be treated, a flock of tengu descended upon the Human Village, seeking out Koishi and her hell-raven companion.

By calling upon the aid of the goddess Moriya, Youmu and Koishi have been given an escape route, to safely get out of the city. But no sooner were they sent off than the goddess snapped. Turning on the now-alone Inaba, she’s grabbed the rabbit and pulled her from the city, for reasons yet unknown…

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906 >>207202
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>>208974 here again.

If my theory is correct, that rules out Byakuren and shotoku being immaterial as Akyuu talks about them in the ending of AA:

>>The chronicler felt her memories pick her up like a tide, thinking back. “A bunch of… youkai buddhists, on a flying ship, came in to Gensokyo, and started preaching acceptance. Then, they accidentally raised no less than Prince Shoutoku, completely by accident.” Ani kept grinning, remembering the two leaders squabbling.

If either was immaterial, I'd imagine these events wouldn't have gone down so similarly to the original timeline - unless this is the counter-evidence? I doubt it, since this is late into AA.
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new thread at >>208978
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File 171760269940.jpg - (159.18KB, 1200x1200, __kazami_yuuka_and_hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn_by.jpg)
Ah yep, as said above, new thread at >>208978!

Missed my last shoutout, but imma bludge it and call this a twofer! The Exhibition of Luck and Fate has had it's entries posted! Lots of Yakuza Mom Yachie in there, though she does take a few Ls. You can find the discussion thread at >>/gensokyo/17300, and the actual stories at >>/shorts/2884. Hope you enjoy!

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File 171609725762.png - (779.64KB, 660x650, __niwatari_kutaka_touhou_drawn_by_itomugi_kun__d5b.png)
The world has ended, but five (well, four and a half) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Reiuji Youmu, the third of the Immaterial Children, had her past life come to her in a flash, as a psychic message attempted to reach out to and contact her. Between nightmarish visions of an apocalytic end, and the manipulations of Moriya Suwako, Youmu is desperate to find her chronicler friend.

While she came with Koishi, Orin, and Parsee, now only Koishi remains with her, while Orin and Parsee seek out fresh corpses to account for part of Suwako's actions. And far below them, Youmu's twin sister, Okuu, has come across Youmu's grandfather of a past life, and become dimly aware of some sort of connection.

Now, Youmu has made it to the human village. With the young Lady Koishi in tow, and flocks of tengu in the sky, the hell-raven treads once more through the city gates, in search of her old friend...

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906 >>207202
Yester/Youmu >>207370 >>207705
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What consequences will be for Moriya after her attack on Akyuu, one of Immaterial Children?
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Just so people know and don’t stay here waiting for an update (like I did), there’s a new thread.

I don’t know how to link it, just use the story threads box at the bottom of the website.
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File 171760236611.jpg - (2.33MB, 1687x1874, __kazami_yuuka_and_kazami_yuuka_touhou_and_2_more_.jpg)
Ah yes, apologies.

Please find the link to the 12th thread here: >>208664.

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File 171509549373.png - (476.49KB, 749x745, Screenshot 2024-04-29 124430.png)
Screenshot 2024-04-29 124430
The world has ended, but five (well, four and a half) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Reiuji Youmu, the third of the Immaterial Children, had her past life come to her in a flash, as a psychic message attempted to reach out to and contact her. It seems to have awoken nightmares of the apocalyptic end, and Youmu resolves to rush to the surface and find her friend to consult on her memories.

The hand of the earthen god seems fully supportive of this endeavor. Moriya Suwako has approached Youmu, offering her a chance to become an avatar of the Yatagarasu if she proves abundant in a mysterious quality Suwako is looking for. Moreover, she forced the hand of Chireiden by taking their supply of corpses for the Hell of Blazing Fires, forcing them to find new ones, and driving Youmu towards her goal.

Though, exactly what Moriya’s intentions are in doing so remains to be seen. Likewise are the intentions of a mysterious girl named Go, who cooperates with Suwako… at least for now.

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906 >>207202
Yester/Youmu >>207370 >>207705
Epilogues and Shorts
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[X] “Do you know of… a place where youkai rabbits are delivered to be made into lunch? I believe my friend might be one of those rabbits.”
{X} Little green spirits? …Could those be…
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[X] “Is there maybe… a purple-haired youkai rabbit that makes deliveries in the Village? We were meant to meet for lunch, but she didn’t tell me where.”
{X} The blonde ‘Darcy’ girl… Did she mean ‘da ze’?
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File 171609948594.png - (432.03KB, 800x900, __kochiya_sanae_and_kazami_yuuka_touhou_drawn_by_s.png)
New thread over at >>208337!

While you're at it, check out the Miracle Maiden's Mistake! It's a brand-new story focused on ReiSana!


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File 171422603460.png - (0.99MB, 1068x816, 2793304758_preview_Chengguo.png)
The world has ended, but five (well, four and a half) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

Reiuji Youmu, the third of the Immaterial Children, had her past life come to her in a flash, as a psychic message attempted to reach out to and contact her. Immediately, the difference between her bodies - specifically, the lack of her phantom half - has set her in deep discomfort.

But there are other people to worry about, aside from herself. As a resident of the Komeiji household, the still-open-eyed Koishi has also been in tears, and Youmu puts her own doubts aside to take care of the young mistress.

But perhaps the ripples in fate caused by attempting to defy it go deeper than anyone yet understands...

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906 >>207202
Yester/Youmu >>207370
Epilogues and Shorts >>/shorts/2804 (now contains Epilogues for Again/Akyuu, starting at >>/shorts/2838)

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File 171505496545.png - (951.80KB, 1200x1723, parsee_counseling.png)
It could be that Parsee is a genuine counsellor, or it could be that she's misinterpreting things, because she has no understanding of how things work in the outside world. I'm leaning towards it being a misinterpretation, considering that she's claiming that a counsellor "gathers" grudges from other people, when it'd be far more accurate to say that being a counsellor is talking to those people and helping them mentally process those grudges.

This reminds me of Akyuu believing that suicidal humans willingly offer themselves up to youkai after being brought to Gensokyo, when it's more likely that those humans genuinely don't believe that the apparent young girls who appear before them are actually malevolent supernatural entities that literally eat them; because Akyuu doesn't have the frame of reference to understand humans who don't know the danger that youkai pose.
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Yamame might actually get us to the surface faster as the same chapter that has Parsee declaring herself a counsellor has Yamame shown to be digging to the surface.
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File 171509667274.jpg - (211.42KB, 850x1202, __kazami_yuuka_and_mystia_lorelei_touhou_drawn_by_.jpg)
New thread over at >>208027

This time, my recommendation is the fan game Mystia's Izakaya! People familiar with the game may have noticed that the dishes referenced in the first post of this thread are all references to good dishes to use for Chireiden characters in Mystia's Izakaya! Clearly Youmu's built up her rapport with all of them.

You can find the game on both through steam (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1584090/Touhou_Mystias_Izakaya/), and on Switch!

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File 171396001798.jpg - (198.57KB, 850x1307, __konpaku_youmu_and_konpaku_youmu_touhou_drawn_by_.jpg)
The world has ended, but five (well, four and a half) humans get a chance to do it over, and make things right. Only problem is, for their second go around, they're not going to be 'human'...

With the reborn Inaba Akyuu and Kicchou Reimu now awake and active, they begin the search for the other three: Marisa the Ordinary Magician, Kosuzu the Youma book collector, and Youmu, the half-phantom swordswoman. It is the third of these three that they manage to make contact with first.

But perhaps the ripples in fate caused by attempting to defy it go deeper than any of them yet understand...

Previous Threads:
Redo/Reimu >>205449 >>205720
Again/Akyuu >>206017 >>206302 >>206595 >>206906 >>207202
Epilogues and Shorts >>/shorts/2804

Or read the story archive on Ao3:

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[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
I forgot to vote
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Can't we just talk down Sumireko once the Occult Orbs start appearing and convince the Taoist to seal the Lunar Capital stone one in Senkai ?

[X] An average dinner... for the Saigyouji household.
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File 171422685873.webp - (7.11KB, 187x300, RareCustomerDefaultPortraitYuukaKazami.webp)
After only three updates, and nearly 300 posts total... It's time for a new thread! You can find it here: >>207705

I could have, and maybe should have, started a new thread for the last update, but if we do ever hit the insanity of a two-update thread, I want it to be entirely 'real' posts, without things like vote bribery. Maybe we'll get there in time!

This time, Imma shout out Urban Student in Limbo! One of the heartiest stories on the entire site, with around 400 pages worth of story across it's eight threads (for comparison, this entire thread is about 14 pages), and with a plot that is definitely thickening. You can find USiL's start here: >>202201

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