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File 169029677238.jpg - (112.90KB, 850x425, smol_1bec4c69bd038d082c01d292643d9576.jpg)
Since the last one hit autosage here's a second place to post drawings, for any who might so be inclined.

Additionally, once a week, there will be a touhou that gets picked to be the subject for that week. If you'd like, you can draw that one and nominate a touhou to be the subject for next week. We started in the previous thread (>>24737). All skill levels are welcome and encouraged since it's just for fun and a way to motivate practice.

For the first week that's Shinki.
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File 169082864948.jpg - (178.53KB, 1080x720, Warped_Makai.jpg)
Detroyed this printer paper with too much water just the way Makai was destroyed.

Nomination: Man, iunno... Fuck it. Fortune Teller.
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File 169083419815.png - (48.15KB, 400x400, sketch6.png)
The one I had in my head just wouldn't come out. I'll keep working on it.
Nomination: Unzan
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Rolling for this manly week... Rolling 1d2 => 1
1) Fortune Teller
2) Unzan
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File 169117237510.jpg - (57.40KB, 640x480, The Fortune and its Teller.jpg)
The Fortune and its Teller
Would you believe me if I told you that coming up with the text took more time than the drawing.

It bears to mention that I am primarily of Max Stirner's philosophy and sought out supplementary material (speak: YouTube videos I absentmindedly listened to) to get the vibe of the writing to a place that I consider somewhat accurate.

Nomination: Eternity
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File 169135990656.png - (71.94KB, 787x472, youkai_posters.png)
I wasn't sure what to put on his desk.

Nomination: Wriggle
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Sorry, I was without Internet yesterday.
Rolling for this week... Rolling 1d2 => 1
1) Eternity
2) Wriggle
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File 169195784885.png - (125.85KB, 600x600, sketch7.png)
About as far as I can take this one. Starting to feel motivated again though so I think next week's will be good.

Nomination: Toutetsu
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File 169203888978.jpg - (229.09KB, 1600x1200, Where the Fairy Flies.jpg)
Where the Fairy Flies
I had fun.

Nominating Nue to continue her streak of her not getting drawn.
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Rolling for this week... Rolling 1d2 => 1
1) Toutetsu
2) Nue
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This is rigged.
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File 16925235898.jpg - (160.27KB, 1600x1200, Bombjump.jpg)
Explosive entry

Nomination: That new monkey touhou. Spoilered just to be safe.
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File 169264853693.png - (13.23KB, 497x307, seep.png)
Got too ambitious/busy to finish, so it's doodle time. But I did learn a few things.

Nomination: Not-goku sounds good to me too
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No need to roll for this week. It's monkey time.
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File 169316542277.jpg - (401.31KB, 1200x1600, The Simian Regent.jpg)
NSFW image
I had this idea from the very start.

Nominating Reimu; because long Gohei.
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File 169325393976.png - (48.22KB, 526x591, monke.png)
I should not have started this in paint

Nomination: Marisa, because I'm curious who the dice will favor
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Rolling for this week... Rolling 1d2 => 1
1) Reimu
2) Marisa
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File 169385270857.jpg - (111.54KB, 1280x1024, Long Rods.jpg)
Long Rods
Another image themed around western journeys, if you will.

Nomination: Yuugi
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File 169385677987.png - (20.69KB, 590x750, cherrymiko.png)
Reimu a cute

Nomination: Okuu
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Rolling for this week... Rolling 1d2 => 2
1) Yuugi
2) Okuu
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File 16942864936.png - (19.83KB, 298x284, idk.png)
Just a quick one sorry

Nomination: Given the day, Cirno (I probably should have nominated her last week)
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File 169431162079.png - (129.78KB, 586x645, okunen.png)
been a while since i did one of these

[x] Tsukumo

September 19 is Tsukumo day. Draw any tsukumogami!
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File 169446128220.jpg - (102.04KB, 1280x1024, Kiln of the first Nuclear Fusion .jpg)
Kiln of the first Nuclear Fusion
Extremely quick draw.

Nominating Nue again. Keep the streak going.
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Sorry! Got off on something else.
Rolling for this week... Rolling 1d3 => 1
1) Cirno
2) Any tsukumogami
3) Nue
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Nue is absolutely cursed
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File 169448896784.png - (126.55KB, 825x713, reimoo.png)
5 min reimu

Nomination: any of the oni tbh
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That's an odd-looking Cirno.
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File 169455567975.png - (423.40KB, 2263x2427, Cirno.png)
Wasn't really feeling like it at the time, but here's some tan delight
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I appreciate the abstract elements such as the snowflake pupils and feet feet.
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File 169506259621.png - (336.41KB, 600x600, sketchy.png)
Channeled my inner baka and put this off too long

Nomination: Shizuha, since the leaves are starting to change here
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File 169506707936.jpg - (294.90KB, 1000x1000, Cirno.jpg)
Cirno imitating playable characters. Rushed this towards the end with some collossal drawing fuck-ups. Specifically at the legs.

I'm going to keep on gambling; Nominating NUE. Again.
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Rolling for this week... Rolling 1d3 => 1
1) Oni of your choice
2) Shizuha
3) Nue
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This is just funny now
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File 169550087557.png - (692.74KB, 3004x2161, suika small.png)
suika small
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File 169558572194.jpg - (154.82KB, 720x1080, Konnga.jpg)

Since Onis derive their powers from the unknown my my nomination is ­ ­ ­ N­u­e­­­ ­ ­ ­­
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Feels bad... think this is the first one I've missed. Had a major schedule change (in a good way), but it threw off the routine too much.
I'll try for two next week.
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Rolling for this week, with some liberty taken with the options... Rolling 1d2 => 1

1) (not Nue)
2) Nue
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Amazing. Since that first option was just me having a laugh, I'm going to override the dice this time.

Please draw Nue for this week.
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File 169610321487.png - (853.73KB, 595x549, undefined_roll.png)
When you lose what is effectively a coinflip 5 times in a row

Nomination: Shizuha again, still a good time for it
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File 169627588070.jpg - (133.69KB, 720x1080, Who's who - nothing nue.jpg)
Who's who -  nothing nue
as i was working i got progressively more embarassed at the idea and the fact i was putting it to paper

Im feeling lucky, give me the grape lady
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Oh no, it's Shia LaNuef.
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Rolling for this week... Rolling 1d2 => 2
1) Shizuha
2) Grape newhu
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File 169678616961.jpg - (355.36KB, 1024x1280, Plucking Grapes.jpg)
NSFW image
A tribute to SpaceZin.
btw, don't look up her ability. worst mistake.

Ny Nomination is gonna be Nue again just for the hell of it.
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File 169681029240.png - (75.74KB, 350x333, tired.png)
Busy week, and I am tired. But I did get some time to sit down tonight at least.

Nomination: Let's go with the Chiyari
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Rolling for this week... Rolling 1d2 => 1
1) Nue
2) Chiyari
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based taste
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File 169741920530.png - (56.20KB, 600x600, sketch8.png)
Still trying to get back into my rhythm unfortunately. Can't do much in 15 mins.

Nomination: Aunn
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File 169747980550.jpg - (330.94KB, 1200x1600, NuKen.jpg)
Nue as Ryan Gosling as Ken (he's literally me).

With the curse seemingly broken I am quite unsure who to choose next.
Going with Doremy thanks to rng.
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Rolling for this week... Rolling 1d2 => 1
1) Aunn
2) Doremy
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File 169799406466.jpg - (535.99KB, 1558x1856, IMG_20231022_202308.jpg)
Nomination: Watatsuki no Toyohime

For some reason I couldnt draw her face no matter how hard I tried.
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File 169800029139.jpg - (340.36KB, 1200x1600, Aunn on top.jpg)
Aunn on top
Nomination: Sunny Milk

The kneeling leg gave me trouble. The head even more so. Very happy I went through with the drawing.
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File 16980937371.png - (303.41KB, 567x540, sketch10.png)
Maybe next week...

Nomination: Genji, could go for some turtle soup
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Rolling for this week... Rolling 1d3 => 2
1) Watatsuki no Toyohime
2) Sunny Milk
3) Genji
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File 16985144446.jpg - (328.14KB, 1600x1200, Sunny MIT Milk.jpg)
Sunny MIT Milk
Submitting the pencils, don't know how to go about inking it yet and getting it out of the way now so I don't rush it after.

And not to worry, the reference of this glass jar filled with questionable liquid is marginally less disgusting and serverely less messed up than most of the other ones featuring character figures - or figurines - of japanese entertainment media contained inside them.
In fact, this jar is an object in a place of honor in the massachusetts institute of technology keeping (and cultivating) its contents contained circa two decades. It is the MIT milk jar.

Nominating the older Yorigami Twin.
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File 169860836311.jpg - (262.09KB, 1200x1600, Cherrim.jpg)
I almost instantly made the connection between these two in my mind after seeing her design. And now I've put it to paper.
I've taken a liking to the portrayal of Yomotsu as a menace to society akin to (fanon) Aya. For one it fits like a glove (that I've overlooked to draw) and, more importantly, it's just fun.
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No need to roll for this week. Shion it is.
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File 169920950665.jpg - (344.97KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20231105_0001.jpg)
Drawing, both the act of and the result of, felt wonky today. Been groggy and foggy all weekend all day.
Wanted to make a larger scene of it, with background and more figures. Hoping my constitution next week will be more favorable to me.
Nominating Eirin to help me.
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File 16993070358.png - (1.26MB, 972x848, half_baked.png)
Feeling incompetent in general lately so it's been a struggle to sit down and practice something I'm bad at.
I'll probably be sporadic for the next few weeks too.

Nomination: Hatate
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Rolling for this week... Rolling 1d2 => 2
1) Eirin
2) Hatate
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File 169991094285.jpg - (253.50KB, 1200x1600, Hata.jpg)
Nomination: Junko
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No need to roll for this week. Let's draw Junko.
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File 170031275953.jpg - (621.78KB, 1200x1600, Purification.jpg)
Being awake deep in the night transitioning into the next day leads me to make curious decisions while drawing.
I was simply looking at the google results of 'Mortis Ghost Off' and took the scribble elements of his art without thinking much about how to incorporate it.
While not exactly wholly ruining what is there, the scribbles don't elevate the piece either.

Hoping to get Yuugi.
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Though seeing it like that the thumbnail really does look better for it.
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File 170044546132.png - (812.56KB, 950x986, sketch11.png)
Drawn while sitting in a deer blind. I just think that's kind of funny.

Nomination: Yuugi, could go for some oni too.
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I thought I posted! Sorry. Though we didn't need a roll for this week either.
Let's draw Yuugi.
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File 170101328018.jpg - (465.79KB, 1240x1753, Yu_gi_ro.jpg)
Walking the demon back

Nom: Yuyuko
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No need to roll, Yuyuko for this week.
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File 170162584233.jpg - (311.12KB, 1753x1240, IMG_20231203_0001.jpg)
Gumbo Slice.
I, just, like putting odd things to paper.

Nomination: Sunflower Fairy
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No need to roll again, please draw a sunflower fairy.
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File 170194251034.png - (28.77KB, 180x180, pizzagirl.png)
based on the edgy makai variant except with more edge

[x] ZUN
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File 170215760495.png - (71.80KB, 507x498, Untitled.png)
Traveling, and bringing my tablet was apparently a fun idea.

Nomination: Raiko
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File 170232652274.jpg - (260.32KB, 1240x1753, IMG_20231211_0001.jpg)
Nomination: Orin
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Rolling for this week... Rolling 1d3 => 1
1) ZUN
2) Raiko
3) Orin
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File 170286164045.png - (143.82KB, 600x600, apologies.png)
what have I done

Nomination: Marisa
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File 170293371325.jpg - (312.48KB, 1024x1280, IMG_20231218_0001.jpg)
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Rolling for this week... Rolling 1d2 => 2
1) Marisa
2) Reimu
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File 170342953928.png - (18.08KB, 600x600, holly.png)
Merry Christmas, everyone

Nomination: Alice
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File 170353244060.jpg - (941.49KB, 1587x2130, IMG_20231225_202406.jpg)
NSFW image
Jojolion Spoilers

Nomination: Medicine
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Rolling for this week... Rolling 1d2 => 1
1) Alice
2) Medicine
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File 170397026758.png - (17.35KB, 396x544, alice.png)
And a happy New Year

Nomination: Orin
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File 170414274019.jpg - (620.17KB, 2063x1332, IMG_20240101_215524.jpg)
Half done. Kudos to the people who are able to recognize the reference I used.
I wish everyone a fulfilling new year.

Nomination: Mystia
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I've been thinking about it... and I've decided that this will be the last roll I personally do. This year I think I want to try branching out a bit on what I work on to learn more so I will have even less time to participate.

If someone else would like to take up rolling you can. I'll still draw in a few sometimes.

Thanks to everyone who participated over the past year and change. It's been fun, and there have been a lot of great drawings that came out of it. I hope it was good motivation to keep up your reps and I hope you can continue! And feel free to share them in this thread if you do.

So, the last roll... Rolling 1d2 => 1
1) Orin
2) Mystia
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Well, I'll be sticking around. And probably will be picking up the rolling duty as well.

Nomination: Raiko
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File 170455351921.jpg - (673.76KB, 1207x1609, IMG_20240106_160024.jpg)
There we are.
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So it seems like we won't have to roll for this week.
Raiko it is.
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File 170535680621.jpg - (692.76KB, 1976x1453, IMG_20240115_224948.jpg)
There doesn't seem to be anyone else participating. I just wonder if it's simply waning interest coupled with personal circumstances or if there's something that can be done to allow more people to take part more regularly? Would increasing the time to two weeks help folks to get their own submission in? The very first couple of weeks had a number of people taking part after all.

I won't nominate any particular touhou, draw whoever you like. I'll let this be a quasi reset and test drive for the two week submission window.
I would love to have others be part of this again, it was small delight to see everyone's pieces after the week rolled over.
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I'm a cack hand with drawing and can't really spare the energy or time, so I can't get involved personally, but I hope you get some more participation.
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Yeah, I dunno. I really love seeing the art that people do in this thread but I'm useless at drawing. I don't know where artist-types hang out but maybe regularly reminding them elsewhere that they can participate might help? if it helps I can try to comment every week on the stuff that's posted. I'd love to see more people post stuff.
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File 170576959897.png - (312.07KB, 600x600, what.png)
I hope we can find something too. Even if I can't be consistent at these anymore, I'd like to see it keep going. It really is nice seeing what people come up with.

I wish each day had about 4 more hours in it...
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File 170645291968.jpg - (267.10KB, 1024x1280, Sumireko_Nah.jpg)
One thing that I've been thinking about is crossposting to /i/'s Touhou Drawthread and mentioning this thread here...

It would be an exciting thing to have them create some scenes from stories here. They can do some stand-out works in good time.
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File 170645541250.jpg - (280.14KB, 1024x1280, Double Judgement.jpg)
Double Judgement
To be honest. the crosspopsting is the best i can come up with.
Other things that came to mind would be to provide photo refs to work off of or something like that to take away from the indecison that comes with being prompted to 'just' draw something.
In a similar vein encouraging other forms of visual art? They were never strictly prohibited, but I can imagine getting hung up on that - when people hear "art" most of the time they exlusively think drawing and painting (in my subjective experience).
""Alternative"" means to creating art like (digital) Collages, images done with Illustrator/Inkscape/what-have-you, Papercutting, making pictures with Walfas. Just some things that don't strictly require drawing abilities.
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File 170647842559.jpg - (90.95KB, 393x787, Parsee_It's the Meme still.jpg)
Parsee_It's the Meme still
More polished drawing of >>/underground/17355

Last and possibly not least, people could play community games like gartic phone together and screencap everyone's result.

To hell if I'm supposed to be the one organising that though; I just want to read, draw and anonpost.
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And, to whomst'd it may concern: If you can post it on twitter or the discord you are also invited to post it here.
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File 170810897825.jpg - (252.25KB, 999x739, The Mausoleum of Satori and Koishi.jpg)
The Mausoleum of Satori and Koishi

Based on the steam store header image of twitter-controversial text adventure game containing cannibalism, ritual human sacrifice, demon summoning and abnormal sibling relationship.
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File 170810980682.jpg - (91.11KB, 647x828, Dead Meme-Ma.jpg)
Dead Meme-Ma
On the topic of Dead Memes Evil Spirits and absent mothers.
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I can feel it in my bone ... marrow. It's terminal ;_;
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File 17082874756.jpg - (1.49MB, 1501x2227, IMG_20240218_210551.jpg)
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File 170828903392.jpg - (704.05KB, 1420x2131, SuWAGko.jpg)
Honestly I'd be down to do requests. It kind of feels mastubatory to just keep posting these sketches/drawings in a void. And I hope it'll be more fun for me as well.

I'm comfortable doing 'single figure in a void' stuff like in the last bunch of posts including this one. I'm up to doing environments, interior or exterior, because honestly, it's something I want to get used to doing - it'll just take me whole lot longer.

No promises to anybody though, this thing is strictly on a 'if I have the time and am in the mood'-basis.
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I don't mind the masturbatory exhibitionism. Not much of a difference with my writing.

I enjoy the thread and seeing people or, I guess now mostly you, post art. If it helps encourage you or others, can suggest things but I'm happy just seeing what people draw up on their own. If you insist though, any sort of general preferences in terms of characters type of scenes or environments?
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I agree with the above anon.

...I don't have any requests, though. Dunno what I'd want to see, honestly. 2hus of all sorts are good.
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It's all a fun hobby for me and I was thinking to have folks be more of an interactive part of it here; Most stories here are CYOA after all.

As for my preferences, I like to do goofy, silly and meme-adjacent scenes. Or crossover stuff that make you go "huh it could be fitting, but still weird". I'd be alright coming up with an original image from a written description or straight up lifting Manga panels and inserting whatever you come up with; since I draw it all from scratch it's all good practice to me.
I'd be stoked for people to come up with more scenarios for Carl in Gensokyo in particular though.

Environments I don't have much a preference since I don't draw them a whole lot. Funny how that goes. I guess I'd prefer to have a specific image/photo of an environment to place the figure in.
Character wise, my favorites to draw are probably Mokou, Parsee, Sumireko and Hisami. I think this mostly has to do with the fact that I drew them multiple times by now.
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I'm a stupid idiot and have really bad ideas. Especially not good on crossovers (though also appreciate ATHF/Carl in principle) but I'll give it a shot:

How about a quotidian scene from the places we see less of in Gensokyo? Like, dunno, Parsee going down to market in old hell and buying something while there's all sorts of other undesirables living their lives as best they can or Mokou running into the village to get stuff for sewing/to fix a loose thread in her clothes (could be other 2hus in the backround, maybe zashiki warashi). In either case, they're there, but they're a larger part of the generally uneventful rhythm of life in Gensokyo. There's bits in official manga about Suzuunan/the school/geitdonei/akyuu's or a look at old hell but not that much that's street level and mundane.
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Aun being a good girl

a succulent Chinese meal with Yachie

Byakuren crushing watermelons with her thighs

Meiling not knowing what to do with herself on holiday

Yuugi crushing me in her embrace (yes, me, anon)

Kasen being a glutton

I'm sorry I can't be more specific waaaaaah
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well i just made something but it ain't a drawing so i don't think it belongs here.
holy fuck 2hu hema exists.
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I agree with >>25918's sentiment on the matter, and no one's really objected to the point, so I say whatever, post it.
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File 170863221284.png - (262.32KB, 673x670, meira full.png)
meira full
i mean, it's just a silly thing i edited with my phone. but alright, cool.
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File 171493062950.jpg - (1.00MB, 1700x1700, Shinmyomaru_Sukuna.jpg)
Ryomen Sukuna Shinmyoumaru

>Ask for suggestions
>Post a drawing after 2 and a half months
>It has nothing to do with any of the suggestions

What I have to say for myself (1) Based and (2) I actually have started doing a bunch of these suggestions.
I get kind of stuck in the middle of it, losing the initial drive I have for them and then they become busywork. And when it comes to drawing, I don't really like it to become busywork for me. (Good thing I decided to put out a disclaimer -- man, I'd do horrible on Social Media)

I'll get to posting them as they are, perhaps, and hey, maybe I'll get motivated to continue them after sharing, maybe after getting some ideas how to continue them from everyone here.
But as they are now, I'm not really feeling them.
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File 171494688889.jpg - (942.38KB, 2040x1564, Reisen_Miku Beam.jpg)
Reisen_Miku Beam
Lunatic Redeye Beeeee~am

Based off of that newish-to-me trend originating from that magical girl Miku song. I mean, it having been released over a month ago means it's already ancient but I digress.

Working with color pencils now after a long time.

I want to say that it makes me immensely happy to see original art posted for stories on the site, makes the community feel alive. With Kosu contributing a huge bulk of original works to the site by illustrating Gooboi's Redo/Reimu to anon(s) contributing silly and fun spoofs in the latest chapter of USiL just makes me giddy to see more.
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Good to see more, even if it's delayed. Fond of the coloring there.
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Cute Reisen
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File 171733582896.jpg - (283.93KB, 1371x965, Houraisan&HisamiBallBustingAdventure.jpg)
Hisami & Houraisan's Ball Busting Heart Breaking Adventure

A more finished version of >>/th/208639

Thanks! Picking up color pencils again after quite some time. (Faber Castel Polychromos in case anyone is curious)
Yeah, I'm really happy how she turned out!
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File 171733615241.jpg - (621.76KB, 1604x1162, The Mausoleum of Satori and Koishi.jpg)
The Mausoleum of Satori and Koishi
And there I went and vibrantly coloured the drawing that's a referencing a game that limits its color variety for stylistic reasons.
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File 171733761184.jpg - (4.95MB, 2735x3647, 20240602_160542.jpg)
And this one is actually from the suggestions >>25930, (and still unfinished)

Picturing former hell, somewhere away from the centre.
An issue is getting reference for the locations in touhou. For official sources there are only the stage backdrops and the odd panel in the printworks.
So I imagine up things like pseudo japanese architecture and a Sauron's Tower lookalike holding up a sun that's lighting up the place (which probably isn't canon-compliant).
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File 171733858914.jpg - (3.36MB, 3523x1982, 20240602_162240.jpg)
and here's my attempt(s) at getting Byakuren and the Watermelon right >>25931 (please excuse the lighting)

I'm just feeling they don't give off the right vibe for what they're supposed to be; Silly, humorous, horny-adjacent quicksketches.
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Yeah, you're going to have to make stuff up. There's bits and pieces in the print works (including currently running manga) and games which is not nothing but it obviously needs some artist interpretation. You did an alright enough job there but comes off more Chinese than Japanese.
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File 171852719198.jpg - (325.51KB, 1200x1600, Emergence of a Dreamer.jpg)
Emergence of a Dreamer
A Dreamer's Metamorphosis after her Ermergence.

I swear I've seen an edit/recreation of that panel with Sumireko somewhere out there, but I simply couldn't find that one.

Eh, I just drew what my imagination conjured up. I'll look up some general references for Japanese architecture (meaning what pinterest and google images provide).
What was the time of founding of Gensokyo and Erection of the GHB again? That'd narrow down my search range so I get a better idea what to look for. (I actually have no clue about japanese (art/architectural) history, believe it!)
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File 171865101038.jpg - (263.03KB, 1200x1600, Smug Mokou - Smugkou if you will.jpg)
Smug Mokou - Smugkou if you will
Mokou looking down. On (you), if so inclined.
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damn that clothes physics looks amazing
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Gensokyo is a remote nowhere without much culture. The Meiji innovations probably didn't make it there by the time the barrier went up. That said, former hell (save for Chireiden) just looks like your stereotypical Edo architecture. You can see it in SA but also in the last 5 or so chapters of the detective Satori manga.
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