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File 154392331335.png - (140.48KB, 536x800, red haired human.png)
red haired human
Don't expect this to be long!

A request courtesy of Mibya >>/gensokyo/15696



I bounce the ball in my hand, and a dirt-circle spreads from the hit, dust dancing kind of pretty.


I’m surprised I can hear it. It’s loud out here.

Tmp—sh shh...
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[X] walk toward her, seeking to reconcile.
--- [X] Reassuring.
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[x] walk toward her, seeking to reconcile.
--- [x] Reassuring.
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File 154494912611.jpg - (44.86KB, 720x450, after the rain.jpg)
after the rain
[X] walk toward her, seeking to reconcile.
--- [X] Reassuring.

“—Hitomi,” I say, reaching toward her even when I’m so far out, “you... Listen, I...”

Nothing makes sense in my head. Hitomi doesn’t look at me, even when I’m close to her. I keep my hand raised, thinking about what I could do to make her feel comforted.

... Well—

“The world is bigger than this.”

Her ear perks up.

“Hitomi, don’t think that... some stupid, thoughtless brats make up the whole thing. Don’t think they even make up the whole Village. Listen... I may be a youkai, but I didn’t decide to stay with you because of how you look. I stayed with a human child because I found her... cute. As a person she was cute... and kind-hearted, and I just...”

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File 141730893641.jpg - (459.12KB, 450x700, Gentleness.jpg)
First off, hi yes it's still me. Don't worry about the change in magical signature up on top - I accidentally the magical equivalent of burning off my fingertips, and it still smarts a bit. With any luck I'll get it fixed soon, but until then let's just keep on going.

Thanks for waiting!


Reimu's kitchen is the largest room in the shrine; even with all of her money troubles, she does her best to eat well. Her pantry is always... stocked. Not fully by any means, but it is stocked, with dried vegetables and meats, fruits here and there - stuff that's easy to cook and easier to store.

I've been invading Reimu's personal space for years, so it's pretty simple to disable the warning charms slapped all over her tea cabinet; no need to wake my shrine maiden up. It's simpler still to dole out the right amount of leaves to suit her tastes, and to magic away just enough water from Reimu's buckets to steep the tea in. A snap of my fingers creates a quick spark, and then it's just a matter of leaving the pot on the stove until the steam wakes Reimu up.

I don't particularly want to sit on my laurels, but there's not much to do in the first place. The master of the house is off dreaming, and helping myself to Reimu's food just feels a bit too wrong right now. Hell, she's even starting a garden just to bolster her diet. It's - kinda depressing. Girl does so much to keep the peace, but it's a struggle to get enough to eat.

It takes a little while for the idea to actually worm its way into my head, but once it does I start scrambling. I find the small collection of seeds Reimu begged off the Village's farmers easily enough, and I even take the time to glance over them. I mean, they were all sorts of shapes and sizes, and it's not like I can identify them on sight... but I'm sure Reimu has some idea of what she's planting. The villagers should have given her the more hardy varieties anyway, if they have any sense at all.

Planting them without her permission will either piss her off or make her
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I can imagine Marisa saying something like that as a joke to someone she knows well. Maybe she might say it to someone she might not be as familiar with as well.
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Everything all right, Marisa? Been almost three years now. We miss ya.
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Yes, we miss ya.

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File 150811588083.jpg - (135.65KB, 600x714, merlinthewhite.jpg)
Pic unrelated.


Front Matter. Skip this section if you wanna go straight into the story.

This story will probably be centered around the Human Village, with some adventurous moments. MC will most likely be close-to-earth and interacts more with the humans. There shouldn't be any fights more dangerous than… say, against Rumia in the dark with bare hands.

I deleted my previous CYOA: Endless Flight since I started to get spams from my exposed email address. Also, that setting was so complicated that I decide to scratch it all together (I suppose Anons don’t like massive original setting crossover. I will keep those at bare minimum this time). One idea, however, is stuck in my mind: a low-profile low-power white mage who can teleport. What can he/she do?

Important: I am not a native English speaker, but I am a professional English user. If you spot a grammatical error, it does not imply I suck at English. I fix many problems in each pass of proof-reading, and I always proof-read three times or more, but I always miss one or two places. Unless you spot consistent mistakes, most will be one-time only. Remember, for every grammatical mistake you spot, I have fixed at least ten. It is frustrating to spend hours to polish a wall of 3000 words and the only comments are about how I messed up plural forms (though I had that one coming because I did make the same mistake quite a few times). If you really want to comment on my grammar, try to mix it with comments about the plot. I do not have a problem with grammar-picking, but please remember that commenting on grammar is trivial, especially for native English speakers, but the action gives an impression that I did not put work on polishing: an impression which is completely wrong and misleading. Honestly, I think criticizing the plot is much more helpful than picking errors in my grammar.

TL;DR: I appreciate criticism on my plot, pace, settings, character development and interaction, and recurring grammatical mistakes. Skip on
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[X] Keine may disagree with the trip, but ask her anyways.

If we're the one escorting him, Keine should be fine with it. Plus I just think its better to let her know regardless.
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Writing now. Currently my Internet connection is struggling to load the thread, so I might start a new one.
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Please come back

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File 144972999557.png - (962.71KB, 811x1168, how did this reach thread 2.png)
how did this reach thread 2
[x] An assistant librarian.

"Heeeey!" I call, waving, "Koakuma!"

Koakuma's head jerks up from scanning the rest of the village. She puts on a burst of speed, swoops slightly, and does an acrobatic flip to land quickly without flipping her skirt. She touches down almost silently a few paces in front of us, straightens, and mutters a spell as she approaches. With a flick of her fingers and a few glowing runes, all four of her wings seem to just melt away.

Of course, most of the village just saw all of that, so it feels a little pointless to put on a disguise now.

"Miss Marisa," Koakuma says, bowing very slightly. She wears the tired half-smile of someone whose day isn't going well at all.

"Heya Koa," Marisa says, "yer a rare sight outside the Mansion. Ol' Patches send ya out book-huntin' or somethin'?"

"If only," Koakuma groans. "It's all hands on deck at the moment. Lady Remilia sent me to find you, among other people." She glances at me and Sekibanki. "I guess it might interest you too."

"Eh? Whassat ol' bat want with little ol' me?"
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[X] Kokoro is learning about this sort of thing too, right? Maybe talking to her might help!

Tsukomogami need to stick together!
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[X] It's a long shot, but... Byakuren helped cheer me up. And it's hard to stay miserable around Kyouko!

Obligatory tide piss
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Thread 3: >>40679

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File 137748033827.jpg - (457.99KB, 800x1130, 626973aaf6dae79f04a2730290845b49.jpg)
I apologize for the delay, school is already kicking my ass.
Anyway, Previous Threads:
Thread One >>35593
Thread Two >>35921
Thread Three >>36313


“Perhaps part of it was getting caught up in the moment, but I really do like Youmu and so at the very least I need to try and make things work between us. I would never forgive myself if I broke her heart,” you mumble to yourself as you let the water wash over you. You’ve been thinking for a while and you’ve used up all the hot water at this point. Serious internal debates should probably be done out of the shower when you have someone waiting to use it after you. You shake your head and wash your hair.


After turning the water off and wrapping a towel around your waist you step out of the shower and over to the sink. On the very edge of the sink is a small package wrapped in brown, now moist, paper with a small note written on it.

“Dear Aaron,
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[] You tell her the truth, that Yukari's your mom.
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[X] You tell her the truth, that Yukari's your mom.
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I don't suppose you're still here? Could use some more Moon in life.

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File 147806631292.jpg - (216.78KB, 850x581, touhouisweird.jpg)
A micro story that should be updated once a day, work willing.


You are Clownpiece. You live in Reimu's Basement. You want to prank someone.

But not just anyone.

A FAIRY should get your pranking today!

[ ] Go prank that Big Fairy with the pretty wings.
[ ] Go prank that Stupid Fairy with the strength and cold and stuff.
[ ] Go prank the Three Fairies. A Three for One that'll go down in legend!

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It will happen! Tonight/tommorow morning! It took me a surprisingly long time to decide what to do this update.
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You double-posted, and you didn't even have them a day apart. You soggy sack of bollocks.
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Posting from a phone is a hell I'd wish not upon my worst enemy.

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File 148635732577.jpg - (357.37KB, 650x433, Underground.jpg)
[X] Back to bed, not going to get involved with this

Yes what about the summit that has nothing to do with the Hakurei? You slip away and make your way back to your room, nope not getting mixed up in this. You keep that thought repeating in your mind as you fluff your pillow and snuggle back into your bed...

Damn it why does the sun always hit you right in the face in the morning?! You yawn and work the kinks out of your neck as you stand. “Good morning Gensokyo.” You mumble softly as you smile and seek out one of the few things you brought with you from the outside world, granola bars! You take a bite from your favorite travel treat, blessings of the Hakurei upon however thought up these things. You finish the bar and make a note to see about replenishing your stash, the 15 bars you have left wont last long at this rate. Alright time to get going! You dress and repack your small bag before making sure your wraps are nice and tight. You slip into the camp and make for the base of the mountain, passing out bright smiles to the few wolves you pass. “Mmm...a lot of them are red faced for some reason...maybe a cold is going around?” You shrug as you approach the large gaping hole in the earth that serves as the main entry way to the underground. You stretch for a bit before shooting into the air and making a lazy loop before blasting down the hole. The path is deceptively clear but the walls have jutting areas and parts of the tunnel close up suddenly...huh...this...feels like....! Your eyes widen even as an maniac grin grows on your face. You dance around a hazard and nod, oh heck yeah! You don't care how silly this is you are doing it! You do your best to shift your voice. “Now lock on to the strongest power source it should be the power generator.” You grin and change your voice again. “Form up, and stay alert we could run out of space real fast.” Your flight becomes more daring as you push your skills to the limit. Your grin shines out as you thread the needle, a small open space in a intruding rock shelf, when a danmaku orb shoots past you and impacts the cave roof. You glace back to find a small mob of cave fay following after you. “Tie fighte
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Alright it looks like we are going to the underground for IIS. I'm going to be very busy for the 4th (the curse of being a great cook) but I should have the start ready to go the day after. I'll post a heads up here when I do. See you all then
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IIS is now up guys
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I think this is how you link to other boards...

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File 14232479339.jpg - (551.86KB, 1584x1683, darejanthread2.jpg)
First Thread: >>37747

You are Darejan the Lucent Mirror, Seeker of Darkness. Once, you worked with a group to try to protect and preserve portions of the World from the searing horror of the Light. Or at least, you thought you were doing that at the time.

After getting more information, you decided to leave the escalating conflict, sealing yourself within your own weapon, entering into hibernation as you drifted between the stars.

Something caused you to crash land here in Gensokyo, and before you recovered from the impact, someone touched your Keyblade. A month later you found a native holding one of their own.

The might and versatility of the Keyblade is not to be underestimated. Your sense of personal responsibility for the impending chaos leads you to trek across this strange sealed land, securing and sealing your errant technology from the hands, hearts, and minds of this place.

For their own good.

Whether they see it that way or not.

[***] Skip to next divider if gamey stuff isn't your thing [***]
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Okay, calling it!

and that typo in the choice sears my soul (meant investigative, not investigating, gah)
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damnit lark
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If you're gonna bump a dead story, at least say something worthwhile.

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File 147524538549.jpg - (62.46KB, 900x506, mayohiga.jpg)
[X] A storage room for lazy things huh? Detective mode activated!

Right well now would be a good time to just sit back and enjoy some tea as you wait for Ran to return.

You feel your eyes slowly drifting to the dark hallway. Oh come on Ran what kind of person drops a hint like that and then just leaves?! ...maybe that's her game? Well in that case you are staying right here! ...but what if she KNEW you would think that in an attempt to make you not go in the hallway?! Ok no no enough of this I know that you know that I know kind of thinking, that way leads to madness. You take another long look at the hallway.

Ahh screw it. You get up and slowly edge to the hallway halfway expecting Ran to pop out of nowhere and bust you or something like that. You take a fortifying breath and walk inside. Well it is dark in here but not as bad as you thought as you can still see at least. The hallway goes on for a bit before ending in an ornate dark purple door. ...wait really? You take another look around...yep this is it, not a single other door in sight. Seems a bit overblown for just a storage room...but then again Yukari. Well might as well go all the way now that you are here. You slowly open the door to some kind of large chamber. The vaulted ceiling has been painted to show...you are not really sure...events in Gensokyo's history? You see your sister and some of the other residents of Gensokyo in some of them so that might be it. There are bookshelves overflowing with modern titles as well as scrolls and old tomes. There is a large panting on one wall of Yukari shearing drinks with a man with the largest mug of beer you have ever seen...maybe he's an oni? A pile of amazun boxes are stacked over by a large wardrobe. Turns out the kappa have a item ordering/shipping business. You know...this places feels less like a storage room and more like a-?!?! You only just now notice the large bed with its single occupant. -bedroom...oh shit.

Yukari is slumbering peacefully, her long golden hair spilling around her as the thin purple sheet does little to hide her figure. You quickly about face and thank all the gods and goddesses that you didn't get
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Straight to the underground
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Down, down to Oni town.
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Writing Sign: New Thread

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File 147197914891.jpg - (107.76KB, 1215x810, Shrine 2.jpg)
Shrine 2
[X] Did something just phase through the shrine wall?!

You blink and look again...mmm...you could have sworn you saw... You quickly shift through the few ofuda you have on you and bring out a detector one. This style of ofuda was one of the first that mother showed you how to make, you place it on a surface and the symbol on the paper changes a different color depending on what type of energy it feels. You march over to the shrine wall and slap it on...ahh damn it! Dark blue...a spirit. Dealing with spirits is a tricky business as until you can identify why it is hanging around you are always flying blind. You duck back into the shrine to gather some things.

The back door opens a few minutes later and you step out. You are in full shrine keeper mode, the modified keeper outfit (for close combat fighting) mother made for you is spotless and your hands are wrapped and ready for use. These are not just any hand wrappings however as these are the same wrappings that mother used when she was learning the first fighting style of the Hakurei, also know as the Hakurei Divine Motion style. When she judged you competent enough in Divine Motion these hand wraps were her gift to you. You lift a fist in front of you and smile. What a gift! These wraps had been soaked in 2 generations of Hakurei blood and now were now stained blood red beyond cleaning and they had holy properties. Simply touching these wraps would burn lesser youkai and a normal human using them could leave damage on even the thickest hide. When in use by a Hakurei like yourself the effect become largely amplified...still you hoped you could deal with this spirit without violence.

You set up a small ring of 5 stones and place an ofuda on each one, Haven, Earth, Holy, Youkai, and on the stone in front of you you place the now blue detector ofuda. You place a blank ofuda in the middle and start to pray. This is a simple summoning ritual but rather then trying force the spirit out of hiding it is more of a soft tug. If this doesn't work you will have to more on to stronger methods. You keep this going for 1 minute...then 2...then 5. And you never halt in your praying, just pray and wait. Many spirits are often shy or suspicious s
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[X] A storage room for lazy things huh? Detective mode activated!
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Thank you. New thread will be going up sometime tomorrow
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