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File 122825396171.jpg - (28.75KB, 600x393, Demons in my castle?.jpg)
Demons in my castle?
You move before thinking, the whip twisting in your hands even before you can see its arc in your mind's eye, reactions trained by years of fighting. The whip wraps around the demon's throat, no small feat on a creature of that shape.
"Get over here!" You yell, yanking on the whip as the demon's eyes register slow shock. Marisa finally notices the hulking thing bearing down on her, shrieking and hopping out of the way just in time as the demon blunders sideways, crashing to its knees, stubby fingers trying to pry the whip from its neck. The grey flesh smoulders and wrinkles under the whip's touch. You tighten your grip.

"Hold it there for a moment!" Marisa shouts as the demon tries to get to its feet, trying to launch itself at you. A smaller foe would simply meet your knuckles, but you doubt a mere blow to the face would slow down a titan of this size, even from your practised fists.
"Whatever you're doing, hurry it up!" You shout back as the demon lumbers forward, roaring with what little breath it can draw through its constricted airways. You leap out of the way, dropping the torch and wrapping the slack of the whip around your fist, tugging harder and bringing the demon to its knees again.
"Here!" Marisa hurls something through the air, a glass vial shattering against the demon's head, spilling a tiny amount of thick red liquid over its bald, grey skull. The demon sniffs once, then frantically claws at its face, mewling and shrieking. You release the pressure on the whip and slip it back to yourself as the demon starts frothing at the mouth. It pitches head-first into the dirt, twitching and spasming, death throes lit by the flames of your torch next to it on the ground.

Marisa bounds over to your side, eyes still unfocused, pupils dilated.
"Cool huh? Agla-"
"Later, Marisa." You assure her. You're curious about why a witch should be carrying such potent demonological chemicals and potions, but now is not the time to ask. Your gaze snaps back to Youmu and the remains of the demon-pack. She has felled or crippled most of them in mere moments, her sword-work second to none, but she's slowing now, physical condition not matching her perfection in skill.
The largest of the demons remains, a gigantic thing, easily ten feet tall. It swings its boulder-like fists in incoherent rage, bellowing anger and hate as Youmu struggles to leap out of the way, her speed counting for nothing when to land a strike means to become bloody paste in the next moment.

Her face is a mask of concentration, sweat running down her brow.

[ ] Join Youmu, distract the demon with your whip while she goes for the kill.
[ ] Wait for an opening, try to hit a vital spot with your silver dagger.
[ ] "Marisa, do you have more of that red stuff?"
[ ] Pick up your torch and hurl it at the demon.
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[X] "Marisa, do you have more of that red stuff?"
if not then
[X] Wait for an opening, try to hit a vital spot with your silver dagger.

>Silver dagger...
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[X] Pick up your torch and hurl it at the demon.

Holy Flame was good in Castlevania 2.
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[x] "Marisa, do you have more of that red stuff?"
[x] Regardless of Red Stuff, join Youmu, distract the demon with your whip while she goes for the kill.
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>>23934 Holy Flame was good in Castlevania 2.

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[x] Join Youmu, distract the demon with your whip while she goes for the kill.
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[x] "Marisa, do you have more of that red stuff?"
[x] Regardless of Red Stuff, join Youmu, distract the demon with your whip while she goes for the kill.

>"Cool huh? Agla-"

Aglaophotis? Like from Silent Hill?
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[x] "Marisa, do you have more of that red stuff?"
[x] Regardless of Red Stuff, join Youmu, distract the demon with your whip while she goes for the kill.

If the combo worked once, it will again. LIKE SMASHING THE B BUTTON OVER AND OVER.
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[x] "Marisa, do you have more of that red stuff?"
[x] Regardless of Red Stuff, join Youmu, distract the demon with your whip while she goes for the kill.
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That is undoubtedly what it is. It should be conserved and not wasted on lesser mooks.
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Can't trust her to give us an opening when she's tiring out. That takes greater coordination than taking advantage of opportunities presented by someone else.

[X] Join Youmu, distract the demon with your whip while she goes for the kill.

>If the combo worked once, it will again. LIKE SMASHING THE B BUTTON OVER AND OVER.

Until she runs out.
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[X] Pick up your torch and hurl it at the demon.
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Writing now~
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"Marisa, do you have more of that red liquid?" You ask quickly, ready to spring into action if Youmu so much as looks at you for help.
"Huh?" Marisa rummages in her dress. "I got a bottle, yeah, but it's sort of rare stuff, you know?" She produces a large glass container, wrapped in cloth. You frown, there's no time to explain this to her now.
"Keep it safe then, we may need it later. Too little to risk using it all up here."
"Oh, okay." Marisa nods heavily as you leave her side at a run.

"It's too strong!" Youmu yells as you reach the limit of the demon's reach and lash out with your whip. Youmu hops backwards as the whip wraps around the demon's arm, stripping flesh away and making the beast scream with pain.
Youmu draws in a few gasping breaths, taking a moment to recover as the demon tries to tug you off your feet by pulling on the whip.
Massive, plate-sized hands fumble, burned by the magic of the whip where the demon tries to grip. It screams and shakes its head, gaze fully fixed on you now, stepping forwards and raising a fist to crush your skull.

You barely flinch as Youmu's sword takes the arm off at the shoulder.

The demon doesn't notice for a moment, bringing nothing but empty air and flecks of blood down on your head. Youmu makes a clean decapitation a second later, sending the demon's head to the dirt. The corpse crumples at your feet.

Youmu wipes her sword on a scrap of cloth as Marisa wanders over to you.
"Thank you, Belmont." Youmu says quietly, sliding her sword back into the scabbard.
"Wow, that was something alright!" Marisa says, grinning with the after-glow of successful battle. You shrug off such feelings before they can take hold, crouching down to examine the corpses.
"Ugly buggers, aren't they?" Marisa titters as you roll a head back on a limp neck, peering at the features of one of the demons. The skin is already cold.
"We should be moving again." Youmu says, frowning. "That fight may have been heard."
"This is wrong." You say, nodding at the corpses. "Remilia is a vampire, they deal in necromantic magic, the unlife and the afterlife, not demonology."
"So?" Marisa asks. Youmu just stays silent, but there is recognition in her eyes. The words of the cat-beast, Orin, float back into your mind.

'Remilia has called all the darkest creatures of the world to her side'

You gulp, mulling the idea over for a moment, staring at the face of a demonic corpse. "Remilia may have made some allies." You say slowly. "We should regard the inhabitants of the castle as entirely unknown."
Youmu nods, Marisa just takes a deep breath.
"We should get moving then." Youmu says.
"Wait a second!" Marisa says. "I think I can salvage some ingredients from these, uh ... things." She gestures at the burning, mutilated corpses.
Youmu wrinkles her nose. "That is a disgusting prospect, and thankfully one that we do not have time for." She glances at you for confirmation.

[ ] Youmu is right, hurry inside.
[ ] No, Marisa's magic has proved its worth, let her 'gather ingredients'.
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[x] No, Marisa's magic has proved its worth, let her 'gather ingredients'.

Loot the dead for what they're worth.
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[ ] No, Marisa's magic has proved its worth, let her 'gather ingredients'.

Maybe throw in a line berating Youmu for depriving a warrior of her weapons. In this kind of a battle, you always have time for preparing yourself.
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[X] No, Marisa's magic has proved its worth, let her 'gather ingredients'.
[X] Loot the bodies

In Youmu's current state, she couldn't take on another horde like that. Plus, what kind of OPERATOR basically passes a field of free weapons and ammo?
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[X] No, Marisa's magic has proved its worth, let her 'gather ingredients'.

Besides which, we have just determined that the castle holds more than we thought it did. Perhaps a bit of time to think is in order.

[X] Speak with Youmu about tactics, or whatever happens to be on her mind.
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[x] No, Marisa's magic has proved its worth, let her 'gather ingredients'.
[x] Ask Youmu to scout ahead to make sure the coast is clear, but not to stray too far. With Marisa in her current state, we cannot leave her by herself.
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[x] No, Marisa's magic has proved its worth, let her 'gather ingredients'.
[x] Speak with Youmu about tactics, or whatever happens to be on her mind.

Sounds good.
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File 122828166173.jpg - (52.95KB, 850x428, b51b40ad49960bc2a01a5b1538a0cb48.jpg)
[!/] No, Marisa's magic has proved its worth, let her 'gather ingredients'.
[!/] Speak with Youmu about tactics, or whatever happens to be on her mind.

>crippled most of them in mere moments, her sword-work second to none,
> sword-work second to none,

Oh you.
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[x] No, Marisa's magic has proved its worth, let her 'gather ingredients'.
[x] Speak with Youmu about tactics, or whatever happens to be on her mind.
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>"Get over here!"

Should've completed the circuit by crouching down and uppercutting the demon immediately afterwards. Oh well.

[X] No, Marisa's magic has proved its worth, let her 'gather ingredients'.
[X] Lightly chastise Youmu for attempting to deprive a fellow warrior of her weapons of choice.
[X] Speak with Youmu about tactics, or whatever happens to be on her mind.
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[x] No, Marisa's magic has proved its worth, let her 'gather ingredients'.

Ugh, demons in the mansion. Are they even potty trained? Must be tough to keep the place spick and span for the maids.
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[x] No, Marisa's magic has proved its worth, let her 'gather ingredients'.
[x] Speak with Youmu about tactics, or whatever happens to be on her mind.
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File 122833051754.jpg - (126.05KB, 566x800, the quiet swordswoman.jpg)
the quiet swordswoman
"There is always time for preparation." You say to Youmu, trying not to sound too harsh with your reprimand. "We may need all the firepower we can get."
"Yay!" Marisa says, hopping from foot to foot and grinning at Youmu.
"Just get to it then, quietly." Youmu says, face impassive, pointedly refusing to meet your gaze.
"Stay sharp." You remind her as Marisa crouches down and starts doing something unsavoury with the face of one of the corpses. "Focus, watch for movement."
Youmu doesn't reply, just keeps her hand on her sword and her eyes flicking over your surroundings, gaze jumping from castle window to castle window. You reclaim your dropped torch and stand guard over the witch while she reaps her unnatural harvest. The fog presses in all around, the silence following the battle growing ever more oppressive, broken only by Marisa's soft muttering.

"Eye of demon." She says, sticking her fingers into the eye socket of a corpse and ripping out a horrible black orb. "Teeth of demon." She cracks a few incisors from limp jaws. "Ah ..." She reaches into her dress and produces a small knife, slicing off something from between the demon's legs. "Demonic potency." She almost giggles, wrapping the demon's bloody testicles in a cloth bag. Your stomach turns a little. How can a girl be so brazen about such horrors when she was so shocked by the impaled villagers earlier? You leave her to her disgusting profession, keeping your eyes on the surroundings as you step over to Youmu.

"What's bothering you?" Now is the perfect time to ask, there are unlikely to be such quiet lulls in the fighting once inside the castle proper. The air needs clearing as soon as possible, no warrior can fight with excess baggage.
Youmu doesn't space you a glance. "Nothing is bothering me. My mind is clear. My purpose just."
You raise an eyebrow. Youmu finally looks at you.

[ ] Drop the subject, Youmu's thoughts are her own.
[ ] "What exactly is your purpose, Youmu?"
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[X] "What exactly is your purpose, Youmu?"

The clean-coming begins... now.

In before.
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[ ] "What exactly is your purpose, Youmu?"

"I am here to propose to a certain human maid, what of it?"
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[x] "What exactly is your purpose, Youmu?"
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[X] "What exactly is your purpose, Youmu?"
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[x] "What exactly is your purpose, Youmu?"

Also, lol Marisa.
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[x] Drop the subject, Youmu's thoughts are her own.

We would just flee if we found out that Remilia vampirified Yuyuko. Imagine that voracious appetite!
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Swordswoman' pride...
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[X] "What exactly is your purpose, Youmu?"

This Marisa amuses me.
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File 122834033694.jpg - (89.42KB, 600x700, doubt.jpg)
"What exactly is your purpose, Youmu?" You ask, frowning at her, curiosity finally triumphing over tact.
Youmu narrows her eyes at you. "My purpose is to kill Remilia Scarlet. Why do you ask?" Her eyes flick to Marisa, who is still ripping pieces of demon from the corpses. "What is your purpose, 'Vampire Hunter'?" Her voice takes on a dangerous tone.
"Excuse me?" You can't think of a response, Youmu's sudden shift of attitude takes you too off-guard. She must be full of adrenaline after the fight, too on-edge.
"You heard me, what is your purpose?" Youmu repeats, keeping her voice low enough so that Marisa can't hear. "That woman in the village, Keine, said you fought Remilia once before. Is that true?" She waits for a response.
"Yes, she spoke the truth." You nod.
"Then who are you?" Youmu asks. "Only one Belmont has fought Remilia in this generation and the tales say he died seven years ago, trying to prevent the war she waged on humanity. But that can't possibly be you, because you're still alive."
You pinch the bridge of your nose. "Youmu, you are talking about something much more complex than I can explain at the moment."
"Then try." She says, voice full of hardness.
"Very well." You say, leaning close to her, faces inches apart. "I am here for one reason and one reason alone. Nothing else."
"Which is?"
"To rip Remilia's still-beating heart from her chest, cut off her head, stuff the mouth with garlic and burn her body on a pyre so hot it would rival the flames of hell itself."

"I am going to kill her." You say through gritted teeth.

Youmu just stares at you impassively for a long moment.
"Hey, I'm finished!" Marisa calls, wiping her bloody hands on the grass.
"That still doesn't answer my question." Youmu says quietly. "Who are you really?"

Only time for a quick reply before Marisa is close enough to overhear.

[ ] "I am a Belmont, that is all you need to know."
[ ] "We all have our reasons for hunting Remilia. I will not pry into yours if you do not pry into mine."
[ ] "I have no doubt you will find out in time."
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[X] "I am a Belmont, that is all you need to know."
[X] "We all have our reasons for hunting Remilia. I will not pry into yours if you do not pry into mine."
[X] "I have no doubt we, each of us, will find out in due time."

Slightly tweaked at the end there, but works perfectly as ordered, I think.
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[X] "I am a Belmont!, Who once fought with Remilia. Now it's the second round~"

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[X] "I am a Belmont, that is all you need to know."
[X] "We all have our reasons for hunting Remilia. I will not pry into yours if you do not pry into mine."
[X] "I have no doubt we, each of us, will find out in due time."
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None of these answers allow or excuse prying into her reasons. I am unable to choose.
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You are welcome to make a write-in if you wish.
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[ ]75!

No really.

[X] "I am a Belmont, that is all you need to know."
[X] "We all have our reasons for hunting Remilia. I will not pry into yours if you do not pry into mine."
[X] "I have no doubt we, each of us, will find out in due time."
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[x] "I am a Belmont. Always have been, always will be."
[x] Insert something else.
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>Only time for a quick reply before Marisa is close enough to overhear.
I take it none of you mind if Marisa sees the two of you quarreling?
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[x] "Simple. I am a vampire hunter"
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[X] Tell her the truth about who and what you really are.

Dramatic tension? What's that?
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[x] This place isn't safe. I will tell you the secret behind my "revival" when I know that Remilia or her agents cannot overhear.
[x] For now, that I am a Belmont and a vampire hunter should be enough.
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[x] "I am a Belmont!, Who once fought with Remilia. Now it's the second round~"
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Remilia startled the maid!
Anybody got the mp3 of the song playing?
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Hrm, difficult votes to sort out there. Let's see~
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[X] Reports of my death were...exaggerated.
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"I am a Belmont, a vampire hunter, that is all you need to know."
Youmu's expression relaxes somewhat, almost looking surprised at your blunt response.
"Hey, come on! I'm finished!" Marisa hops over to you. Her dress is stained with a little blood, the gore having worked its way under her fingernails already.
"Of course Marisa." You say, turning back to the castle, the open doorway now lit by the flames finally dying down on the bodies of the demons.
"Me and Youmu were just discussing tactics." You say, flicking a glance at Youmu. She frowns for a moment, but then nods.
"Are we going inside?" Marisa asks, gulping. Her pupils have shrunk back to normal size now, her voice sounds more like a nervous woman and less like that of a drunk or an opium fiend.
"Yes." You say. "We're going inside." You hold the torch up, other hand on your whip.

As you cross the threshold with Marisa and Youmu at your sides, the sun finally goes down.


Inside, the corridor quickly opens out into an internal courtyard, small and cramped, but too exposed and open in the darkness. A few plain windows ring the inner walls of the courtyard, fewer of them showing light inside. You lead your small group along one of the walls, trying not to scuff the stones too loudly with your boots. There are cracked bones and splatterings of dung littering the ground, this was probably a makeshift pen for that demon pack.
You pause for a moment, making a choice between the many doorways that lead out of the courtyard. The decision is easy. Dredging up memories of the castle's lay-out, you pick-

[ ] The door to the east, towards the library.
[ ] The door to the north, directly towards the central tower.
[ ] The door to the north-east, guest rooms and living space.
[ ] The door to the north-west, make for the servant's quarters.
[ ] The door the west, to the meat-labs and creature pens.
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[X] The door to the east, towards the library.
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[X] The door to the north-east, guest rooms and living space.

We'll have to do a full sweep before hitting the tower. 100% Map Completion and all.
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[X] The door the west, to the meat-labs and creature pens.

I'm not sure what I'm anticipating more, the obligatory fight with Death, or the boss fight with Satori where we have to switch controller ports (bonus points if she predicts what other CYOAs we read and can make our keyboards vibrate).
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[X] The door to the north, directly towards the central tower.

I'm torn.

Realistically, we should head straight for the tower. We came here for a specific purpose. No need battling side entities. On the other hand, it makes good story to systematically defeat the minions before the master.

Bah, let's get this over with. Attack while the night is young; otherwise we may end up fighting her at the peak of night (and thus her power), all the while we're exhausted from previous encounters. Which is bad.
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[x] The door to the north-east, guest rooms and living space.

Remilia might have some villagers over as "guests." Or some of her newfound allies may be using those quarters. Rescuing hostages or getting an idea of what new tricks Remilia might have in store for us this time, either should be fine.
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[x] The door to the east, towards the library.
Probably not too well-guarded and will lead right into the main castle.
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[x] The door to the north-west, make for the servant's quarters.

Here's to the fairies saying "Oh! Master Belmont, you've returned to kill Remilia again? Welcome back! Would you like some tea and scones?"
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[x] The door to the north-east, guest rooms and living space.
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[X] The door the west, to the meat-labs and creature pens.

Kill the creatures before they can be released against us.

I had such a thought as well

Would anyone else be oddly thrilled if Remilia greeted us with "Hello again...lover.
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That would be really interesting. Wonder how our teammates would react to that?
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Belmont would probably interrupt with a quick "Please don't cause me to empty the contents of my stomach - it would make such a mess"
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"If you can recall our trysts, dear, you should remember the sting of my whip. Shall you return to the grave and make this easier on both of us, or will you insist on destroying all the furniture again?"
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[x] The door the west, to the meat-labs and creature pens.

Doujin seems to have the right idea. Strike at their primary source of useless garbage so we won't have as much to worry about later while we deal with the important people in the mansion before moving on to Remilia.
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[x] The door to the east, towards the library.

He claims he's a Belmont, won't go as far as to say he was the one who supposedly died here seven years ago, and yet is familiar with the mansion layout. Keine recognized him, barely, but not with the shock that she would if she thought he was dead. I'm guessing this is Son of Belmont here, and that the antipathy here comes from Remilia's role in his father's death.

Although we know Patchouli is capable of summoning them, that it is on such a scale that it surprises Belmont, as well as the presence of Orin, points to Dark Priest Shaft Satori, who used to live in a part of Hell.

Sakuya is obviously needs to be defeated to retrieve the stopwatch, but as for the other subweapons, I have no idea.

Patchouli, Master Librarian in the Castlevania tradition, is our best bet for a non-hostile NPC in the castle, and may even be willing to sell us some stuff.
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[x] The door to the north-east, guest rooms and living space.
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>Sakuya is obviously needs to be defeated to retrieve the stopwatch, but as for the other subweapons, I have no idea.

I was starting to worry that nobody else was going to bring up things from the games. Nostalgia and all that; thank you.

I'm guessing if we wish to upgrade to the chain whip, Flandre will be the one guarding it. Or, if we're lucky, it will be in the creature pins. As for the throwing axe, we could probably just take one off of a wall - that's most likely common decoration around here, anyway.
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[X] The door the west, to the meat-labs and creature pens.

I rolled a die.
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Site is back up and we have a tie, next vote takes it and I'll try to write sometime tonight.
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[X] The door the west, to the meat-labs and creature pens.

Huh? Radio? What's going on with that radio?
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[X] The door the west, to the meat-labs and creature penis.
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>[X] The door the west, to the meat-labs and creature penis.
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Too bad there's no H here, because that sounds like XRation material.
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We're definetly going to fight Death, at some point or the other. Which brings the question: when that time comes, who will we fight? Komachi, or Yuyuko?
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Okay, sorry, sort of over-reached myself today. Probably no updates until tomorrow.
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Yuyuko. Gives Youmu the necessary motive and character development.

>I'm guessing if we wish to upgrade to the chain whip, Flandre will be the one guarding it.

The Lävatein, the favored magical tool of the younger Scarlet, through mistake of the Head Librarian became possessed by the fire demon Agni; the volatile and destructive temper of the possessed sword empowers and controls its one-time master.

Defeating Agni without killing Flandre will unlock the Good End, and in reward Flandre will bond the enchantment on the broken Lävatein to the Vampire Killer, netting Belmont his strongest weapon upgrade, the Fire Whip.
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We need to find Rudra so we can have a set of talking whips that don't shut the fuck up.
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No, that's not XRation material at all.

No, Xration would be if they went through, killed Remilia, and all that, and just as they're about to leave the castle, Youmu turns, guts Belmont, and knocks out Marisa.
Cut to the dungeons, where Marisa, Keine, and Mokou are being gangraped. Youmu turns out to have been vampirized by Remilia bodyjumping with her soul, or something. Belmont is not dead, but is forced to watch this forever and ever. Oh, and at some point during the original story, Belmont fell in love with Marisa, and now he watches her slowly being mentally broken, and eventually a willing and eager participant in the orgy. Lots of shots of a distraught and tormented Belmont, would be good, too.

Keine gets pregnant with some monster spawn, and Mokou become's Youmumilia's broken plaything. Or Flandre's.

That is closer to XRation.
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>netting Belmont his strongest weapon upgrade, the Fire Whip.

Fucking Playstation. I'm talking SNES, man. Super Nintendo for life.


Now that would be funny.
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>I'm talking SNES, man. Super Nintendo for life.

Simon's Quest, motherfucker, did you play it?
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I like it!
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This needs to be done somehow.
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....fuck Xration.
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fapper no joe
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Generic Drawfag has informed me of a critical element that I neglected to mention in this, the first time: Shotas.

He's quite right, of course.

So, I suppose that there would have been several kids from Keine's school, as well, tied up and forced to watch the debauchery as well. Keine, once mentally broken, and willingly accepting her fate, would be seducing them each, one by one, until their pure souls had become just as tainted as her own newly black heart.
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"That way." You hiss, gesturing to the door and making sure Marisa and Youmu are following as you duck across the dark courtyard. One of them accidently steps on a discarded bone, sending a loud cracking sound echoing out through the night. You all stop dead in your tracks for a moment, dreading the swish of an archer's arrow or the bellow of some watch-beast, but nothing comes. The castle is shockingly silent.
"Watch where you step!" You whisper over your shoulder.
"Sorry!" Marisa says.

Reaching the door, you push against it lightly, testing the lock. The oaken door swings open with ease, barely creaking on the hinges. Ahead of you is one of the castle's internal corridors, carpeted in lush red, walls crimson, ornate with brass scrollwork, hung with paintings you don't care to examine, scenes of vampiric carnage, Remilia's ancestors, conquest and horror. Dozens of candles hang in overhead braces, throwing their weak light over the three of you as you inch your way in through the door.
"It's huge in here." Marisa says, looking up. The ceiling of the corridor does reach up quite far, ten or eleven feet.
"Don't get distracted." You say. It must seem large to a woman who has spent her whole life in small villages and towns, but now is not the time to be admiring the architecture. "Stay focused. We're heading to a very dangerous part of the castle, we need to see what kind of strength Remilia's army has left. We need to see her beast pens, kill anything that might be released against us."
Youmu nods, Marisa gulps a little, biting her lip.
"Follow me, stay sharp." You say.

The corridor stretches out, turning twice, branching off a few times. At every fork you stop, peering around the corner to make sure you're not walking into a trap. The second corner proves the worth of this tactic.
"Shh!" You clamp a hand over Marisa's mouth. "It is only a maid, stay quiet."
You peek back around the corner again. Wiping down one of the paintings on the wall is a maid. Dressed in a black dress with white trim, she could pass for a harmless human at a distance. The bob of blond hair completes the illusion, but the shape of her is all wrong. A little too short, eyes a little too far apart, something wrong with the way she moves, too fluid, too ethereal.
"We have to go past her, do we not? What do we do about her?" Youmu whispers to you.
You frown in thought. She could alert the rest of the castle, and sprites like that never move around alone, there must be others like her nearby.

The maid hums happily as she works.

[ ] Can't risk it, double back, take the long way around.
[ ] Silent kill, with the throwing knife.
[ ] Whip, around her throat so she won't cry out.
[ ] Approach her, try to restrain her, perhaps you can get some information.
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I doubt the fairy would have anything useful to say, be it by ignorance or lack of intelligence. Not to mention she'd probably be so panicked that any interrogation will only result in her babbling incoherently. At the most we could ask her for directions, but Belmont seems to already know the way so why bother? We'd be exposed in the hallway with a squirming sprite and a simple yell from her alerts others to of our presence.

Thus we should just kill or knock her out quickly and hide the body. A knife or whip might work, but what about Youmu? She is literally blinding fast. She could probably just dash forward, cover her mouth, and slit her throat/ snap her neck in a manner of a few seconds. The only question is would Youmu be willing to do this?

If Youmu is faster than a speeding dagger, have Youmu kill/disable the fairy. If not, use the knife and pray you don't miss or use the whip to snap her neck so there is no blood. Mind you, these run the risk of the fairy knocking over something and making a disturbance.

[x] Ask Youmu if she can move fast enough to take down the fairy before it can react.
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[x] Ask Youmu if she can move fast enough to take down the fairy before it can react.

Yeah, I agree with Doujin. Though there is a chance she might know something if she is in charge of the area regarding what is being kept there as well as any new visitors to the castle, I doubt she'd be very talkful.
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[!/] Ask Youmu if she can move fast enough to take down the fairy before it can react.

DO NOT WANT to kill fairy.
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>DO NOT WANT to kill fairy.

We're too soft. Youmu is also too soft. Marisa is useless.

[x] Can't risk it, double back, take the long way around.
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[x] Silent kill, with the throwing knife.

The maids LOOK innocent now.

Then they spot you, bow down, and then they throw piping hot curry from out of fucking nowhere, at your face.

And that curry takes half of your life away.

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[X] Can't risk it, double back, take the long way around.
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[x] Can't risk it, double back, take the long way around.

There's no reason to engage non-combatants if we don't have to. Once we've done significant damage to Remilia's forces, the fairy maids will have gone into hiding and we won't have to worry about them anymore. We need 100% map completion anyway.
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[x] Ask Youmu if she can move fast enough to take down the fairy before it can react.

Heh. We've gone from saving these fairy maids to (possibly) killing them.
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Why the hell else do you think Ciel has trained herself to enjoy the stuff? Hunting down vampires and the like, you gotta adapt to the weapons used against you.
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[x] Whip, around her throat so she won't cry out. Try to be gentle enough not to seriously injure or kill her.
[x] Approach her, try to restrain her, perhaps you can get some information.
[x] Have Youmu and Marisa guard your back and scout around to make sure no one is coming.
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This now makes perfect sense.
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Didn't want to have to do this, but a week's hiatus is in order. End of University term, too much to do, don't want this at the back of my mind, pestering me to write it. Will be back in just over a week, Christmas means lots of uninterrupted writing time, Fist of the North Star over those four weeks of holiday.
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>Fist of the North Star over those four weeks of holiday.

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[ ] Silent hill, with the throwing knife.

Prepare for the true horrors.
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[x] Can't risk it, double back, take the long way around.

Sneakin gaems
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>Simon's Quest, motherfucker, did you play it?
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Ah, yes, I have. I vaguely remember much of it, though. The other ones I could probably recall a lot more of.

Simon's Quest was, in my opinion, not the best of the series. Then again, I have never played the gameboy versions, playstation, or any of the new age crap.
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>>gameboy versions
Fair enough.
I frowned.
>>new age crap
Play PoR and OoE.
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I'm not buying a DS. I really don't play games anymore, either. Unless you have a link to an emulator that doesn't glitch and lag every 5 seconds(even when other programs aren't running) I'd be happy to oblige and play when I can.

Sorry, I just think that games should stick to their origins. I hate seeing all the old games getting trashed by new consoles and the like - companies changing around the story of the game and turning it into another fucking hug-fest like so many have become.

It's just... "depressing", I guess would be most appropriate word for this.
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I agree completely, however, the Castlevania series has managed to stay close to its roots in the sense that the plots have always been utterly silly. What do you expect? This is a series where you hunt Dracula, the plot is about as important as the plot of the original Doom, it is merely an excuse for awesome game play and wonderful design.
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Castlevania thread! Is it me, or is OoE a lot harder than PoR? I got through Portrait like a pro, but I am getting my ass handed to be readily in Order (For example: tower crab took was a nightmare AND IT NEVER ENDS; took me all day to finish).Do I suck or is there a secret? Should I be changing runes that often, or do I need to sit down and grind a few levels out to give myself an advantage?
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The only major changes in Castlevania have been better control, more attacks/weapons/equipment to find, and way more freedom to explore. Get ePSXe and play Symphony of the Night.

Learn the boss patterns, how to hit them without getting hit (too much) yourself. The crab battle is ridiculously long, you need skill to get through it, not grinding. Potions will help, though.
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>The crab battle is ridiculously long, you need skill to get through it, not grinding. Potions will help, though.
>The crab battle is ridiculously long, you need skill to get through it, not grinding. Potions will help, though.
>The crab battle is ridiculously long, you need skill to get through it, not grinding.
>The crab battle is ridiculously long
>The crab battle
>crab battle
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OoE is the only Metroid-style Castlevania to have anything even remotely resembling difficulty, so no, it's not just you. Fortunately it's real difficulty instead of cheapshots. Every boss can be beaten without taking damage, and in fact there are medals to obtain by doing so. Similarly all the enemies have easy ways to defeat them, but will beat you up easily if you just run around. Yes, you should be changing glyphs often, you get the glyph sleeve after the crab for a reason, make good use of it.

Grinding as a rule will not help you, levels make very little difference in your stats and the mastery system needs thousands of kills to see even a 1 point damage improvement. The only effective forms of grinding are for money, which is much easier to come by than in previous games, and for treasure chests, which respawn every time you reenter an area. It pays to be attentive as well, crouch on any ground that looks suspiciously empty and attack any wall that might be breakable.
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I've gotten to that damn crab's fourth stage (third time he breaks the ceiling) twice now and died while trying to jump up to the next level, the magnet power slinging me too far and me being unable to correct while falling. Long boss is somewhat long and frustrating.

And HY needs to update.
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This story probably won't be continuing for the foreseeable future. Utterly demotivated. Sorry everyone.
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This is a dark day. Anyway, don't apologize, we understand.
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Despite what happened in the last time around here and your actions as Mod, i still wish to see you write again.
You as a writer and whatever you do beside that are two different things.
Just don't take YAF serious, no one does. Whatever you said is already forgotten, just calm down and concentrate on writing. I am sure i am not the only one who wants to see you write again.
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Same here. I hope you reconsider and come back sometime. I do enjoy your writing, and I would really like to finish this and possibly a second run-through of bloody mess.
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Don't worry about it. Trying to find a reasonable solution to someone with YAF's personality and fanbase would make anyone snap. I hope you’ll eventually come back to write again after chilling out out a bit.
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Eh, just come back sane. Seems most of the really good writers are pretty similar in personality.
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[X] Approach her, try to restrain her, perhaps you can get some information.

Well informations are always usefull. Like where is Remilia's current position in the Mansion etc..

ALSO: Dear Clone... Don't let your emotions to take the controll of you!
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Come back safe and sound HY, you ae missed already. Take the time over Christmas to cheer up and get your energy back.
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Are you ok now?
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He's dead, Jim
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He can't be, this is too awesome to die.
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I want the other story to continue. Goddammit where'd that bastard get to. Too good to forget about.
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Story is still on hiatus while he works on other projects on THP like PoG, ADP, IPF, and even AFT on /sdm/
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ADP is being continued?

Wait, PoG too? WHOA! It's true!
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What about EoSD? Shit was hilarious for the first three threads.

Also, since I don't want to start a new thread just to ask this: Who are some of the better writefags on this board? I really liked Hungry Youkai!GGKI3UTr5s's stuff but I don't want to spend time reading stories I'm not going to like.
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Why don't you just read everything and see what keeps your interest?
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At this point, there's over 60 stories in existence. The number has probably grown imensely since I last checked, and will continue to grow. Not everyone has the time to check out all of these stories.
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Where is Hungry Youkai anyway?
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On a ship, sailing away.
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Reading 60 opening posts to see if the beginning is interesting and the writing is sufficient isn't that difficult. Pick something, start reading, and stop if it's shit. It's safe to ignore anything that didn't get past thread 1 or 2 before stopping.
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Which ones were those again? Never been good with connecting acronyms to their proper full names.
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ADP - A Different Place
IPF - Involuntary Pedagogic Fantasy
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Do threads get deleted after a certain amount of time, or if they get too far, cause it looks like there are some threads missing.
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Only if they fall off. Threads don't have a specific life time. If you go on /border/ you can go all the way back to the beginning.
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So how's it going?
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Is this still going?
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No, he's writing another spin-off.

Come back in 6 months, maybe.
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6 months?

...Do not want.
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I don't even know what he's writing anymore, or if he is. I haven't seen any posts actually explaining what is going on. I remember seeing him starting writing some pirates thing, then looks like that stopped as well.

All I know is this: HY, if you do continue writing here, dear god, finish this first. I looked forward to this more than any other story on the site.
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He's working on a sci-fi story in /others/

I'm hoping it's actually finished, but people in that thread are remarking on their desire for him to finish his hiatus projects (SDM LA R2, PoG, and this)
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Its just frustrating reading something over the course of a few months, and then suddenly: BAM! No more.
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HY claims he's writing his /others/ story because he's getting back into the loop.
Every one of his stories is a warmup of a warmup.
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He is charging his powers.
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But he did manage to complete one run of a CYOA, a rather impressive feat for the non-flighty, let alone someone like HY.
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I am not on IRC, the people there can probably tell you more about it.
He probably had more willpower, time and.... i have no idea why he could finish it back then and not now. I think it is the same as with Kira.
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I suppose I can't really blame him, I know I jump around on projects myself. But it is disheartening to be dragged around so much. That and when you have an audience you promise something to, kinda a dick move to jump ship partway through on a whim.

Of course, not like he really owes us anything anyway. I like (or did like) this site, but it's definitely not something to fret over enough to sidetrack you from anything of actual importance.

I think too many writers fret over what we'll think when in the long run, it really doesn't matter . Just write something fun, stick with it, and don't worry about if it's good or not. Chances are it probably will be.
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Hello YAF.
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It's the the matter of reputation, since if HY has one of always flaking out, then no one will bother even voting for his stories on the assumption that he'll just leave it on hiatus like 4-6 other stories.

Any future Kira works will be in the shadow of the Snow End.

point is folks are less willing to read HY's stories due to the history of sudden hiatuses; it hasn't gotten to the poing where people write him off entirely, but no one wants to read a story that runs smack into a hiatus wall, especially when said story is entertaining.
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Wow, just wow. Mine was a valid point. Please don't sully it by associating it with...that.

I mean seriously? Has YAF even been on this site at all since he quit writing? Last I heard he was doing CoMN on some blog site or something. I really don't think the "Hello YAF" thing is even relevant anymore (not that YAF was ever really relevant, amirite? ).

Or is that just the most intellectual response you can manage?

The fact is, this is a fanfiction writing site, based on a 2d shooter starring magical lolis. I didn't say its a bad thing per-se...

But it isn't really as important as, for instance, making rent on time, maintaining real life relationships, writing or producing non-derivative works. And so forth.

tl;dr : This site is first, and foremost, just for fun. Don't stress about if your story is good, because no matter how good it is, it is STILL just fan fiction. I think HY just sweats the small stuff too much.
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Get out normalfag.
THP. Serious Business.
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You missed YAF's attention whoring thread on /shrine/, I'd assume?
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You would be correct, sir


Just stating the sad truth. Doesn't mean I'm not one of the obsessed nerds as well, however. I honestly just want HY to continue one of his many stories that he claims are "on hiatus". Particularly this one.
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So I notice people were posting in this topic a little while before all the downtime. Scarletvania will be continued. At the moment, IPF and Fairy Maid come first, but this story will be finished. You can hold me to this.
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Very well, we shall.

Anonymous never forgets.
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He is long gone. Give it up, he hates us and this place.
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Don't forget about me
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Oh Hungry, how we miss you ;_;
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Oh my lanta please dont eviscerate me I was reminiscing and fucked up a sage ;_;
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Jesus christ I did it again
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Is HY even still around?
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I have no idea. Hope someone will answer...
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He's in the IRC, but I've never actually seen him say anything. I have seen him leave and join though, so it can be assumed that he's at least alive
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Bloody hell, this thread is five years old, people. Well done, big hand.

Yes, I'm alive and healthy and still an admin on THP. I just don't have the time to write here these days because I've spent the last few years training my powers in an isolated hut deep in the forest. I'd like to do some more CYOA work once I have a couple of novels published.
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The Legend...
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