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File 147408525465.jpg - (96.13KB, 850x601, __drawn_by_harupaca__sample-c235e59fed5264a6128d8c.jpg)


Tenma has picked up on a potential situation outside.
A criminal element operating in the National Capital Region has, in the course of their expeditious acquisitions, obtained information lending weighty credence to the possibility of a land existing cut off from modern day Japan. This particular band of thieves and malcontents has, on basis of intelligence gleaned from your prior investigation, been assessed as radicalized and non-trivially competent, and must be dealt with before they realize what they have on their hands. Your mission is to find and interrogate their leader, and evaluate the level of intelligence they have procured as well as the origin of this information before reporting back to the handler for new orders and eventual extraction. It is imperative that you determine the source—it is currently unknown how this information still exists after the separation from the outside world.



Humans never realize just how much they keep hurting everyone.

As you pass through the door of the convenience store, the clerk at the front gives you a hearty welcome—clearly with little actual heart, as you note the scent of apathy people in her position always seem to give off beneath the surface. Skimming over the racks of magazines, you pick out one at random to read.


Your glance darts upward from the girls of the outside world to a lone police car outside the store. Standing by the cruiser, its operator's clenched hands and fixation on the radio tell you just what you needed to know as you arrived on this street—that it was a wise choice to not show up in your usual garb, and that your targets are stirring something up exactly where you expected them to.
The fear in the air almost makes you envy your opponents.

In the few passes you've made around the Human Village, Outside World technology was a curious niche. The few who fell in, survived their first nights, and successfully settled into the village found themselves hailed as bright minds in the village, bringing in their customs, ideas, and knowledge for all who were interested. Their bonds of trust with their new home allowed them to change themselves and the village in unprecedented ways. Electricity. Food preservation. Vaccination. Modern undergarments. Imageboards. Belief in no gods. Criminal enterprise.
All of them come from the world you now tread. You've always understood why Gensokyo was separated from the world, but your brief time spent here has only reinforced your low opinion of outsiders. The gods are dead, and the prayers to them move only feelings. A thin fog racked with ill smells and poisons permeates the entire city; perhaps the entire world. The traditions, folklore, history, and the spirits that were formed to be a part of their world—cast away into the margins and footnotes, except when they can sanitize and make profit off it.
It sickens you to see your birthplace in such a state. It makes you feel that those few outsiders who settled into the village deserved to stay in these conditions rather than go and spread their ideas from such a inhumane place.

Right on cue, the sirens peak and then trail off again as six white blurs pass by the store to the source of the panic. You adjust your cap and check your pants one last time—as irritated as your ears and tail are under your clothes, you would much rather avoid the suspicions of the police.
Time to move, then.

The bank is already hemmed in with officers, many of whom are far from confident about the situation in front of them. You push past the crowd forming around the closed-off road and move deep into an adjoining alleyway. After a glance around reveals no witnesses, you tense up and launch yourself onto the roof.
Next, a bounding dash gives you enough momentum to fly over the police blockade and onto the roof of the building. Your targets are running their usual shock-and-awe routine, consistent with what you saw in your prior investigation. Why they're wasting their time on senseless pillaging is beyond you, given the reason for your assignment.

Your pass of the area revealed few entry points you could use for infiltration without leaving a tail to grab onto. The back door is locked, as expected, and the front is under the eyes—and gunsights—of the entire precinct. Your options are down to a broken second-floor window on the front facade—must have been bashed out in the initial takeover of the bank—the skylights, or the loading dock's garage doors.
The window is your best bet by a long shot; a silent entry, and the notice of the police comes second to the notice of the targets. The back door and skylights would be louder, but neither the robbers nor the cops would know it's you breaking in.

Window it is.

You dip down, crawling towards the front facade of the bank. The police won't have the space to react if you pull this off.
As you peer over the roof, your initial evaluation of the officers proves somewhat conservative: they're outright terrified. Whatever negotiation they had going, it fell apart fast. You pull off your hat to overhear some of the hushed tones passing up and down the line.

“We have to hold here for at least five more minutes?”

“They'll be out in two, I know it.”

“Thin blue line my ass, where's the Special Unit?”

“How can they keep this up?”

Their chatter is interrupted by a white-furred mass pivoting off the roof. Specifically, you, as you dart through the window and land in a crouch behind a desk.


“Who was that?”
“...They need to get here now. They know we're not ready.” You shift your attention inwards. The second floor's offices seem bare of— Not bare of life, as an armed robber passes in front of you, surveying the atrium from his balcony. That makes at least one on the second floor. You sense fear from down below. A scene of dread.

“Why are you doing this?”

“They can't keep getting away with this.”

“Calm down, miss. The last thing we want is more blood than we need.”

You register the calming voice as another one of the bank robbers—the leader, in fact. He's down on the first floor, somewhere in the lobby where they're keeping the majority of the hostages, judging from the scent of urine and the thickness of the fear coming from there.

Your objective is to get him. How everyone else is handled, hostages included, is entirely in your own hands. Pain is something you've become well-acquainted with through your line of work. Force and shock, on the other hand, are not your fortes, so it'd be best to avoid taking too many bullets in too short a time. Given that, you start carving out an overall strategy.

[ ] Thin them out slowly. Destabilizing their control of the situation will make it far easier to get to their leader, as well as lower their numbers as you go.
[ ] ULTRA-VIOLENCE—prioritize taking them down as quickly as you can before they realize what's happening around them.
[ ] Just get it done: take the leader hostage and get out with him. No need to get your hands dirty, or bare your fangs before any real trouble comes in.
[ ] Write in.

Along with a rule of engagement:

[ ] Loud and bloody. Collateral is not a concern to your superiors.
[ ] Subtle and sneaky. A show of force from the times of old is not something you'd like to put on for outsider witnesses to see.
[ ] ...Write in?


I couldn't make a contest entry in time, so I pushed to get this out the door.
Please be gentle, this is my first CYOA.
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[x] Just get it done: take the leader hostage and get out with him. No need to get your hands dirty, or bare your fangs before any real trouble comes in.
[x] Subtle and sneaky. A show of force from the times of old is not something you'd like to put on for outsider witnesses to see.

Woot, new story.
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[x] Prioritize taking them down as quickly as you can before they realize what's happening around them.
[x] Subtle and sneaky. A show of force from the times of old is not something you'd like to put on for outsider witnesses to see.

In and out before anyone knows what hit 'em.
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[x] Just get it done: take the leader hostage and get out with him. No need to get your hands dirty, or bare your fangs before any real trouble comes in.
[x] Subtle and sneaky. A show of force from the times of old is not something you'd like to put on for outsider witnesses to see.
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[x] Thin them out slowly. Destabilizing their control of the situation will make it far easier to get to their leader, as well as lower their numbers as you go.
[x] Subtle and sneaky. A show of force from the times of old is not something you'd like to put on for outsider witnesses to see.

So are we more of a Batman, Punisher, or maybe Solid Snake?
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I initially planned out something more to a Punisher, but with how things are turning out (and it's not just the vote), she's closer to Solid Snake now.
How about Venom Snake, then?
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[X] Thin them out slowly. Destabilizing their control of the situation will make it far easier to get to their leader, as well as lower their numbers as you go.
[X] Subtle and sneaky. A show of force from the times of old is not something you'd like to put on for outsider witnesses to see.

This is now a sneaking mission.
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[X] Thin them out slowly. Destabilizing their control of the situation will make it far easier to get to their leader, as well as lower their numbers as you go.
[X] Subtle and sneaky. A show of force from the times of old is not something you'd like to put on for outsider these dudes I know witnesses to see.
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[X] Thin them out slowly. Destabilizing their control of the situation will make it far easier to get to their leader, as well as lower their numbers as you go.
[X] Subtle and sneaky. A show of force from the times of old is not something you'd like to put on for outsider witnesses to see.
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I guess I should call the vote now at this point.
I'm not exactly sure when to call these things, so any idea on a good consistent timeframe for votes to be collected?
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[x] Just get it done: take the leader hostage and get out with him. No need to get your hands dirty, or bare your fangs before any real trouble comes in.
[x] Subtle and sneaky. A show of force from the times of old is not something you'd like to put on for outsider witnesses to see.
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Call it when you're ready to write it.
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son of a bitch i was already writing ita lk;fajwelakjeawef
Okay, better late than never. Votes called.
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File 147460979828.png - (502.03KB, 960x540, notwhatyouthinkitis.png)
[x] Thin them out slowly. Destabilizing their control of the situation will make it far easier to get to their leader, as well as lower their numbers as you go.
[x] Subtle and sneaky. A show of force from the times of old is not something you'd like to put on for outsider witnesses to see.


You mull over your superior's instructions yet again. They've never been one to complain about complications in operations—a messy job is still a job complete, even to particular extremes like driving a truck onto a pedestrian walkway. If it got the job done, the job was done and your superiors would clean up. However, you have your own methods of handling a snatch and grab, and it's not your style to kill those who aren't involved. Or show off exactly how much havoc you can wreak on your opponents.

The robber moves away from the doorway, and moving up to it gives you a good look of the balcony—it wraps around the wall of the atrium, with two entrances to the rest of the offices on the other end. Your view of the ground floor is still obstructed, but you can now see two more robbers watching over a crowd of hostages. With the barricaded windows and teller glass, they clearly have reinforced the structure to a degree. The leader, with his matte black motorcycle helmet that had been plastered all over the media, is discussing the finer points of the situation with a cuffed guard.

“What's worse, y'know? Robbing a bank or human trafficking?”

“What kind of fucking comparison is that!?”

“I know, right?”

You aren't going to take on all of these guys at once, but it'd be good to get rid of some of them. However, going for the goon who just passed by would reveal yourself the lower floor. Luring him somewhere out of view might work, though.
You don't need to think much more before the idea is solid. You will need to cut loose a little to accomplish this, but hopefully you can keep it out of sight and limit yourself close to a human strength.

“What, you think threatening us with that will change your situation?”

“No. But I'd still rather have you get out of this somewhat unharmed. The bank and its money are insured—if you want to add a kill count to this beyond the police forces, do it when it'll actually benefit something.”

You lean in for the jump...

“Is fighting a dipshit like you out of a sense of morality a benefit?”

“It ain't when it's fruitless.”

As the balcony robber's visored helmet turns to move along the the balcony again, you jump and sail across the atrium. The landing is louder than the dash in, but the result gives you what you wanted—someone homing in on a disturbance they could only hear. Or may have seen—but humans don't check above and below them quite often. Speaking of which, you climb up above the doorframe for some added insurance. At first, he hesitates, as he shuffles around behind the doorway, but finally he cuts swiftly into the room—all for naught, as the helmet fails to spot you.
Pretty careful, at least. Would catch any badged officer on equal footing.
You jump for his legs—the man whirls too late as you land, and your arm reaches his own before he can bring the gun to bear.


The flip slams him into the ground, leaving the robber's neck ready for the finisher. You resist the urge to bite and tear; instead, your bring your leg down and crush his trachea.
Thinking back to your prior investigation, you take off his helmet for a chance to get into their comms.
Er. Her. Her eyes would be staring fire into you if they could, but all she can do is convulse as she chokes on her own windpipe. You push onwards and go for your prize—a small headset plugged into a radio on her belt.

“...down. Special Unit is on the scene.” Fit's awkward, but you can hear the chatter fine.

“Magical Girl and the Special Unit, huh?”

“Stigs, keep calm.”

“Of course I'm calm. You calm?”

As your patdown reveals the radio, you pull the microphone out and stuff the radio into your pants. One down, you're inside, and they haven't—
“I'm coming up on the second floor.” Your eyes catch the gun barrel moving into your room from around the corner of a cubicle wall.
The cracks barely catch your skin—but handily catch your ears as your blind dash to the side throws you into a cubicle desk. The radio chatter rises, but your ears are protesting too hard. You strain them in a plea to cooperate.

“Ey, love! Contact on Magical.”


“Fluffy ears.” You grit and wonder if it's still worth pursuing that lack of force option. Your mind quickly beats that down, calling you to keep it subtle or they'll catch on and bolt. Getting back on your feet, you glance around for a distraction before the footfalls get too close to your position.

“Door is drilled, C4 ready.”

“Good. Jimmy, you set that up?”
A stapler? Too light for a throwing item. Scissors... No. You may be strong, but that edge will go nowhere unless you hit the eyes. In desperation, you check some books—and the bookshelf leans ever so slightly.

You hear the robber start to move in on your left.

“Say goodnight, ya—”
And that's all he gets off before a bookcase falls on him. His reaction fire riddles the bookcase silly, but distracts him from a chokehold coming in on his right. He struggles, but eventually lapses into unconsciousness—


And soon he'll lapse into death to asphyxiation. Two down.

“Faust? Looks like he's down for the count too.”

“He was always cocky. You hear that, Stigs?”


While your ears thankfully avoid heaping extra complaints on your head, the ground shakes a fair bit under the force of the explosives. The sound of a disinterested voice on the radio confirms that you can still hear what you need to.

“No, I didn't.”

“Vault's being bagged, move up.” Hm. You move quickly downstairs, sweeping low through the tellers' area before stopping at a view of the exploded vault. You can see a man inside already, going through the money and putting it into duffel bags. They're going fast to rob you of any more opportunities to thin them out, and that means they know you're a danger.

“How about 'squito?”

“He's in the sewers out back; breaking the cordon for this one won't keep our special guest off us.”

“Sounds fine. Jimmy, break the rear open in prep for our escape. Stigs, help bag the loot.”

“And our downed?”

“We can break them out later.” You mull over that last transmission. Is this guy naive enough to think those two aren't dead? Granted, they did mistake your identity, but...
You push that aside as Matte and his buddy, now clearly in view and sporting a similar, if more gaudy neon helmet, move into the vault. Another boom hits—must be the back door. The next part is probably going to go to plan if his orders are correct.

“Special Unit is moving in. They've got a battering ram ready for the front door and a helicopter's already dropping guys off on the roof.” ...Well, great. The police had a similar idea. This complicates your situation far more than you would like; you wouldn't have much time even if they didn't realize you were some fighting vigilante.

“Five bags.”

“Five bags, Masterson?”

“Five bags!”

“Carry two, Shiherlis. I got these. Alright.” You see a gun barrel and Matte (Masterson?) lean out. You ready yourself for another leap..

“We're clear to run for it. Let'shrrghghh”
As the man moves towards the source of the second explosion, you fly out and MISS—miss a knife flying out of the vault. Your landing is perfect, though, and the leading man is taken by surprise as he catches a fully grown wolf tengu in the back.
Of course, his legs give in and hit the ground, and you grab him under your arms as another form exits the vault behind you. You waste no time, whirling around and holding the man up as a cover.
A mistake. No gun is pointed as the man in the neon motorcycle helmet steps out, a shovel in hand. Er, now there is a gun pointed at you, as a third man in a hockey mask leans out with a shotgun.

“Fuck! Fuck!”

“Masterson? What happened?”
You waste no time as you fumble with the straps to try and yank his helmet off.
It doesn't come off. Uh.

“Agh! Easy on the jaw!”

“This is your helmet!” you spout out of frustration.

“You forget a thousand things everyday! Make s-FUCKING CUT THAT OUT!” As you wrench his head back. No dice.

“Masterson!? What is going—”

“Calm your fucking tits, he's fine.” Neon approaches you.

“Fuck! Hey—Stigs, don't!” Masterson squirms. Your hold remains firm as you slowly back up and evaluate possible escape points now. The exit from the vault area (and to the stairs) is behind both “Stigs” and the other goon. To your far side is the backdoor route. Neither are good places to find yourself running to, as in the background the front door bashes open and the shouts of “Police! Hands down!” fill the lobby. Your mind whirls for a way out.

“Hey.” Masteron lightly butts you in the head. You almost crack his neck out of reflex. “I don't know who you are, but you don't realize who the fuck you're dealing with.”

“I know exactly who you are and why I need to do this.”

“Fuck! Not me! Stigs is right in front of us, you idiot!”

“You really like fucking with me, huh?” “Stigs” spins his shovel. You only realize now—Masterson is giving off the scent of fear.

“There's a lot more than me and you dead if you think this is about to accomplish any goals you have. Think!”
You struggle to and ultimately disregard the man's ramblings. You think of the trajectory—could you make a leap with him across the vault area without getting hit? There should be two of them in the rear—could you dodge their fire?

[ ] Dash for the stairs. A shovel and a shotgun won't be able to touch you as long as you keep your hostage ready.
[ ] Back up and dash through the rear with hostage up—nobody will be able to keep up if you run.


The wall behind you is blown apart as your back takes something big. Worse yet, it rips through, and your gut follows suit as you drop down in shock. Your ears, screaming again, tell you of gunfire right behind the wall. He shot you through the wall. Trying to get up, you see the man with the shovel is almost on you.
And the smell of fear is gone. You sense Anger all over, and it's drowning out Masterson's scent even as you keep him held up.

[ ] No point now—use your full power to put down the threat(s) before getting the hell out of Dodge.
[ ] Dash for the rear exit—your hidden man only has a wall between you and him. Exploit it immediately and escape in the alleys before you take too much damage.
[ ] ABSCOND—get past shovel and his shotgun buddy and use the Special Unit as a distraction while you fly through the skylights and out to safety.
[ ] Write-in.

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[X] No point now—use your full power to put down the threat(s) before getting the hell out of Dodge.
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[x] Dash for the rear exit—your hidden man only has a wall between you and him. Exploit it immediately and escape in the alleys before you take too much damage.

This is why I voted for being quick.
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[X] No point now—use your full power to put down the threat(s) before getting the hell out of Dodge.

The time for discretion appears to be over.

Time to put them down.
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