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I don't really want to bump the thread when I have no update to post, so I'm just going to post here.
I've long wanted to get back to A (Lion-)Dog Among Gods, but the whole thing is difficult for all sort of reasons I don't care to re-litigate. The point was posed to me privately that shorter, more self-contained pieces might be a better way to approach getting back into it. However, I've thought about it for a while and haven't come up with any particular thing to write.
So, I've got a couple of question for anyone who's read Lion-Dog: Are there any particular bits of the existing story that you feel would warrant clarification vis-a-vis a short story? Are there any particular scenarios that you would like to see with the given background setting of the story?
N.B. Mind, when I say 'scenario', I mean particular situations, as in "[character] [does specific thing] (optional: [for specific reason]/[in specific context])", not just vague things like "I want to see Aun being happy" or the like.
I'd rather not let the story die entirely, but coming back to it in full fashion isn't going to happen anytime soon, so if you liked Lion-Dog and want more, I'd appreciate feedback.
Sure, I'll throw one in. The exact circumstances of Aunn's departure from the Hakurei Shrine seems likely to be a spoiler, so I won't ask for that, but even if the bridge is burned with Reimu, there were other regulars at the shrine, you know?
As such, how did Kasen and/or Marisa react to Aunn having left Reimu's shrine?
I sort of wanted to see what Kanako's deal was and how it might play out. But something like seeing more of why Sanae is being evasive would be nice too. If that's too big of an ask or too vague, I guess maybe Aun being a good girl and her persistent sleuthing putting one of the Moriya shrine's inhabitants into a situation that they can't wiggle themselves out of without being at least a little bit genuine. Could be a big and plot thing or could be a small and irrelevant thing—I would like to digest even the tiniest crumbs of their private and unguarded selves.
Kasen's had no mention or appearance since Wild and Horned Hermit, so I don't see her as being around much or at all nowadays. Marisa is still a possibility, though, so I'll try to think on it. Are you solely interested in those two? Nobody else? Just asking to perhaps tease out anything further.
>what Kanako's deal was
>why Sanae is being evasive
These are plot points in the main story, so I don't think I can really cover them in a short. At least, not to any degree as to fully explain what's going on. Maybe there's something that could be done to give more context to the latter, but I'm not sure right this moment. Is there anything specific that has happened or been mentioned regarding either point that you're curious about?
>Aun being a good girl and her persistent sleuthing putting one of the Moriya shrine's inhabitants into a situation that they can't wiggle themselves out of without being at least a little bit genuine
Going to be honest, I'd need a pretty illustrative example of what you mean, because nothing comes to mind otherwise. Genuine in what sense? What sort of situation forces that?
Honestly, I picked Kasen/Marisa since they're the most frequent visitors to the shrine, and I figured they'd be the most likely to actually react to it. I suppose I could also see Yukari doing something about Aunn moving, Aya/Hatate writing an article about it, or perhaps Remilia commenting to Sakuya about it.
Basically, it's really about how the rest of Gensokyo responds to Aunn switching shrines. Figured it could be an interesting small character moment that doesn't require you to go super in-depth as to why Reimu kicked her out.
Understandable if it can't be done because it's a whole plot thing. Just would be nice to see something even a little bit of what they're hiding. I don't know what would force that beyond Aun continuing to be nosy but I care mostly about in learning more about the characters beyond that they're being evasive/out of sorts because reasons.
>I care mostly about learning more about the characters beyond that they're being evasive/out of sorts because reasons.
Sure, but what kinds of things about them do you really want to know? Their shoe size? Their favourite food? Their opinion on foreign policy? I'm afraid that I don't know what in particular to say about anyone absent further context; I can't even think of good examples.
So, what I'm hearing is basically some kind of vignette about one or more of those characters' reaction(s) to Aun not being at the Hakurei Shrine anymore? Is there anything in particular you would expect out of such a thing — structure, context, plot? I'm still a little unsure how to begin thinking about the suggested situation as of yet.
Yeah, that's it. It's hard for me to suggest what the vignette might be, simply because I don't know the details of why Aunn left the shrine, and whether the outside characters would side with her or with Reimu on hearing the details.
That said, if you want more detail to work with, why not Hatate or Aya looking to write a newspaper article on it? It starts with the tengu hearing about Aunn leaving, various beats would be the tengu interviewing anyone and everyone they can about the situation (the key ones being Aunn at the Moriya Shrine and Reimu at the Hakurei Shrine, though anyone with a strong enough opinion to react could be included), and then the climax of the story is... well, do they post the article? Do they hold back the worst of it for Reimu/Aunn's sake? Or maybe Yukari or the Moriya gods threaten them into withholding those details, or even scrapping the article entirely. Or maybe they have no qualms about adding fuel to the fire, as the inter-shrine drama will fuel readership. I can't say which, as it'd be you telling the story. What fits the characters?
Nothing so trivial. It's their personalities. Their characterizations. What sequence of events bring out the feelings and thoughts about those things and them isn't really something I can suggest—that's up to you because it depends on the things you want to do with those characters.
Maybe I'm doing a poor job of explaining this but it seems obvious to me: I would like to learn more about who they actually are because one of the things that seemed clear to me from reading the story was that they were all hiding their actual thoughts and feelings because (plot) reasons. I want to see a little behind the curtain and it doesn't matter if it's their opinions on whatever trite things you listed so long as it's something that's important to them or their character. Again, not something I can suggest since only you would know what those things are. All I can offer is the most general setups for that like Aun sleuthing around, uncovering something that can't be avoided, overhearing something, being nosy, talking over drinks/tea, etc. since I can't know what you know and feel about the characters and what would come out.
If you can't do that, that's fine. I don't mind little vignettes as suggested by another poster and a clash with Aya in terms of reporting or managing the "truth" that's printed in any article could be interesting. My main interest in the story comes from the characters and their depictions and I can't tell you what they should be.
In all honesty, I'm not sure if I can do what you're asking. Probably the deepest problem with the main story is that I figured out after a point that I don't feel secure in knowing much about the principle characters much less what to do with them. The plot, such as it was, was based on a couple of arbitrary answers to questions posed to me, and I'm lukewarm at best on those points now; the main thing stopping me from redoing everything is not knowing what I'd do instead. On top of that, I had (and still have) numerous wide gaps in my understanding of the characters that can't be bridged just by reading some profiles and manga. For instance, I couldn't tell you who Sanae is outside of her shrine maiden role; I don't know what she's actually interested in, what she normally does in her free time, how she feels about this thing or the other, etc. The foundations for all of those characters is shaky at best, and I don't know what concrete steps I can take to fix that.
So, I don't know what else to say. I can maybe string together something from suggestions about specific scenarios, and that's about the best I can do right now. Sitting still for a long time only continues to hurt me, so I'd like to somehow keep moving forward and eventually find some way of fixing the foundational issues, and I think the only way that's likely to happen is a process of doing and discovery. However, motivating that process isn't something I can do myself. What I'm doing right now is all I know to do at this point.
I'm sorry to unload all of this behind-the-curtain talk, but what you're asking touches right on a lot of the deep frustrations I've had with this story and writing in general.
As I said before, it's fine if you can't. While I'm interested in what I'm interested, the simpler idea about the aftermath at the Hakurei shrine is also ok. I'm partial to a series of short notes/articles by Aya following attempts to interview the involved parties as a style and/or framing device. Though, perhaps, that might end up being more about Aya and her pushiness rather than the interview subjects (Reimu, Aunn, Marisa?, others?) themselves. Dunno what the other anon might think.